USAT's Pathetic Pic At Story About Proposed Military Tobacco Ban

July 10th, 2009 8:03 PM
Call it "Yankee Imperialist Corrupts Impressionable Iraqi Youth":Am I supposed to believe that USA Today had no other more relevant pictures they could have used? The fact that they went back to an AP file photo from 2007 is pretty strong evidence that USAT's page-fillers were looking to make a point.Here are selected paragraphs from the related report by Greg Zoroya:

Cheers to USA Today: 'Billions In (Stimulus) Aid Go to Areas That Back

July 9th, 2009 3:29 PM
He's Got It Is this what Time magazine meant with their July 6th cover, What Barack Obama Can Learn From FDR?Not one to let "a serious crisis to go to waste," Franklin Delano Roosevelt used the onset of the Great Depression as an excuse to immediately begin delivering New Deal dollars in unprecedented amounts - with laser-like political precision to…

Cap and Trade Nowhere in USA Today

June 29th, 2009 2:22 PM
On June 26, the House narrowly passed the controversial Waxman-Markey American Clean Energy & Security Act to limit carbon emissions, but USA Today readers can be forgiven for not knowing it. Instead of covering a hotly debated bill that could result in “the largest tax increase in history,” the newspaper devoted its’ coverage to the death of pop star Michael Jackson. From June 26 to June 29…

'Fashion Icon' Michelle: 'She's Like Us -- On Our Really Best Day

June 26th, 2009 7:55 AM

Poll: Americans Oppose Closing Gitmo, Prison Made U.S. Safer

June 2nd, 2009 10:35 AM
Another in a series of shocking polls finding Americans moving firmly to the right and away from the views of the current Administration was released Monday.In this study, respondents overwhelmingly opposed the closing of the detention center at Guantanamo Bay because -- wait for it! -- they believe the facility has strengthened national security.Not what the Obama administration, the Democrat…

Name That Party: Blago’s, Burris’s Party IDs Largely MIA in Latest

May 27th, 2009 4:02 PM
Maybe it should be put to music: Blago and Burris, Sitting in a tree, But they'd rather we not know their political party. There has been yet another revelation about contacts between Democratic President Barack Obama's U.S. Senate successor, Democrat Roland Burris and former Illinois Democratic governor Rod Blagojevich over Blago's pre-Senate appointment, uh, deliberations. A released FBI audio…

Dire Couric Recalls Great Depression, Warns Our Kids Will Be the 'Lost

May 18th, 2009 9:25 PM
Katie Couric sees America through a very dark prism. On Monday, she launched a new “Children of the Recession” series, in collaboration with USA Today, with an op-ed in “the nation's newspaper” in which she speculated today's kids may become the “Recession Generation” since “in some ways, I think they already are,” or the “innocent victims could become the Lost Generation.” Then, on Monday's CBS…

Shipping Exec. Calls for Arming Merchant Crews Against Pirates, MSM La

May 6th, 2009 2:36 PM
After the hijacking of the MV Maersk Alabama, we often heard from the mainstream media about how shipping executive companies don't want to arm their civilian crews for fear of an escalation of violence from pirates, not to mention the potential legal and liability headaches presented by such a policy change.Well, yesterday, shipping company executive Philip Shapiro threw a wrench in that meme in…

USAT Blogger Passive-Aggressively Hits Pro-life Prof. Glendon as Hypoc

April 30th, 2009 1:24 PM
While most of the mainstream media yawned at news that former U.S. ambassador to the Vatican Mary Ann Glendon was refusing Notre Dame's Laetare award due to the university honoring pro-choice President Barack Obama, USA Today's Cathy Lynn Grossman sure hasn't.The religion reporter/blogger found her own unique, passive-aggressive way to slam Glendon's stand on principle by suggesting she's a self-…

Former USA Today Reporter: 'Watchdogs Are Heeling for Obama

April 29th, 2009 4:26 PM

Morning Shows, NYT, USA Today Ignore Mary Ann Glendon/Notre Dame Devel

April 28th, 2009 6:26 PM
Imagine that former Vice President Dick Cheney was set to be honored next month at a Catholic university's commencement ceremony and news came down that another person to be honored at the same ceremony with a different award declined the honor, stating that she felt it inappropriate for the university to honor a man who believes in and furthered the use of torture by condoning waterboarding of…

Newspaper Circs: Another Serious Drop; NYT's Small Decline a Short-Ter

April 28th, 2009 4:54 PM
From Editor & Publisher yesterday (bold is mine):The Audit Bureau of Circulations released this morning the spring figures for the six months ending March 31, 2009, showing that the largest metros continue to shed daily and Sunday circulation -- now at a record rate.According to ABC, for 395 newspapers reporting this spring, daily circulation fell 7% to 34,439,713 copies, compared with the…

Media Jumping 100-Days Gun, Praising His Popularity

April 25th, 2009 8:31 AM

Sebelius’ Controversial Veto Takes Back Seat to Stories About Bo Oba

April 24th, 2009 4:44 PM
News editors need to retake Journalism 101 or move to features when stories about the White House dog take precedence over a controversial veto by the President's unconfirmed appointment to Secretary of Health and Human Services. Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius vetoed a bill, House Substitute for SB 218, April 23 which would have placed additional restrictions on third trimester abortions and…