USA Today Whitewashes Left's Violent Threats Directed at GOP Electors

November 23rd, 2016 1:01 PM
USA Today assigned three primary reporters, four additional contributors and two researchers to its coverage of the left's attempt to convince Republican Electoral College electors to betray their states' voters and their party. The result, published early Wednesday morning, is "Harassment or Hail Mary? Electors feel besieged." Despite throwing all those resources into the story, there is no…

CBS Notices Electors 'Pressured' To Change Vote; Omits Death Threats

November 23rd, 2016 12:59 PM
Wednesday's CBS This Morning was the sole Big Three morning newscast to report that Hillary Clinton supporters are lobbying members of the Elector College to not vote for Donald Trump. Charlie Rose cited a USA Today article that disclosed how "some Electoral College members are being pressured to change their votes....Hillary Clinton supporters want Donald Trump electors to change sides, but…

Dating App Tinder Offers 37 Gender Identity Options

November 15th, 2016 1:46 PM
Tired of boring, binary gender options on your dating app? Lucky for you, Tinder has added dozens of new gender preferences! The dating app, which boasts over 20 billion “friendships, marriages, relationships,” now offers 37 gender identity options. You read that right, 37 options! Among the selections listed are “transgender female,” “transsexual male,” “agender,” and genderqueer.” And if 37 is…

By Overwhelming 10-1, Public Thinks Media Want Clinton to Win

October 29th, 2016 7:24 PM

Two national polls released late in the week confirmed the public widely recognizes the news media’s agenda in favor of Hillary Clinton and decidedly against Donald Trump, a reality documented in a NewsBusters study earlier in the week. “By nearly 10-1, all those surveyed say the news media, including major newspapers and TV stations, would like to see Clinton rather than Trump elected,” Susan…


ABC, CBS Censor Story on Link Between State Dept Lobbyists, Clintons

October 18th, 2016 5:40 PM
In the latest example of media bias concerning the 2016 election that many would cowardly blame on Donald Trump stealing the spotlight, Tuesday’s morning shows on ABC and NBC saw no reason to inform their viewers of a USA Today investigation detailing the cozy relationships cultivated between high-profile corporate lobbyists to the Hillary Clinton-led State Department, the Clinton Foundation, and…

Rigged? Trump Doesn’t Have a Single Major Newspaper Endorsement

October 18th, 2016 12:12 PM
With just three weeks to go, major newspapers (with a circulation of at least 50,000) are walloping Donald Trump in their official endorsements, favoring Hillary Clinton by a count of 68 to zero. Out of a total of 82 newspapers that have offered an editorial on who their readers should vote for, 68 (83 percent) of them have endorsed Hillary Clinton, five (6 percent) recommended Libertarian Party…

'Stupid Fact Checks': NBC, USAT Hit Trump's 'Acid Wash' References

October 10th, 2016 10:08 PM
Former late-night TV host David Letterman was famous for his entertaining and fun "Stupid Pet Tricks" segments. In the current presidential election cycle, the press, while claiming that Donald Trump and his campaign lie so often that the backlog of required genuine fact-checking on important matters is sky-high, is instead engaging in a non-entertaining, not at all fun effort known as "Stupid…

WashPost's Erik Wemple Panics Over USA Today Un-Endorsement of Trump

September 30th, 2016 10:30 PM
USA Today has never taken sides in a presidential race until they un-endorsed Donald Trump by recommending that people not vote for him. You would think this would make anti-Trump Erik Wemple of the Washington Post very happy. Instead Wemple is now in a panic mode.  It wasn't enough for him that the USA Today editorial board recommended that people do not vote for Trump. What has Wemple really…

USA Today Suspends Glenn Reynolds Following Charlotte-Related Tweet

September 24th, 2016 3:45 PM
On Wednesday, in response to news that violent people the press insists on describing as "protesters" in Charlotte were stopping traffic on Interstate 277, University of Tennessee law professor and Instapundit founding blogger Glenn Reynolds retweeted a related story with three words of advice: "Run them down." As a result, Twitter, which continues to allow the existence of and continued postings…

Not News: 'Obama's Half-Brother Supports Donald Trump'

September 23rd, 2016 2:53 PM
Deep in the A-section of Thursday's USA Today was this surprising headline: "Obama's half-brother supports Donald Trump." None of the networks (and none of the other elite liberal newspapers) seemed to find this tidbit interesting. Obama used his half-siblings in Kenya for dramatic effect in his memoir Dreams from My Father, but as president, the media have been very quiet about their activities…

Nets Play Up Kaepernick’s Protest, Give It More Time Than U.S. Economy

September 12th, 2016 10:36 AM
When it came to covering voters’ most important issue, networks fumbled again in August. Instead, the networks spent more time tackling a football player who protested the national anthem.

Communist Party USA Endorses Hillary; Media Yawns

September 3rd, 2016 8:31 PM
The media just loves the Ku Klux Klan. Here’s a small sampling of headlines: The New York Daily News: Donald Trump supported by former KKK leader David Duke: 'I hope he does everything we hope he will do’ Then there was USA Today: Former Ku Klux Klan leader declares support for Donald Trump

Nighly News to the Left of Morning Joe in Latest on Clinton Scandal

August 25th, 2016 12:26 AM
Early Wednesday morning, Nicholas Fondacaro at NewsBusters noted how the NBC Nightly News spent Tuesday evening defending Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation in the wake of an Associated Press report showing that "At least 85 of 154 people from private interests who met or had phone conversations scheduled with Clinton while she led the State Department donated to her family charity or…

Networks Censor 'Suspicious' Donations to Hillary Clinton Super PAC

August 24th, 2016 7:35 PM
ABC, CBS, and NBC's morning and evening newscasts on Wednesday all punted on mentioning USA Today's above-the-fold scoop about how an "Istanbul-based college professor...accused by the Turkish government of coordinating last month's failed coup attempt, is at the center of a group of suspicious 2014 contributions to a super PAC supporting...Hillary Clinton."