
Check Out Six Unhinged Moments from Aspen's Liberal Media Lovefest

July 5th, 2018 9:27 PM
The Aspen Ideas Festival has a reputation of being an elitist conclave of liberal academics, journalists, and pundits (with rare exceptions) to pat themselves on the back and how they could work together to advance their left-of-center worldviews. So it was no surprise when the late June gathering held a June 27 panel called “How We Survive Attacks on Journalism” and featured a who’s who from the…

Armour Still Hates Trump, Praises NFL Players' 'PAC-like' Group

June 18th, 2018 9:00 PM
In the latest of her numerous I-hate-Trump poison pen screeds, USA Today Sports' Nancy Armour calls Trump cruel for dividing the families of illegal aliens. And she claims he's disparaging NFL social justice activists in attempting to divert attention away from his own political shortcomings. More importantly, she reveals how the NFL Players Coalition is practically turning into a "political…

Kathy Griffin Says Black Comedian Not Slamming Trump Is a ‘P*ssy Move'

June 14th, 2018 5:01 PM
Just when it seemed that Kathy Griffin might actually have learned something from the backlash to the picture of her holding a fake, severed head of Donald Trump more than a year ago, the liberal comedian demonstrated that she still has a serious case of “Foot-in-Mouth Disease."

USA Today Publishes Downbeat Story on Singapore Summit

June 10th, 2018 11:30 AM
USA Today couldn't hide its disdain for President Donald Trump which was reflected in their downbeat report on the upcoming Singapore Summit. They also cited a political science professor based in South Korea who suffers from extreme Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Page Surprised by ‘Angry’ Clinton on NBC, After She Tossed Softballs

June 4th, 2018 4:02 PM
Appearing on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports on Monday, USA Today Washington Bureau Chief Susan Page was baffled by former President Bill Clinton not having a “ready answer” to questions about sexual harassment during a testy exchange with NBC reporter Craig Melvin. The irony of Page’s concern was that she didn’t even bother to press Clinton on the issue during a softball interview she conducted…

USAT: Racist Trump Gains Politically by Forcing Protest Ban

May 30th, 2018 5:36 PM
An angry, hard-Left writer for USA Today Sports, Nancy Armour is implying that President Donald Trump used a form of "political terrorism" to pressure the NFL into banning national anthem protests. The NFL did not have the courage to resist the "dog whistler in chief's" opposition to pregame protests, she complains.

Edwards Says NFL Ban on Protest 'Residual of Slavery'

May 27th, 2018 10:00 AM
Harry Edwards, the architect of sports protest, is livid over the NFL's shutdown of power salutes, sitting and kneeling during the Star Spangled Banner. He told USA Today sports writer Jarrett Bell it's proof positive African-Americans are still battling the residuals of slavery.

Elon Musk Tweets ‘No One Believes’ Mainstream Media, Defends Trump

May 24th, 2018 2:36 PM
While several prominent science and tech gurus moonlight as liberal mouthpieces for the mainstream media, there’s one tech giant who might be on the path to forming his own opinion as to how dishonest journalism has become.

A Top 5 List of Media Reponses to NFL's Ban on Kneeling

May 23rd, 2018 8:25 PM
There's no crying in baseball and no more kneeling in football! Today's news that the NFL will disallow on-field player protests during the national anthem is drawing fiery responses from some in the media, none more so than USA Today's Dave Birkett. His comments that the league's decision smells of "a military state" rank No. 1 on our list of the most unhinged media reactions.

USA Today: NFL Anti-Kneeling Policy ‘Hollow’ with Kaepernick Still Out

May 22nd, 2018 4:04 PM
Thank goodness for Colin Kaepernick. Without the one-time quarterback and full-time jerk out filing laughable collusion suits and steadfastly maintaining that he is entitled to play in the NFL, sports hacks like USA Today’s Jarrett Bell might have to write about sports.

Press Frets About $3 Gas, But in 2012 Said $4 Gas Was 'Not a Big Drag'

May 14th, 2018 11:47 PM
Media outlets been hyping the recent increase in retail gas prices to nearly $3 per gallon, and primarily pinning the blame on President Trump's withdrawal from the Iran nuclear "deal." In 2012, when the price approached $4, CNN told readers that they "aren't as bad as you think," and that they weren't "a big drag on the economy" — and besides, according to the New York Times, "Gas prices are out…

CFOs Anticipate Strong Economy for 3 Years, But Media Ignore

May 11th, 2018 11:15 AM
In spite of recent media attempts to speculate about when the economy might experience another downturn, a recent survey of global businessmen found a majority anticipate the U.S. economy to remain strong over the the next three years. Zurich Insurance Group, EY, and the Atlantic Council surveyed 497 CFOs in 30 countries and found most of them confident about U.S. investment. The survey was…

Ad on MSNBC: Don’t Just Watch Us, Follow Other Liberal News, Too

May 9th, 2018 6:37 PM
While observing World Press Freedom Day on May 3, MSNBC aired an advertisement encouraging viewers to watch not just that liberal channel, but also follow more than 25 other left-leaning sources and newspapers while not mentioning Fox, the most-watched news network on cable TV. The spot, which was created by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), begins by…

USA Today Suggests NFL Re-Align Along SJW Lines

May 7th, 2018 6:36 PM
If Nancy Armour (photo) has her way, the Super Bowl will become a battle of champions between the Constitution Supporters Conference and the Know Nothing Conference. The hard-Left writer for USA Today Sports says these conferences would be broken down between team owners who respect the free speech rights of protesting football players (CSC) and the ideologue owners who do not believe that all…