'Superstar' Knut: No Longer Media's Poster Bear for Warming Dangers

March 23rd, 2009 12:43 PM
Maybe he'll fare better than other aging child stars, but for now, he's something of an embarrassment. Cute and cuddly sold climate panic. Predatory and perilous does not.Two years ago on March 23, Knut the polar bear cub who was saved by zookeepers debuted at the Berlin Zoo.According to "Good Morning America," "he was one of the biggest stars in the world." Knut was "big business" for the zoo,…

Coming Soon: Hollywood Analysts Predict 2009 the Year of the Wall Stre

December 30th, 2008 12:25 PM
Get your popcorn ready - that is if you like seeing the rich portrayed as bad guys and getting punished for their indiscretions. According to CNBC contributor Michael Wolff, a Vanity Fair contributing editor, that's what's in store for movie fans in the upcoming year. On the Dec. 29 "CNBC Reports," Wolff told CNBC Business News managing editor Tyler Mathisen that Hollywood is greenlighting a…

Vanity Fair Attempts Comprehensive Bush Hit Piece, Misfires Badly

December 29th, 2008 11:26 PM
Well, it seems that the folks at Vanity Fair realized that they won't have George W. Bush to kick around any more. So they decided to launch the journalistic equivalent of thermonuclear war against him in an attempt to get its shot at a "draft of history." In a 14 web-page tome (the photo at the top right is at its beginning) that fancies itself an "oral history," the magazine hauls out every…

Hitchens and Walsh Battle Over Secretary of State Clinton

December 2nd, 2008 1:24 PM
Vanity Fair's Christopher Hitchens and Salon's Joan Walsh squared off Monday evening on MSNBC's "Hardball," and things deliciously got personal.The topic on host Chris Matthews' mind was president-elect Barack Obama's choice for Secretary of State.Hitchens was none too pleased with the nomination of Hillary Clinton for this position, while Walsh defended Obama's decision with all her soul.With…

CNBC Reporters Draw 'Scary' Comparisons Between Lehman, Bear Stearns

September 12th, 2008 2:18 PM
In light of their reporting on the failure of investment firm Bear Stearns Companies Inc. (NYSE: BSC), it seems CNBC reporters aren't "tip-toeing around on eggshells" when reporting about problems at Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (NYSE: LEH). On CNBC's "Squawk Box," reporter Charlie Gasparino told co-host Joe Kernen, "I will say this about the Bear Stearns thing when you compare that [Lehman]…

Vanity Fair Offers 'Trig Palin Conspiracy Timeline

September 7th, 2008 8:39 AM
In the magazine world, Vanity Fair may be known as a glossy, trendy magazine for the rich and the aspiring rich. But conservatives know it as a hopeless, scandalous, left-wing Democratic rag with no journalistic principles -- it's Vanity Unfair. Exhibit A: Vanity Fair's website now hosts a supposedly "Authoritative Trig Palin Conspiracy Timeline," complete with "research" thanks to the Daily…

Obama and Fox News: 'Tentative Truce

September 3rd, 2008 5:20 PM
As Fox News prepares to interview Barack Obama tomorrow night, during prime time, TV journalist Michael Wolff details a meeting between Barack Obama, Fox News president Roger Ailes, and News Corporation president Rupert Murdoch in which the Fox execs promised to lay off the Democratic presidential candidate. According to Wolff's telling, this was more than a mere tete-à-tete, this was a full-on…

Vanity Fair Cartoonist Cribs from Seattle P-I's Anti-McCain Cartoon

July 23rd, 2008 1:00 PM
Update below.Vanity Fair magazine thought it amusing to have artist Tim Bower work up a mock magazine cover that lampoons the now-infamous satirical depiction of Sen. Barack Obama as a Muslim and his wife as a gun-slinging leftist radical (h/t Marc Ambinder). In Bower's cartoon, McCain clutches a walker while his wife waits with vials of prescription medicine. A George W. Bush portrait hangs…

CNBC's Gasparino Fires Back at Bear Stearns Rumor Charges

July 9th, 2008 10:32 AM
Although the collapse of Bear Stearns happened back in March, the debate still rages as to what led to the failure of the 85-year old investment bank that had survived years of previous turmoil, including the Great Depression. After JPMorgan Chase (NYSE:JPM) CEO Jamie Dimon appeared on PBS's "The Charlie Rose Show" July 7 and commented on an August 2008 Vanity Fair article alleging that…

CNN’s Phillips Deplores Sexist Attack on Hillary, Quotes from The Na

June 6th, 2008 3:39 PM
Following Veronica de la Cruz’s use of the Huffington Post and the Daily Kos as sources for a story on Thursday, CNN’s Kyra Phillips read an excerpt from a recent piece by The Nation’s Betsy Reed during a segment on Friday’s "American Morning" about Hillary Clinton’s future. After her guest Gail Sheehy of Vanity Fair argued that Clinton "spoke so strongly, so -- with such assurance about world…

Tyrrell: Todd Purdum's Plagiarizing My Latest Clinton Book

June 4th, 2008 12:09 PM

Clinton Calls Vanity Fair Writer 'Sleazy' 'Slimy' 'Scumbag

June 2nd, 2008 11:36 PM
Bill Clinton's hysterical response to Todd S. Purdum's Vanity Fair exposé hit a fevered pitch on the campaign trail Monday when the former president called the author "sleazy," "dishonest," "slimy," and a "scumbag"Even better, he blamed the whole article on "the national media's attempt to nail Hillary for Obama." This followed a statement revealed by FoxNews.com Sunday from the Office of the…

NRO: Clinton Slams Vanity Fair, Proves His 'Cavernous Narcissism

June 2nd, 2008 12:24 PM

Cindy Crawford Fights Global Warming Malibu Style

May 7th, 2008 12:20 PM
Another celebrity has seen Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" and found green religion. Supermodel-turned-mommy Cindy Crawford, now a blogger for Vanity Fair's Web site, appeared on ABC's May 7 "Good Morning America" to tell viewers they can save the environment by buying a $20 water bottle. "But my kids go to a school in Malibu and it's super-environmentally conscious," Crawford said. "We do…