Protestas contra Hillary censuradas por Univisión y Telemundo

May 12th, 2016 2:57 PM
Mientras muchos concentraban su atención en el tuit de Donald Trump sobre el Cinco de Mayo, cientos de personas protestaban un mitin de Hillary Clinton celebrando esa fecha mexicana la semana pasada en el East Los Angeles College. Pero las cadenas líderes de la televisión en español del país, Univisión y Telemundo, censuraron totalmente la historia en sus noticieros nocturnos nacionales.

Estudiantes “Dump Trump” sostienen un argumento dudoso en Univisión

May 10th, 2016 8:17 PM
Decir "construir el muro" es algo "feo y racista" para los estudiantes de una escuela secundaria del sur de California que se oponen a  Trump y aparecieron en un informe reciente de Univisión.

Trashing Trump: Jorge Ramos Bordering On Obsessive

May 10th, 2016 7:30 AM
Jorge Ramos’ weekly Al Punto program on Univision gives the nation’s leading Latino journalist-turned-activist a weekly platform for turning practically every topic to Trump. In fact, in four out of the five segments of the latest edition of the hour-long Sunday public affairs show, Ramos led guest after guest into a volley of broadsides against the GOP’s presumptive 2016 presidential nominee.

CBS, NBC Whine about Trump Rehashing Bill Clinton’s Sex Scandals

May 9th, 2016 9:40 PM
As predicted, with Hillary Clinton all but confirmed as the Democrat nominee the liberal media has stepped up their game of protect her. On Monday evening CBS and NBC took to whining about Donald Trump’s latest attacks on the former secretary of state and her husband. “She was an unbelievably nasty, mean enabler, and what she did to a lot of those women is disgraceful,” Trump exclaimed at a…

Anti-Hillary Protests Blacked Out By Univision, Telemundo

May 9th, 2016 2:57 PM
At the same time so many people were focused on Donald Trump’s Cinco de Mayo tweet, hundreds of others were actually protesting Hillary Clinton’s Cinco de Mayo rally last week at East Los Angeles College. But the nation’s leading Spanish-language television networks, Univision and Telemundo, entirely blacked out the story on their national evening news programs.

On Univision, Vicente Fox Calls for Vote Against Trump

May 6th, 2016 12:30 PM
Former President of Mexico Vicente Fox has taken to Univision to call on Mexicans able to vote in the United States to vote against presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, just hours after ostensibly “apologizing” to him. Less than 24 hours after what Fox himself told Mexican radio was really only a strategic apology, Fox was back to form on Univision, condemning Trump and…

'Dump Trump' Protesters Tell Dubious Sob Story on Univision

May 6th, 2016 7:20 AM
“Build the wall” is an “ugly and racist” thing to say in the eyes of the anti-Trump Southern California high school students featured in a recent national evening news report on Univision.

ABC, CBS Brush Over Huma, NBC Chats with Alleged Clinton Server Hacker

May 5th, 2016 9:53 PM
A new development in Hillary Clinton’s e-mail server scandal broke Thursday. Clinton’s longtime aide Huma Abedin was finally questioned by the FBI. Throughout the day most news outlets praised it as a sign that the investigation was coming to a close. ABC's World News Tonight dedicated a quick news brief to the topic, while CBS Evening News only allowed it two sentences. While its competitors…

ABC, CBS Tout Clinton Election Machine in Time for the General

May 4th, 2016 9:15 PM
With conventional wisdom pointing to both the Democrats and the Republicans having presumptive nominees the media is hyping a major fight brewing between the parties. ABC spent their Wednesday evening newscast touting how prepared the Clinton election machine was for a general election bout. “Tonight, Hillary Clinton launching her first general election attack … Backing it up with a new video,”…

Univision, Telemundo omiten las causas del impago de Puerto Rico

May 4th, 2016 3:43 PM
Quienes dependían de Telemundo o de Univisión para enterarse de cómo Puerto Rico cayó en la cesación de pagos más grande de su historia el primero de mayo de 2016, tendrían que ser perdonados por no tener absolutamente ninguna idea acerca de las verdaderas causas del incumplimiento, que incluye un aparato del sector público que se ha mantenido patéticamente adicto a incurrir en gastos…

Missing Back Story on Puerto Rico’s May Day Default

May 2nd, 2016 9:55 PM
If you were depending on Telemundo or Univision for your news as Puerto Rico careened toward its largest default yet on May Day 2016, you would have to be forgiven for having absolutely no idea about the real causes behind the territory’s massive default, including a public sector apparatus that has remained pathetically addicted to unsustainable levels of spending at all levels.

Broadcast Networks, Hispanic Media Bypass Weak Economic Growth

May 2nd, 2016 5:27 PM
The U.S. economy slowed down so much last quarter that even Europe’s economy grew faster. But if you just watched the broadcast networks’ and Hispanic media’s evening news programs, you wouldn’t have known that. The U.S.’s real gross domestic product (GDP) only rose at a 0.5 percent annualized rate in the first quarter of 2016, marking the lowest rate since the first quarter of 2014. Even in the…

Univisión analiza peligro de menores indocumentados con tuberculosis

May 1st, 2016 1:35 PM
Gracias al empeño de Judicial Watch, la misma organización que ha seguido enérgicamente en las cortes la ética de la actuación de Hillary Clinton cuando era secretaria de estado, se conoce ahora una serie de mensajes internos de correo electrónico de los Centros para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC por sus siglas en inglés) que documentan los riesgos de seguridad y de salud que se…

Univisión: favorecer la seguridad de las fronteras es anti-inmigrante

April 30th, 2016 4:10 PM
Al informar sobre las protestas ocurridas afuera de uno de los actos políticos de Donald Trump en el sur de California, el reportero de Univisión Enrique Acevedo decidió lanzar una indirecta contra el principal aspirante a la candidatura presidencial por el partido Republicano.