Bozell & Graham Column: Parental Nightmares in Public Schools

August 17th, 2019 6:21 AM
Public schools are reopening for business across America, meaning it’s time to get  back to reading, writing, arithmetic….and revolution. As usual in matters such as these, California is leading the way. On the first day of classes at Denair Middle School near Modesto a science teacher handed out worksheets from a transgender advocacy group titled “The Gender Unicorn” asking students about their…

Dolphins' SJW Stills Wows USA Today's Bell On Gun Control

August 7th, 2019 10:00 PM
We can officially classify the USA Today's Jarrett Bell as a multi-tasking sports writer and social justice warrior. He's earned his spurs ― if that isn't too militaristic a word for sensitive progressives ― especially after today's puff piece lathering praise upon the Miami Dolphins' receiver/anthem kneeler Kenny Stills. Bell writes that "Activist and Trump critic Kenny Stills is the kind of…

USA Today Supports Soccer Player's Anti-Gun Activism

August 5th, 2019 10:00 PM
Scoring five goals in one game can give a pro soccer player an inflated sense of self importance on matters of public policy. Philadelphia Union winger Alejandro Bedoya got so full of himself on his huge day Sunday in D.C., that he dictated a gun control demand to Congress. USA Today's For The Win sports blog denied it was a call for gun control and labeled it "patriotism at its best."

Marianne Williamson and the ‘Dark Psychic Forces’ of the Media

August 3rd, 2019 4:00 PM
Democratic presidential candidate and self-proclaimed “spiritual leader” Marianne Williamson made headlines in the first of the recent Democratic debates in Detroit by saying this of the water crisis that has plagued nearby Flint, Michigan. Said she, as reported here by USA Today: 

Media's Soccer Gender Discrimination Claim Debunked

July 30th, 2019 10:00 PM
Chicken Little, the sky is NOT falling! Media, members of Congress, corporate America and soccer's social justice warriors have all supported an ongoing narrative that the U.S. national women's soccer team has been the victim of sexism, receiving lower pay than men's team members. An Associated Press story carried by USA Today Sports revealed the U.S. Soccer Federation has actually paid out more…

Engineer: Google News Top 20 Results Are All Left-Wing

July 26th, 2019 12:43 PM
Even those who work at Google have noticed the search engine’s unfair tilt towards liberal news outlets. Google engineer Greg Coppola, who was suspended by his company for speaking to Project Veritas, published a July 25 post on Medium analyzing Google News. Coppola re-enacted a project done by PJ Media’s Paula Boylard in order to demonstrate Google’s liberal manipulation of its algorithms

NYC’s Anti-Cop Anarchy: What Say You, Dante de Blasio?

July 25th, 2019 8:15 PM
Dante de Blasio is the son of Democratic New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, who has abandoned his crime-wracked city (but not his public office, tax-subsidized salary or perks) for a quixotic presidential bid to become America's social justice warrior-in-chief. Calculated to promote his race card-playing dad's campaign, Dante stoked anti-cop hysteria a few weeks ago with a widely disseminated USA…

Flight from $15! Networks Ignore Sanders’ Paying Staff ‘Poverty Wages’

July 24th, 2019 10:40 AM
So much for the Fight for $15! Sen. Bernie Sanders, (I-VT), campaign created a PR crisis for himself after staff complaints that they were being paid “poverty wages” got leaked to the press. That hypocrisy might have hurt him politically — if journalists had actually reported it. Although The Washington Post reported that his unionized campaign staff was upset over their pay, the networks and…

Dreaming Mueller Implores Dems ‘Don’t Give a Speech; You Must Impeach’

July 24th, 2019 7:11 AM
Ahead of former special counsel Robert Mueller’s congressional testimony, USA Today commentary editor Jill Lawrence likely reflected the dreams of much of the Washington press corps when she wrote a column imagining what he would say “if he were to let loose and say whatever he wants.” She laughably conjured a scenario in which Mueller will use rhyme to convince Democrats, telling them..."Don’t…

Media Ignore Home Depot Supporters in Boycott Stories

July 10th, 2019 12:39 PM
It would be easy to think Home Depot is only taking flack after liberal, Trump-haters launched a hashtag boycott. Especially judging from the news reports about their boycott. But in fact, influential conservative supporters of the company including Dan Bongino, Pastor Greg Locke, PragerU, Tea Party Patriots’ Jenny Beth Martin, talk show host Joe Pagliarulo and YouTuber Mark Dice all used the…

USA Today Rips Indians Fans For 'Hideous, Latently Racist' Wahoo Logo

July 8th, 2019 10:00 AM
Sports nickname cops thought they'd counted coup when the Cleveland Indians agreed this season to stop featuring the smiling Chief Wahoo logo on their uniforms and caps. It's the grin that can make a grown-up snowflake cry. Though the chief has been confined to an off-the-field "reservation," the image remains omnipresent throughout the city, and with Cleveland hosting baseball's All-Star Game…

Baldwin Leaves Diversity-Lacking NFL, Moans Over Whitest WH

July 2nd, 2019 10:00 PM
Yeah, newly retired former NFL player Doug Baldwin, you're a real authority on diversity. You didn't see it in the Seattle Seahawks' clubhouse and you sure don't see it in President Donald Trump's White House. As for you, Henry McKenna of For The Win blog (a subsidiary of USA Today), you're in a real position to preach about diversity, too, with your organization's near-complete progressive…

Gay Golfer Bashes White Conservative-Dominated Golf

June 30th, 2019 10:00 PM
Finishing Pride Month Sunday with one last hurrah for the LGBT cause, USA Today sports switched its days-long focus from lesbian soccer player Megan Rapinoe of the U.S. national women's team to a call for more gays in men's golf. The newspaper's website has obsessed on Rapinoe during the ongoing World Cup, but gave prime internet real estate to gay golf writer Eamon Lynch in Sunday's edition.

USA Today Critic on Ailes Show: 'A Shlock Horror Show for the Haters'

June 30th, 2019 6:13 AM
USA Today TV critic Kelly Lawler was less than impressed at the latest "docudrama" trashing the life and legacy of Fox News creator Roger Ailes on Friday. She said it "will likely have Fox talking heads discussing a 'liberal media bias'  (or liberal Hollywood, take your pick). But as much as Voice will anger many Fox News lovers, it isn't necessarily more than a shlock horror show for the haters…