ESPN the Leader in Push for Lefty Sports Media Change

May 11th, 2016 10:55 AM
Yep. It’s not your imagination: Sports journalism – long a bastion of reflexive liberalism – is only getting worse. Last summer MRC Culture presented 10 Reasons ESPN is MSNBC with Better Video. We can add dozens to the list. And it isn’t just ESPN. 

‘USA Today’: LGBT Inclusion Over Freedom of Religion in NCAA

April 26th, 2016 6:43 PM
USA Today totally respects and acknowledges your right to freedom of religion. Until it doesn’t. At least that seems to be what they’re getting at in an article titled, “When Religion and the LGBT Collegiate Athlete Collide.”

Press Blows Off 10-Solyndra $ Losses at Two Bankrupt Solar Companies

April 22nd, 2016 9:50 PM
Solary energy company SunEdison filed for bankruptcy on Thursday. According to Reuters, the company's stock traded as high as $33.44 in July 2015. The stock closed at 22 cents today. Nine years ago, the company's market value was over $17 billion. According to the Associated Press, in July of last year it was still worth $10 billion. The losses aren't limited to investors, however, a fact that…

Unsettling Science: The Media’s Legal Climate Crusade Against Exxon

April 22nd, 2016 10:18 AM
Galileo, the famous Italian astronomer and scientist, once said, “In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.” Tell that to the UN IPCC and the news media. Presumably, Galileo would find the use of the so-called “scientific consensus” on global warming as the basis to call for prosecution of dissenters unsettling. Everyone should…

USA Today Attacks Schilling on Tweet: Conservatism Kills, Apparently

April 19th, 2016 9:31 PM
USA Today Sports wants you to know that they believe it’s very important that everyone has a right to say whatever it is they believe. Right before they accuse you of causing transgender people to commit suicide because of your beliefs.

English, Spanish Nets Yawn at Report VA Is Still Fudging Wait Times

April 7th, 2016 11:26 PM
On Thursday evening, the major English and Spanish broadcast networks failed to cover an explosive, new investigation released early Thursday afternoon by USA Today revealing that  Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals in seven states have been falsifying wait times, marking yet another piece in the multi-year VA scandal.

More Details on Those 'Low-Level' Recipients of Obama's Commutations

April 6th, 2016 6:40 PM
On Sunday, I noted how USA Today, the Associated Press, and the establishment press in general have swallowed the Obama administration's line that the 61 convicted and incarcerated criminals whose sentences the President commuted last Thursday were "low-level inmates" guilty of "low-level drug offenses." A spreadsheet working only from the information the White House provided demonstrates that…

USA Today: Obama Commuted Sentences of Only 'Low-Level Inmates'

April 3rd, 2016 5:56 PM
The antennae went up when I saw the following tease on the front page of Thursday's USA Today print edition: "Obama commutes sentences for 61 low-level inmates." The brief description which immediately followed told readers that "He has cut sentences for 248 so far, more than (the) previous 6 presidents combined, official says." Hmm. What's a "low-level inmate"? The underlying Page 3A article by…

AP, USA Today Fail to Report Size of Sanders' Saturday Wins

March 26th, 2016 10:46 PM
When was the last time a badly trailing presidential candidate in either major party won relatively late-in-the-game contests by lopsided victory margins of greater than 70-30, as Bernie Sanders did in Washington today, and greater than 80-20, as Sanders did in Alaska? I'm virtually certain that the answer to that question, regardless of what happens in Hawaii's Democratic primary much later…

USA Today: MLB Really, Really, Really, Wants a Gay Baseball Player

March 11th, 2016 4:47 PM
Major League Baseball does not have an openly gay baseball player. But Major League Baseball really, really, really wants to have an openly gay baseball player. At least, that’s the story as told by USA Today’s Bob Nightengale.

Actual USA Today Column: ‘Who Would Jesus Vote for? Bernie'

February 17th, 2016 5:27 PM
A column in Wednesday’s USA Today trumpeted, “Who Would Jesus Vote For? Bernie.” The sub-headline touted: “Sanders, a secular Jew, is the most Christian candidate in this race.” The piece was authored by liberal author and professor Stephen Prothero. Attacking conservatives, Prothero lectured: “If the Bible is your guide, Jesus said nothing, ever, about abortion.” 

USA Today: ‘Is it Immoral to Watch the Super Bowl?’

February 2nd, 2016 11:49 PM
Because the rest of the world might not yet be completely convinced that the wussification of America has succeeded, USA Today unleashed a torrent of literary lameness by posing the question: Is watching the Super Bowl immoral?

Press Drags Out 'Warm Weather' to Excuse Poor Fourth-Quarter Growth

January 30th, 2016 10:25 AM
Friday morning, the government reported that the economy grew at a pathetic annual rate of 0.7 percent in last year's final quarter. As it did in covering the disappointing Christmas shopping season, the business press partially blamed yesterday's awful result on the weather, i.e., warm weather.

Ryan: Obama Degrades the Presidency by Stinging GOP Candidates in SOTU

January 14th, 2016 8:12 PM
One day after President Barack Obama made his final State of the Union address, Paul Ryan -- speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives -- criticized the event by stating that “it was a fairly typical speech” for the Democratic occupant of the White House, who “glossed over the economy” as well as his “foreign-policy failures.”