
Surprise: Univision Actually Gets 'Allahu Akbar' Coverage Right

April 19th, 2017 11:28 PM
Raise your hand if you thought that Univision, of all outlets, would defy politically correct media convention and be the most factually accurate when it came to covering the utterances made by the shooter upon his arrest in Fresno, California. Shockingly, this is exactly what happened.

Univision Anchors Think Their Viewers Are Stupid

April 18th, 2017 11:12 PM
If there is another explanation for what was a stunning exchange between the anchors at the close of Noticiero Univision earlier this week, I'd like to hear it. On April 17, viewers saw an exchange between Jorge Ramos and María Elena Salinas so fundamentally devoid of situational self-awareness that there is no other rational takeaway than an institutional assumption of staggering viewer…

Did Mexican Town Co-Opt Trump's Tough Stance On Immigration?

April 17th, 2017 11:34 PM
Univision's need to inject the specter of Donald Trump into every immigration story is getting out of hand, as we see from a recent report from a small town in Oaxaca, Mexico, that has closed its doors to Central American immigrants. But did Trump really have anything to do with this, or was something else at play?  

Univision ocultó la inmigración de cobertura de asesinatos MS-13 en NY

April 17th, 2017 9:08 AM
La división de noticias de Univision es experta en reportar noticias que podrían ser de interés a su teleaudiencia nacional, mientras que a la misma vez ocultan elementos de la noticia que podrían ser dañinos al arco narrativo de la cadena o de sus intereses comerciales. El ejemplo más receinte de ese sesgo por omisión viene mediante la cobertura brindada a la racha de asesinatos cometidos por la…

Luis Gutiérrez arenga Univision a cubrir marcha 'Día Sin Inmigrantes'

April 16th, 2017 10:34 PM
¿Qué sucede cuando el congresista favorito de Univision honra, como lo hace con gran frecuencia, el set de su programa dominical de asuntos políticos? Pueden esperarse distorsiones, historia revisada, y puro partidismo en su forma más agria. Sin embargo, esta vez, el congresista Luis Gutiérrez (D-IL) asumió el rol de director de noticias.

Alt-Left Insanity: Steal Votes From White Men, Then Steal Their Stuff

April 14th, 2017 7:42 AM
The alt-left are like the Rosie Ruiz of politics. Ruiz won the 1980 Boston Marathon and she did it in classic liberal style. I’ll let Time describe it: “Ruiz made winning a marathon look easy. And it was, using her signature strategy: Don’t run the whole thing.”

Univision Hid Immigration From Coverage of MS-13 Murders in NY

April 14th, 2017 12:30 AM
Univision's news division is particularly adept at covering stories that could be of interest to its national audience, while at the same time burying any element of the story that could be damaging to the network's narrative arc or business interests. The most recent example of that bias by omission comes via Univision's coverage of MS-13's murder spree in Long Island, New York.

UPDATED: Luis Gutierrez Directs Univision Coverage of May Day Mayhem

April 13th, 2017 2:59 PM
What happens when Univision's go-to Member of Congress graces, as he does routinely, the network's Sunday show set? You get distortions, revised history, and pure partisanship. This time, though, Congressman Luis Gutiérrez (D-IL) also acted as news director.

Cobertura 'Opción Nuclear' de Univision obvió a Miguel Estrada

April 11th, 2017 11:15 PM
La cobertura brindada por Univision a la confirmación de Neil Gorsuch al Tribunal Supremo de los Estados Unidos logró contarnos un gran cuento sobre la temible opción nuclear, mientras que a la vez logró omitir mención del bloqueo partidista demócrata contra Miguel Estrada en el 2001.

Alt-Left Insanity: Forget 1,197,704 Violent Crimes, ‘Abolish' Police!

April 8th, 2017 9:13 AM
In a week where we’re getting a new Supreme Court justice, the alt-left has been supremely insane. They have moved into a complete panic about the world, blaming the end to their filibuster on divisive Republicans. Somehow they seem to forget a bit of the Supreme injustice they’ve inflicted on various right-leaning nominees. Does the term “Borking” remind you of something?

Univision's Nuclear Option Coverage Avoids Inconvenient Miguel Estrada

April 7th, 2017 4:54 PM
Univision's coverage of the confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the United States Supreme Court managed to weave a grand tale about the fearsome nuclear option, while entirely omitting any mention of the partisan Democratic filibuster against Miguel Estrada. 

En Univisión: relaciones públicas para Planned Parenthood

April 3rd, 2017 10:28 PM
Univision vuelve a comprobar que el acceso irrestringido al aborto ocupa un lugar preferencial de prioridad editorial para la cadena. Este sesgo se desplegó plenamente en días recientes, mediante una serie de reportajes sobre Planned Parenthood que se pautaron para coincidir precisamente con la campaña "PinkOut" del principal proovedor de abortos del país, y en oposición a recortes de fondos…

Univision Pinks Out For Planned Parenthood

March 31st, 2017 11:51 PM
Univision has demonsrated, yet again, that unfettered access to abortion-on-demand remains high on the network's policy advocacy agenda, second, perhaps, only to immigration. The blatant advocacy was on full dsiplay in recent days, in a series of  Univision stories on Planned Parenthood that was perfectly timed to coincide with the PinkOut campaign on behalf of the nation's leading abortion…

Univision reporta sobre deportados que encuentran empleos en Mexico

March 29th, 2017 1:12 AM
Asombrosamente, Univision acaba de transmitir otro informe que va en contra de sus narrativas y corrientes acostumbradas. Esta vez, se trata de los recién deportados nacionales mexicanos que felizmente se están reintegrando al mercado laboral de su país natal.