
La obsesión con Trump de Univisión se extiende a Melania

September 21st, 2016 5:18 PM
La obsesión de Univisión contra Trump no se limita solamente al candidato presidencial. Últimamente se ha extendido también a quien podría llegar a ser la primera dama de Estados Unidos, Melania Trump.

Univisión y Telemundo informan que aumenta la inmigración ilegal

September 21st, 2016 1:12 PM
Univisión y Telemundo informan que hubo un aumento en el paso de inmigrantes no autorizados a través de la frontera desde México hacia Estados Unidos. Pero en marcado contraste, las cadenas de habla inglesa ABC, CBS y NBC todavía no han informado sobre esta tendencia creciente.

Jorge Ramos insta a moderadores a abandonar objetividad en debates

September 20th, 2016 11:17 PM
El presentador de Noticiero Univision Jorge Ramos persiste en justificar la iniciativa "Ramos debe irse" del MRC. Su columna de opinión de esta semana hace un llamado a los moderadores de los debates presidenciales a que abandonen la objetividad y se unan al debate.

Univision’s Trump Obsession Extends to Melania

September 20th, 2016 7:00 AM
The anti-Trump obsession at Univision is not limited to the presidential candidate. It has also extended lately to the prospective future First Lady of the United States, Melania Trump.

Nets Dismiss Over 800 Illegals Wrongly Granted Citizenship

September 19th, 2016 10:40 PM
Following the two weekend terrorist attacks carried out by naturalized US citizens, the Department of Homeland Security’s inspector general announced Monday that 800 individuals slipped through the cracks and were wrongly granted citizenship. And yet, ABC and NBC failed to report it that evening, while CBS buried it in a Donald Trump report with no context. 

Jorge Ramos: More Candy Crowleys, Please.

September 19th, 2016 1:14 PM
Univision/Fusion anchor Jorge Ramos continues to do his best to justify the underlying bases behind the MRC's "Ramos Must Go" campaign. This week's multinational syndicated opinion column features a call for debate moderators to join him in abandoning objectivity and inserting themselves into the debates.

Rising Illegal Immigration Reported on Univision, Telemundo

September 18th, 2016 6:45 PM
Univision and Telemundo are reporting on the increased influx of unauthorized immigrants coming across Mexico’s border with the United States. In contrast, Univision and Telemundo’s English-language counterparts at ABC, CBS and NBC have yet to report on the trend.

Activismo electoral de Ramos enciende campaña “¡Ramos debe irse!"

September 15th, 2016 12:05 AM
En reacción a las repetidas declaraciones públicas del presentador principal de noticias de Univisión Jorge Ramos oponiéndose a la elección de Donald Trump, se ha puesto en marcha una campaña para denunciar la cobertura tendenciosa de Ramos y presionar a Univisión para que lo suspenda como presentador de noticias desde ahora hasta el día de las elecciones.

Mega Anchor Reads Riot Act Over ‘Sex with Hillary’ Remark

September 14th, 2016 2:07 AM
One would think that a story in which a Hispanic South Florida congressional candidate is caught on tape saying crude, sexual things about his own party's presidential candidate - the first female major-party nominee in our nation's history - would garner top billing on our major domestic Spanish-language newscasts...which are, after all, based in Miami. And yet here we are again, talking about…

La tendencia liberal de Univisión causa protestas

September 13th, 2016 8:44 PM
La implacable tendencia liberal y el activismo político del gigante de televisión en español Univisión durante 2016 han desatado protestas finalmente frente a los estudios de la cadena en Doral, Florida.

Spanish Nets Diverge On Clinton Pneumonia Coverage

September 13th, 2016 5:14 PM
As expected, the top domestic Spanish-language network newscasts each led with reporting on Hillary Clinton's medical incident while at Sunday's 9/11 commemoration ceremony. However, coverage of the same was divergent in scope and framing. One network echoed the rest of the establishment media's coverage of the story, while the other kept focus on the very aspect that the others tried to bury.

Univision’s Liberal Bias Sparks Protests

September 13th, 2016 3:59 PM
The unrelenting liberal bias and political activism of Spanish-language television giant Univision during 2016 has finally sparked protest activity in front of the network’s Doral, Florida studios. A diverse and surprisingly numerous coalition of Trump supporters in South Florida - estimated by the Doral Police Department to number in the hundreds - made a spirited show of force outside Univision…

Univision, acorralada

September 11th, 2016 11:23 PM
Al cubrir los sesgos inherentes a la cobertura noticiosa de la cadena Univision, es de suma importancia mirar más allá de los informes en sí. Un reporte reciente del Wall Street Journal nos hace recordar la importancia crítica de examinar el entorno corporativo de Univision, y tomar nota de posibles puntos de intersección con su cobertura noticiosa.

Univision Under Siege

September 9th, 2016 9:15 AM
When covering the biases inherent to Univision's television news coverage, it is very important to look beyond the stories themselves.  A recent report from The Wall Street Journal reminds us of the critical need to take the occasional dive into the underlying business environment at Univision, and to note the points at which it intersects with its news coverage.