Vox Hates Fox: 'Amazingly Effective' at Spin on Mueller Report

April 24th, 2019 10:59 AM
Did you know that viewers of Fox News had their minds shaped that the Mueller Report was good news for President Trump. That is the premise of Aaron Rupar at the liberal website Vox. According to Rupar, Fox News fans would have been unable to determine that fact if left to their own devices. No, they needed to be be convinced of that by the network's "pro-Trump spin."

Lefty Journalists, Climate Activists to ‘Transform’ Climate Coverage

April 19th, 2019 1:41 PM
Columbia Journalism School wants “a new playbook” for journalism in a “1.5 degree world” because “we believe the news business must also transform.” So they’ve handpicked a selection of global warming alarmists and far-left media to instruct the media how to change. Don’t expect that change to be toward balance or giving climate skeptics any air time. But be sure to look for major media to join…

Vox Writer: Trump ‘Trying to Get Ilhan Omar Killed’ Over 9/11 Comments

April 17th, 2019 2:22 PM

Accusing the president of “trying to get” someone killed is pretty over the top. But Vox’s David Roberts isn’t exactly known for keeping his mouth shut.

Marching Toward Recession? Media Talk ‘R’ Word Every Day of Month

April 4th, 2019 10:07 AM
In spite of growing wages, extremely low unemployment and nearly 3 percent economic growth in 2018, the liberal media are becoming obsessed with recession. It didn’t matter that CFOs were confident the U.S. economy “will not experience a recession” in 2019. They were fixated by recession prospects in March anyway. Every. Single. Day.

Vox Forced to Issue Correction for ‘Late Abortions’ Article

March 14th, 2019 8:00 AM
The mainstream media is no stranger to being an ally of the abortion movement. Vox recently engaged in such a play of euphemisms that they had to issue a correction. What’s even better is that this article is in their “Explainers” section.

Here's Who Needs To Retract 'Deceptive Edits' Planned Parenthood Claim

January 18th, 2019 3:18 PM
The blog contains a list of organizations and news outlets who have repeated the now-defunct line about "deceptive edits" in light of the recent ruling against Planned Parenthood by the U.S. 5th Circuit Court. It's anybody's guess as to how many of them will issue udates or corrections.

Tax Time! Media Defend Socialist Ocasio-Cortez’s 70% Tax Idea

January 10th, 2019 2:58 PM
If there’s one thing liberal media love, it’s the idea of raising taxes on the rich. It’s something they have in common with freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. As a self-identifying Democratic-Socialist, Ocasio-Cortez has plenty of expensive ideas for the government, including a Green New Deal she suggested paying for with much higher taxes on the wealthiest.

Journalists’ Union Part of Coalition to Break Up Facebook

November 29th, 2018 11:42 AM
As Facebook finds itself in the midst of another controversy, coming under fire from the left this time, it turns out a coalition attacking Facebook includes a prominent press union. Facebook is in the midst of what Vox called a “liberal apology tour” after hiring an opposition research firm which sought to shed light on connections and funding of the Freedom From Facebook (FFF) coalition and…

Socialism? Vox Video Skips Reason Why Venezuelans Leave the Country

November 28th, 2018 11:54 AM
Johnny Harris of Vox reported on the enormous numbers of refugees who have fled from Venezuela and crossed the border to live in Colombia. Since Venezuela has the largest proven oil reserves in the world, one might wonder how it came to be an economic basket case where inflation is so high that the paper currency needed to buy a roll of toilet paper would actually be more useful to use in the…

Vox Co-Founder Defends Leftists Terrorizing Tucker Carlson’s Family

November 8th, 2018 2:10 PM
In a string of disturbing tweets Thursday afternoon, Vox Senior Correspondent and co-founder Matthew Yglesias actually justified a mob of left-wing Antifa activists surrounding the home of Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson and terrorizing his family. Even as other journalists and pundits across the political spectrum condemned the incident, Yglesisas insisted that he “cannot empathize” with Carlson…

Vox Writer Avoids the I-Word in Article about House Dems Top Priority

September 11th, 2018 5:14 PM
What do you think the top priority of Congress would be if the Democrats win control of the House in November? The answer is something upon which both the left and the right would agree: Impeachment. And yet the official Democrat position is pretend that impeachment is not on their minds 24/7 because they know such an admission could hurt them with the voters. Therefore most of the Congressional…

Vox Drops Hot Take After McCain’s Death Trashing Palin, Gets Destroyed

August 27th, 2018 3:33 PM
Remember folks, Vox gonna Vox. Moments after Arizona Republican Senator John McCain’s death on Saturday night, Vox.com sent out a since-deleted tweet that “[y]ou can draw a straight line from John McCain to Donald Trump — through Sarah Palin” that accompanied a piece by politics editor Laura McGann which, in the original version, couldn’t correctly identify the origin of Palin’s “lipstick”…

The Theory of Political Relative Relativity

August 16th, 2018 12:14 AM
It's quite simple: Some political relatives are more equal than others. Agenda-driven journalists love to exploit familial dysfunction when a prominent politician is conservative and his or her kinfolk espouse liberal views. When a vengeful offspring, sibling, cousin or distant relation wants to wreak havoc, instant fame and adoration are just a tweet or call away. The media schadenfreude over…

Satirical Interview by CRTV of Ocasio-Cortez Draws Hysterical Outrage

July 26th, 2018 2:48 PM
Earlier this week, our friends at CRTV channel found a unique way to cover the midterm contests by creating a satirical video made (using clips from a real, PBS interview) to appear like conservative personality Allie Stuckey had interviewed well-known socialist Democratic House candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.