Matthews: Americans Most Want JFK Added to Mount Rushmore

October 24th, 2011 8:50 PM
Maybe Princeton professor Cornel West should redirect his get off the crack pipe suggestion to MSNBC's Chris Matthews. On Monday's Hardball, the host actually said with a straight face that John F. Kennedy is "the American president we Americans most want to see joining Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Teddy Roosevelt up there on Mount Rushmore (video follows with transcript and commentary…

Bachmann Is Latest Target in Media's War on Conservative Women

August 10th, 2011 12:35 PM
Liberal bias is rampant among the media, but there is no more tangible example of it than in how the media treat Conservative women. The most recent cover of Newsweek features a very wide-eyed Michele Bachmann, looking surprised and unattractive. Perhaps more disturbing is the caption Newsweek placed below the presidential candidate's photo: "Queen of Rage." Bachmann, an attractive 55 year-…

Celebrity Planned Parenthood Boosters Ignore Reality

June 2nd, 2011 10:53 AM
When, in a recent New York Times interview, Comedian Chelsea Handler expressed disgust with the MTV show "16 and Pregnant," pro-lifers (and fans of traditional morality) might have had reason to hope. "Getting rewarded for being pregnant when you're a teenager?" she fumed, "Are you serious? I mean, that makes me want to kill somebody." Unfortunately, that somebody is a fetus. She went on to…

Carl Bernstein Rips Gov. Walker for 'Demagogic' Stand Against Collecti

February 22nd, 2011 3:37 PM
On MSNBC's "Jansing & Co." Tuesday, liberal journalist Carl Bernstein criticized the continued stance of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) against the right of public unions to collectively bargain. The liberal Watergate journalistic "legend" labeled the governor's efforts as "ahistorical" and "demagogic." When the governor cut into benefits and pensions of state employees to solve a…

More Assange Hypocrisy: Blasted Guardian for Publishing Info He 'Owned

January 7th, 2011 1:59 PM
For someone who deals in illicit information, Julian Assange sure gets touchy when people share information against his will. Last month the Times of London revealed that the Wikileaks proprietor was furious at a reporter for the UK Guardian who had published details of a police report concerning sexual assault allegations against Assange. His objection: they were private communications and…

Vanity Fair Targets News-Making GOP Men in Sexy 'Beefcake' Calendar

October 25th, 2010 5:30 PM
Vanity Fair’s attacked conservative men with its latest political satire: a soft-core pornographic, borderline homosexual and obviously photoshopped “Official 2010-2011 Republican Beefcake Calendar.”  Humorous perhaps, but also an attack on those candidates and certainly not the magazine’sfirst jab at Republicans and conservatives. In an effort to possibly shift “GOP tidal-wave” dialogue or…

Contradictions Pile Up Around Vanity Fair’s Palin Hit Piece

September 8th, 2010 2:46 PM
Vanity Fair writer Michael Joseph Gross has already admitted to one error in his profile of Sarah Palin, but the contradictions and controversies surrounding his hit piece continue to stack up. In a Sept. 7 post on The Corner, Katrina Trinko "refudiated" Gross's characterization of Palin as vicious, vengeful, and fake. Unlike Gross's sources, almost all of which were anonymous, Trinko provided…

WaPo's Marcus: Palin Is Homophobic for Calling Reporters Limp and Impo

September 6th, 2010 4:12 PM
The lengths liberals will go to trash Sarah Palin knows no bounds.On Friday, the Washington Post's Ruth Marcus actually accused the former Alaska governor of being homophobic for calling reporters "limp" and "impotent."As NewsBusters reported Thursday, Palin, while on Sean Hannity's radio program the day before, bashed "impotent, limp and gutless reporters [that] take anonymous sources and cite…

Vanity Fair Reporter Admits Error In Sarah Palin Hit Piece

September 4th, 2010 10:41 AM
For almost two years, Sarah Palin has been complaining about media members making things up about her.On Friday, one finally admitted it.As NewsBusters reported Wednesday, Vanity Fair's October issue has a hit piece on its cover about the former Alaska governor that Palin-hating press members have been predictably fawning and gushing over.Now, the Associated Press is reporting that the author,…

CBS Early Show Promotes Palin-Bashing Vanity Fair Article

September 2nd, 2010 12:59 PM
On Thursday's CBS Early Show, fill-in co-host Erica Hill interviewed Vanity Fair reporter Michael Joseph Gross about his article slamming Sarah Palin with outlandish accusations: "...we've watched Sarah Palin go from a small town hockey mom and the mayor to international certainly changed her, that's according to a rather unflattering new article in Vanity Fair magazine. " Talking…

Vanity Fair's Palin Antagonist: 'I Have a Lot in Common with this Woma

September 2nd, 2010 11:21 AM
The author of a 10,600-word Vanity Fair hit piece on Sarah Palin is defending his work, claiming he set out to defend the former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate, but that the resulting article "was forced on me by the facts." Michael Gross appeared on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" Sept. 2 to discuss his article in the October issue of Vanity Fair. The piece depicts Palin as a volatile,…

Vanity Fair Attacks Palin as Volatile, Angry, Fake

September 1st, 2010 2:55 PM
Another day, another media hit piece aimed at Sarah Palin. Surprise, surprise. A 10,600-word article in the October issue of Vanity Fair reads like the rambling diaries of a spurned middle school student. Writer Michael Joseph Gross ran through a list of ill-sourced, hearsay attacks on Palin designed to depict her as a raging psychopath - a far cry from the down-to-earth "hockey mom" she…

Henry Rollins Knows What’s Wrong with American Education – and Gue

August 13th, 2010 11:59 AM
On the heels of a new College Board report that the United States is struggling to compete with other countries when it comes to college completion rates, Vanity Fair's resident straight talker, Henry Rollins, has figured out the problem.  The education system isn't struggling because of possible factors contained within the report, such as: Inadequate funding of preschool programsPoor college…

Top Obama Adviser Valerie Jarrett, Vanity Fair Editor Pine for Days of

August 11th, 2010 2:42 PM
Vanity Fair's national editor Todd Purdum has a long piece in the most recent issue (in the print edition only, as far as I can tell) bemoaning what he argues are the new and unique challenges facing the Obama administration, including the state of the news media. Purdum's opinions on the state of the news business boil down to a call for the press's continuing political uniformity.He offers a…