
Es cierto: Univision fiscaliza más a Peña Nieto que a Hillary Clinton
August 23rd, 2016 11:18 AM
Si alguna vez se preguntaban lo que sería Noticias Univision cuando se interesa en reportar sobre escándalos y en exigirle cuentas a los poderosos, están de plácemes. Es decir, siempre y cuando no esperen que esos reportajes fiscalizen a políticos demócratas en los Estados Unidos.

It's True: Univision Tougher on President of Mexico Than on Hillary
August 23rd, 2016 8:00 AM
If you ever wondered what Univision's news division looks like when it wants to report on scandals and hold the powerful accountable, you're in luck. Just don't expect any of that reporting to affect Democratic politicians in the United States.

Univision adquiere a Gawker. ¿Ahora, qué sigue?
August 22nd, 2016 2:27 PM
secó la tinta, y un juez de quiebras aprobó la semana pasada la la compra de Univision de Gawker Media por $135 millones en subasta. ¿Cómo engrana Gawker con la estrategia mediática de Univision, y qué sigue tras esta movida? Veamos.

Ramos en pie de guerra tras anuncio de posible giro migratorio Trump
August 22nd, 2016 1:33 PM
Este artículo iba a ser redactado inicialmente como un preanálisis de la cobertura que nuestros medios nacionales de habla hispana darían a la noticia de un posible cambio de giro de Donald Trump en el tema migratorio. Por supuesto, eso se fue por la borda tan pronto Jorge Ramos entró ayer a su cuenta de Twitter.

Trump Immigration News Breaks, Jorge Ramos Predictably Loses His Mind
August 22nd, 2016 8:00 AM
This post was originally going to be written as a "what to expect" sort of pre-analysis to how our domestic Spanish-language news media might react to news of a potential Donald Trump shift on immigration. Of course, that pretty much went out the window once Jorge Ramos logged on to Twitter today.

Univision Buys Gawker. What's Next?
August 18th, 2016 10:33 PM
The dust has settled, the ink has dried, and a bankruptcy judge has approved Univision's purchase of Gawker Media for $135 million at auction. How does Gawker fit into Univision's media strategies, and what follows this blockbuster move? Let's take a look.

Fusion: Olympian's Fable About Robbery in Rio is 'White Privilege'
August 18th, 2016 3:33 PM
Marisa Kabas, a reporter for Univision-owned website Fusion, devoted a series of Twitter posts on Thursday to forwarding the wild theory that Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte displayed his "white privilege" in his dubious claim that he was robbed at gunpoint while in Rio. Kabas targeted Jason Howerton of The Blaze, after he Tweeted, "Seriously, how did you did make Lochte **allegedly** being a jerk…

Univision Noticias vuelve a enmudecer respecto a la Fundación Clinton
August 16th, 2016 11:44 PM
Hace poco más de un año, expusimos por primera vez los esfuerzos de Univisión por suprimir intencionalmente cualquier noticia de matiz negativo con respecto a la Fundación Clinton. Hoy vemos que poco ha cambiado desde entonces.

Melania en la mirilla de Univisión
August 16th, 2016 9:37 PM
Fiel a su patrón de cobertura consistentemente anti-Trump, ahora Univisión se está enfocando en la historia de Melania Trump como inmigrante a los EE.UU., convirtiéndola en su tema de noticias más importante en el programa semanal, Al Punto.

Univision Helps Spin Latest Clinton Foundation Controversies
August 16th, 2016 5:57 PM
It was barely a year ago when we first uncovered Univision's willfull blacking out of any potentially harmful news surrounding the Clinton Foundation. It appears that very little has changed since then. On Sunday's Al Punto, Jorge Ramos and Congressman Xavier Becerra (D-CA34) had this brief exchange upon concluding their deep analyses of Melania Trump's pre-marital immigration statuses.

La transición al partidismo de Jorge Ramos queda consumada
August 16th, 2016 2:53 PM
Recientemente, detallamos nuestra inquietud respecto a la manera en que el presentador de Univision/Fusion Jorge Ramos pudiese haber cruzado la línea al escribir una columna de endoso implícito a Hillary Clinton. Sin embargo, su columna más reciente elimina toda duda y cruzó la línea final entre el periodismo de agenda y el partidismo político.

Univision Goes After Melania
August 16th, 2016 8:15 AM
True to its consistently anti-Trump motif, Univision has now turned its attention to Melania Trump’s history as an immigrant to the U.S., making the subject the top story on the network’s weekly public affairs program, Al Punto.

Jorge Ramos se alista para hacerle campaña a Hillary
August 15th, 2016 1:19 PM
Los días en que el presentador de noticias de Univisión Jorge Ramos juraba que jamás le diría a su público por quien votar han llegado a su fin.

ABC, Univision Censor Clintons' Donations To Own Charity
August 12th, 2016 10:40 PM
On Friday, the Big Three and Spanish broadcast networks' evening newscasts all reported on Hillary Clinton releasing her joint tax returns with her husband, Bill, and how much they gave to charity. However, ABC and Univision conspicuously left out that the Clintons made almost all of their 2015 charitable donations to their own foundation. NBC's Kristen Welker (along with CBS and Telemundo)…