USA Today Hits Sen. Scott Brown on His Jobs Claim; In Doing So It Help

February 19th, 2010 11:12 AM
John Fritze of USA Today noted in an On Politics blog post filed last night that "Sen. Brown's 'not one job' claim [has been] questioned."But in relaying the attack on the Massachusetts Republican senator's claim that "not one job" has been created by the Obama stimulus package, Fritze only underscored the point that Brown was making in the context of his comments.There is no real, net job…

USA Today Still Stomping on Tebow Superbowl Ad

February 16th, 2010 10:42 AM
USA Today just can't move on. It's been over a week since the pro-life Tebow ad aired during the Superbowl - and it wasn't nearly as controversial as the liberals said it would be. Tim Tebow's mom said nice things about her son; Tim hugged her, both of them smiled, and that was it. Most people shrugged and forgot about it. But not USA Today. On Feb. 15, it's Faith & Reason section touted the…

The Ultimate Valentine Date: Un-Marry Your Spouse for Gay Rights

February 12th, 2010 3:59 PM
Romantic comedies and candlelight dinners are two common activities that couples like to engage in on Valentine’s Day, but Bill Talen is offering a rather, uhh, unique suggestion on February 14: un-marry your spouse for gay rights. USA Today reported that Talen is inviting all couples to participate in the “unMarriage event,” taking place in New York City, which apparently isn’t anything new.…

Second Pro-Life Tebow Ad to Run During Super Bowl Pre-Game

February 6th, 2010 10:29 AM
The Left and their media minions may not have enough time to fully express their anger before it happens, but a second ad featuring Pro-Life advocate and college football star Tim Tebow is now scheduled to air during the Super Bowl pre-game show.Adding insult to injury, this one's supposed to run four times.Try to feel the liberal media's anger as you read USA Today's article on this subject:

USAT Misses California's Dominance of Welfare Caseload and Its Increas

January 26th, 2010 11:18 AM
Sometimes getting hung up on percentage increases causes one to miss what's going on with the actual numbers. Such is the case in a January 26 front page story by USA Today's Richard Wolf. USAT's is the only recent original coverage I have found thus far relating to increases in the national welfare rolls during the recession. (An unbylined story at UPI merely reports on what USAT's Wolf wrote…

Buried: Edwards Admission Hidden in Four out of Top Five U.S. Newspape

January 22nd, 2010 7:23 PM
If you're totally reliant upon print media, some of the major newspapers that is, you might not have noticed the news about former Democratic Senator and 2008 presidential candidate John Edwards' admission that he was indeed the father of his campaign mistress's daughter. That story couldn't so much as garner a single front-page story from any of the nation's top five major newspapers - USA…

Even the MSM Notices TV Getting Really Raunchy

January 21st, 2010 11:10 AM
If you thought that last year's TV shows were scandalous, the ones lined up for this year are going to make your eyes burn. It's going to get so bad, in fact, that even the mainstream media is calling it out. On Jan. 20, USA Today ran this article on their front page: "Sex on TV: It's Increasingly Uncut - and Unavoidable" written by Gary Strauss. "Viewers are about to see," Strauss warned, "full…

From Tiger to Tebow: Secular Left Doesn't Get Religion in Sports

January 13th, 2010 2:21 PM

Plans for Tebow Pro-Life Super Bowl Ad May Irk QB’s Critics

January 5th, 2010 11:36 AM
With his unconventional pass delivery and a physical style that seems just as comfortable running the ball anyway, some wonder if University of Florida star quarterback Tim Tebow will achieve NFL glory. But football fans just may get to see the story of the Heisman Trophy winner and unapologetic Christian impact the pro sport's biggest game of the year.Colorado-based conservative group Focus on…

Napolitano Builds Up Undie Bomber: Terrorists Went To 'Great Lengths

December 30th, 2009 6:16 AM
Like a football coach trying to explain away the trouncing his team just took by building up the opponent, Janet Napolitano is seeking to diminish the Obama administration's NWA 253 failure by exaggerating the cunning of the Christmas Day plot.The hapless Homeland Security head has a 679-word piece in today's USA Today basically promising to do better.  She begins with this line [emphasis added]:…

USA Today: Fast Food Joints More Stringent with Meat Standards Than P

December 9th, 2009 11:11 AM
Every now and then, we at NewsBusters like to point out a solid piece of journalism, instances where the media report news that cuts against the liberal narrative of the world that the MSM usually churn out.And so today, I thought I'd pass along how USA Today noted today that "Fast-food standards for meat top those for school lunches" (h/t NB intern Mike Sargent ):In the past three years, the…

MSNBC’s Matthews Finds Obama’s Weakness: He’s ‘Too Darned Inte

November 20th, 2009 6:35 PM
At the top of Friday’s Hardball on MSNBC, host Chris Matthews discovered the reason for President Obama’s political difficulties in recent months: “President Obama has his chin out on just about every hot issue out there....He’s exposed and vulnerable. His poll numbers are dropping. Is he just too darned intellectual? Too much the egg head?” Later in the show, Matthews talked to Atlantic Media’s…

USA Today Religion Blog: Is Bible-defacing 'An Acceptable Political St

November 17th, 2009 1:31 PM
Openly gay actor Ian McKellen recently told Details magazine that he proudly defaces Bibles left in hotel nightstands, ripping out pages containing verses which condemn homosexual behavior. USA Today's Leslie Miller picked up on this yesterday for the paper's "Faith & Reason" blog, after spying a blog post by colleague Barbara De Lollis in a November 16 post for her Hotel Check-In blog for…

USA Today Puts Picture of Palin-Hating Book in Article About Ex-Gov

November 17th, 2009 10:09 AM
UPDATES AT END OF POST: Picture has been changed!USA Today's Oval blog Monday used a picture of a Sarah Palin-hating book called "Going Rouge, An American Nightmare" instead of the former Alaska Governor's "Going Rogue."This despite the opening paragraph of the piece actually referring to Palin's book:In her much-discussed new book, former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin…