PBS's Erbe: Pope Benedict 'Horrifically Ignorant

March 18th, 2009 5:47 PM
Hell hath no fury like a feminist writer directing a hissy fit at the pope.Bonnie Erbe -- the US News & World Report contributing editor and PBS "To the Contrary" host who argued that Bristol Palin is more "mature" than her abstinence education-advocating mother -- finds the pope "horrifically ignorant" when it comes to HIV/AIDS. What exactly did the pontiff say that set Erbe off? Try, "AIDS…

USNews's Erbe: Bristol Palin Has More Maturity than Mother

March 13th, 2009 1:24 PM
With the writing style and gravitas worthy of a high school newspaper columnist, PBS "To the Contrary" host and US News & World Report columnist Bonnie Erbe slammed Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin in her March 12 column, pitting her against her daughter Bristol who "displays a lot more personal maturity and decision-making ability than her mother" as evidenced by the breaking off of her engagement…

USNews Columnist: Dems 'Must' Keep Census Political -- 'Gerrymander an

March 10th, 2009 10:34 AM
Bonnie Erbe, a columnist and blogger for U.S.News and World Report, is keen to make sure that Democrats continue to cheat on re-districting as much as possible. She is insisting that Democrats not fall for a bi-partisan or a fair approach to re-districting and says that the Census should stay "politicized" because, after all, it’s Democrats in power now! So, as far as she is concerned, the…

PBS's Erbe: Dems Must 'Gerrymander Away', Politicize Upcoming Census

March 3rd, 2009 5:04 PM
Taxpayer-subsidized journalist Bonnie Erbe has some advice for Democrats: use the 2010 Census and subsequent redistricting to your maximum advantage to gerrymander and "gender-mander" the Congress chock full of left-wing constituencies.Writes the PBS "To the Contrary" host on a March 3 post at her Jefferson Street blog at US News & World Report (emphasis mine):Depoliticize the Census? Surely…

US News Writer Claims Palin Supporters Smearing Gov. Jindal as 'Secret

February 25th, 2009 3:42 AM
One has to wonder about the thought process of some people. Dan Gilgoff, Faith reporter with U.S. News and World Report and Huffington Post writer, is a perfect example of what I am talking about. After a February 23 posting on Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal's Catholic faith, Gilgoff followed up the next day with a post claiming that Sarah Palin fans were smearing Jindal over his supposedly "…

US News/PBS's Erbe: 'Forced' Ultrasound Before Abortion an 'Invasive A

February 18th, 2009 1:33 PM
If the right to an abortion is really about about a woman's choice, then it logically follows that a fully-informed choice is a proper concern for public policy makers on the state level. But don't tell that to pro-choice liberal journalist Bonnie Erbe. The US News & World Report contributing editor unleashed her fury at "Antiabortion Fanatics' New Invasive Attack: The Forced Ultrasound" in a…

Taxpayer-financed Journalist: Arrest Bush

January 15th, 2009 10:26 AM
"Lying" about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, holding detainees at Gitmo, and prosecuting the saintly matron of all things domestic, Martha Stewart. Those are just three reasons taxpayer-financed journalist Bonnie Erbe finds for filing criminal charges on outgoing President George W. Bush and his dastardly underlings. The PBS "To the Contrary" host and U.S. News and World Report contributor…

Bonnie Erbe Rails Against Men for Sexism in Opposing Caroline Kennedy

January 5th, 2009 5:16 PM
Is that? [sniff] No, couldn't be. [sniff][sniff] Yup, I thought I smelled paranoid liberal.Taxpayer-financed journalist Bonnie Erbe smells a rat, namely the plurality of men in a recent poll who dared declare Caroline Kennedy unfit for serving in the U.S. Senate. From the PBS "To the Contrary" host's December 31 blog post at US News & World Report:No one should feign surprise at a new poll…

USA Today Shifts Corruption Focus from Illinois - to North Dakota

December 12th, 2008 12:25 AM
You can just see the scene from the Wizard of Oz, where the wizard says ‘Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.' When it comes to diverting attention from a scandal plagued home state, don't worry Senator Obama, USA Today has your back. In a bizarre demonstration of spinning numbers with the sole purpose of getting people to look away from the recent Blagojevich scandal, John…

Rich Rumbas on Republican Grave

November 16th, 2008 7:44 AM
Frank Rich has apparently figured out that after January 20, it's not going to be as much fun for him.  True, the Times columnist will surely disinter W as necessary to explain away Obama's missteps. But the buck for whatever post-inauguration problems the country faces will land ever more resoundingly on the new president's desk.And so, like a vaudevillian tapping as fast as he can while…

US News' Erbe: McCain Campaign Could Be Most Corrupt Ever

October 17th, 2008 1:24 PM
Days after U.S. News & World Report's Bonnie Erbe declared "when one thinks of voter fraud, one usually associates it with the GOP," she predicted "the McCain campaign could go down as the most corrupt and inept in history."Writing at her blog at the News's website Thursday, Erbe joined the rest of the mainstream media's attacks on Joe the Plumber, the Ohio man who recently challenged Barack…

U.S. News "Hates To Say It," But Folks Associate Voter Fraud With GOP

October 14th, 2008 8:43 PM

PBS's Bonnie Erbe on Palin's 'Taliban-speak

September 12th, 2008 12:38 PM

US News: McCain Pick of Palin 'Reignites' Culture War

September 9th, 2008 5:34 PM
Gov. Sarah Palin's pick as John McCain's running mate was a risky, but potentially rewarding way to restart the culture war and fire up social conservative voters, according to U.S. News & World Report's Jay Tolson. But couldn't the same be said in reverse for Obama's pick of Sen. Joe Biden?Here's how Tolson treated the Arizona senator's pick of Palin in a September 9 article (emphasis mine…