
GAME OVER: The FCC Greenlights Univision’s Deal With 'Radio Soros'
As expected, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has cleared the way for the Soros-backed Latino Media Network’s (LMN) purchase of 18 Televisa Univision radio stations, among them Miami’s Radio Mambí.

Jorge Ramos Argues Ye Olde 'Spanish-Language Disinfo', Spreads Disinfo
Univision’s Jorge Ramos dealt the Spanish-language disinformation card during an interview with U.S. Rep. María Elvira Salazar (R-FL), and in the process dealt a steaming pile of disinformation of his own.

Univision Gives Sexist Opponent A Platform To Dunk On Mayra Flores
In case anyone wondered that Univision really thought of Congresswoman Mayra Flores (R-TX), one need look no further than the post-midterm edition of Al Punto con Jorge Ramos, which kicked off by giving her opponent the opportunity to take a victory lap.

Univision's Jorge Ramos Blames Hispanic Shift To GOP On…Immigration???
It took the readers of Univision anchor Jorge Ramos´ latest opinion column 17 paragraphs of nonsensical fluff to confirm the degree of the veteran journalist´s disconnection from the very demographic he addresses and interacts with on a daily basis: According to Ramos, the reason Hispanics have shifted away from the Democratic Party is because Biden (and Obama) failed to legalize 10 million…

POLL CONFIRMS: Spanish-Language Media Are Biggest Spreader of Disinfo
We’ve often said that the nation’s Spanish-language corporate media are unequivocally the biggest source and spreaders of Spanish-language disinformation to a vulnerable audience that relies on these news divisions for information on the events of the day. A recent poll has now arrived at the same conclusion, thus confirming our long-held thesis.

Univision Shames Republican Victim of Political Violence in Florida
A volunteer for Senator Marco Rubio (R) Fla., was in the hospital after being brutally attacked during a midterm campaign event, and just like Rubio predicted over a Univision interview following the incident, the very network ended up victim-shaming the Republican to the point of implying that perhaps he deserved to be beaten.

Latino Media IGNORE Memo Proving Mayorkas KNEW ‘Whipping’ Was Fake
The very networks that insist on immigration being a top concern for Latino voters (it isn’t), and made a huge deal of the photographs taken of mounted Border Patrol agents holding horse reins while trying to control a group of unruly Haitian migrants crossing into U.S. territory in 2021, have remained silent about the revelation that Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas purposely…

Univision, Telemundo Rush to Defend ILLEGAL Post-Ian Looters
The want for a steady audience to ensure their networks' survival got the best of Univision and Telemundo’s newsrooms during their reports this week about four looters -- three of whom are undocumented migrants -- that were arrested in the hurricane-ravaged community of Fort Myers, Florida.

Jorge Ramos Can't Stop, Won't Stop Bending The Knee To AOC
As sure as Death, Taxes, and the Sun rising in the East, Univision senior anchor and Special Editorial Advisor to the CEO Jorge Ramos will find a way to display effusive servility to Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).

Why Did Jorge Ramos Not Ask 'Karla Marx' About Perv Teacher Friend?
Univision's Jorge Ramos proves once again that he is only interested in standing "opposite to power" so long as the "power" has an "R" after its name. There's otherwise no need to worry about getting a tough question, as shown in his interview of the Democrat candidate for Florida's lieutenant governorship, Karla Hernández Mats.

Column: Young Florida Socialist Heavily Promoted for Congress
There’s a hot new young socialist Democrat candidate for Congress that the leftist media are heavily promoting, like he’s the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of this cycle. It’s Maxwell Frost, a 25-year-old veteran of the gun-grabbing March For Our Lives lobbying group. As one colleague put it to me, “They’re going to put a rocket on this kid’s back.”

DISGUSTING: Univision Practically Promotes Childlessness
Univision News joined their mainstream counterparts in promoting the Great Reset plan to depopulate Earth in the name of the so-called global warming crisis, with a midday report that warned about the skyrocketing costs of having a family. Like, can you imagine having to spend your hard earned income on housing, feeding, and educating your kin?

Univision Anchor SCHOOLS Socialist Candidate
Kristen González, the Democrat primary winner for NYC's newly-drawn Senate District 59, spent time on Univision's Linea de Fuego praising the marvels of 'democratic socialism' on Monday, only to be schooled by anchor Luis Carlos Velez on what it really means to millions of Hispanics fleeing from socialist countries in Latin America, including those tuned-in to the political analysis…

PROPAGANDA: Para Univisión, el precio de la gasolina 'alegra el alma´
El presidente Joe Biden afirmó falsamente frente a las cámaras que en el mes de julio "nuestra economía tuvo una inflación de cero por ciento". El equipo de noticias matutinas de Univisión informó que el ritmo de la inflación había descendido a 8.7%, "todavía alto pero inferior al 9.1% de junio". Pero el reportero Galo Arellano, fungiendo de propagandista para el régimen, insistió en que el…