USA Today Frets NCAA Schools Lack Policies for Transgender Athletes

August 5th, 2015 11:43 AM
If USA Today has 99 problems, having too many issues to report that are of crucial interest to readers would clearly not be one of them.  On Tuesday, USA Today Sports ran a piece documenting the odyssey of transgender male athlete Keelin Godsey, an 11-time All American and National Champion in women’s hammerthrow. 

Media Highly Offended Eminem Rapped a 'Transphobic' Jenner 'Slur'

July 27th, 2015 7:11 AM
The liberal media is on high alert for “transphobia,” especially when it comes to Bruce Jenner. No one is allowed to joke he’s still a male with male body parts. That’s doubly true for anyone in the entertainment industry, so you can imagine the reaction when rapper Eminem did a rap about tucking the bulge. “Eminem’s freestyle rap slurs Caitlyn Jenner” was the USA Today headline. McPaper has…

Press Ignores How O'Malley Is Linking 'Climate Change' to Rise of ISIS

July 21st, 2015 11:16 AM
In June, Democratic presidential candidate Martin O'Malley unveiled a "climate change plan." The press loved it. Glowing articles appeared in many place, including the Washington Post, USA Today, The Hill and the Huffington Post, whose Kate Sheppard wrote that the former Maryland Governor had "Just Set An Extremely High Bar ... For 2016 Democratic Contenders." Well, if they're so wired into…

AP, Reuters Fail to Connect Latest A&P Bankruptcy to Its Unions

July 20th, 2015 6:54 PM
The company officially known as the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. has filed for bankruptcy for the second time in five years. This time around, the storied "A&P" name may completely disappear. Coverage at USA Today by Nathan Bomey notes that "About 93% (of its workers) are represented by one of 12 different unions, and many of them have bumping rights that the company has described as…

USA Today Gushes 'Obama's Winning Streak Continues' With Iran Deal

July 14th, 2015 7:53 PM
The ink isn’t dry on any Iran deal, and the Congress hasn’t seen the terms, but USA Today is already off to the spit-and-polish stand for Obama. The headline was “First take: Obama's winning streak continues with Iran deal.” Reporter Ray Locker gushed:  "Derided as a lame duck after his Democratic Party suffered losses in last November's midterm elections, President Obama has carved out a…

USAT: Murders Up, Poor and Minorities Hardest Hit, Guns to Blame

July 12th, 2015 11:07 PM
Aamer Madhani at USA Today took the easy way out on Friday in covering the sharp increases in murders in many U.S. cities during the first half of this year. He quoted Milwaukee's police chief bemoaning "absurdly weak" gun laws. He noted that "the increased violence is disproportionately impacting poor and predominantly African-American and Latino neighborhoods." He found a university prof to…

USA Today’s White House Reporter Delivers Liberal Anti-Reagan Cliches

July 10th, 2015 2:09 AM
Reviewing Reagan: The Life, by historian H.W. Brands, USA Today White House reporter Gregory Korte recited tired anti-Reagan cliches favored by liberals as he complained about “some notable omissions” in the book. In his piece which appeared in the “Life” section of Thursday’s newspaper, Korte regretted that “Brands makes no mention of Reagan’s 1980 ‘states rights’ speech in Philadelphia, Miss.”…

AP Writer Dodges Own Question on the State of China's Slowing Economy

June 29th, 2015 3:12 PM
The world's financial markets had a terrible Monday. The debt crisis in Greece (population: 11 million) has been dominating the headlines and the press's attention, while serious deterioration in China (population: 1.36 billion) is getting short shrift. It isn't just that the mainland Chinese stock market has broken the bear-market decline threshold of 20 percent in less than three weeks,…

Roman Holiday: Media Ignore Massive Italian Traditional Marriage March

June 23rd, 2015 9:29 AM
On June 20, a rally in support of traditional marriage drew between 300,000 and 1 million people to Rome. No major news reported on the event, which is strange, considering how much they love reporting on marriage-centric marches. No one would accuse popular media outlets like USA Today, CNN, and ABC News of ignoring the gay marriage movement, or gays in general. They spent gallons of ink and…

Preelection FBI Study Team Admits Media Distorted It — 6 Months Later

June 13th, 2015 1:18 PM

In late September 2014, the Federal Bureau of Investigation released "A Study of Active Shooter Incidents in the United States, 2000-2013." To say the least, the report's issuance, timed six weeks before the midterm elections, and its topic ("a specific type of shooting situation law enforcement and the public may face") were curious. Given the press's inclination to sensationalize and…

USA Today's Pom-Pom Page 1: 'Obama Vows to Bolster Iraqis'

June 9th, 2015 10:10 PM
While network correspondents like ABC’s Terry Moran singled out “an amazing admission from President Obama” that there is still no "complete strategy" to defeat or degrade ISIS, USA Today’s front page on Tuesday carried an upbeat headline in all caps: “OBAMA VOWS TO BOLSTER IRAQIS.”  The brief ten-paragraph front-pager by Kim Hjelmgaard and Jim Michaels never included a quote from Obama saying…

Forget Scandals, Hillary ‘Authentic, Relaxed, Engaging, Humorous'

May 28th, 2015 4:26 PM
While even MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell worried on Thursday about the “headwinds facing Hillary Clinton” amid the ongoing e-mail and Clinton Foundation scandals, USA Today Washington bureau chief Susan Page reassured her liberal journalist colleague: “You know, it's certainly true she has had a load of trouble in the national press, but you look at her appearance yesterday in South Carolina and she…

CBS, NBC Skip Filing of Charges Against Far-Left Gyrocopter Pilot

May 20th, 2015 8:23 PM
On Wednesday, a federal grand jury indicted liberal activist and Florida postal worker Douglas Hughes on a total of six felony and misdemeanor charges in relation to his April 15 landing of gyropcopter on the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol that, if convicted, could result in up to a nine-and-half-year prison sentence. When it came to the major broadcast networks covering this story on their…

USA Today: Redskins Should Never Joke about Pale Faces

May 15th, 2015 10:59 AM
“Dad, what’s ‘humor?’ “Well, it was a way of talking about things – mixing truth with absurdity or irony – that helped us navigate uncomfortable issues. It made people smile and laugh. They even allowed it in the media sometimes. But that was all long ago, before the Rise of the Perpetually Offended.” If you think that conversation is far-fetched, get a load of USA Today’s Ted Berg. Berg got…