Liberal Pundits: By Passing Tax Bill, GOP Is 'Looting' America

December 20th, 2017 5:15 PM
On Tuesday, Talking Points Memo's Josh Marshall called the bill "a heist," while Vox's Matthew Yglesias charged that "moral and political responsibility for the looting ultimately rests on the shoulders of the GOP members of Congress who decided that the appropriate reaction to Trump’s inauguration was to start smashing and grabbing as much as possible for themselves and their donors rather than…

NYT's Thrush Suspended Amid Claims of Sexual Misconduct [UPDATED]

November 20th, 2017 12:06 PM
On Monday morning, published an extensive, heartbreaking, and upsetting story revealing four women have come forward to Laura McGann about unwanted sexual encounters with New York Times reporter Glenn Thrush that’s now resulted in his suspension from the newspaper. McGann detailed experiences (including her own) that largely revolved around trips to a bar near Politico and ended with…

Vox Writer: ‘Conservative Elites’ Keep ‘Lying’ About Climate Change

November 11th, 2017 11:15 AM
Liberals have little chance of converting conservatives on climate change, but eventually righties will get swept to the left on the issue whether they like it or not, believes David Roberts. In a Friday piece, Roberts maintained that “the weather is only getting worse, young people are only getting more engaged, and clean energy is only getting cheaper” and therefore “climate change and clean…

Steele Dossier Revelation: Vox Throws Hillary Under the Bus

October 25th, 2017 11:50 AM
With the revelation yesterday in the Washington Post that the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC paid for the research that resulted in the infamous Steele (aka "Golden Showers") dossier that contained allegations of supposed ties between Donald Trump's campaign and the Kremlin, it will be interesting to see what the reaction will be from liberal media outlets. In the case of Vox, we didn't…

Vox: No Evidence Paul Manafort Involved in Trump-Russia Collusion

September 1st, 2017 9:54 PM
With the focus of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation upon former Donald Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, we are beginning to see the outline of his grand plan. Phase 1: Pressure Manafort to flip. Phase 2: ?. Phase 3: Impeach Trump.

Vox: North Korea Backed Down Because of... Charlottesville?

August 15th, 2017 7:30 PM
"Kim Jong-un blinked and backed off some of his threats. So is it possible that some of the President’s amped up rhetoric worked?" That was John Berman today at CNN's Newsroom blurting out that perhaps President Donald Trump should get credit for North Korea backing down on its threat to hit Guam with a missile. Unfortunately for Berman he broke an important taboo among the left that Trump should…

Vox Writer: ‘Intellectual Foundation’ of GOP ‘Has Rotted Away’

August 15th, 2017 4:50 PM
The motto of the Trump-era Washington Post is “Democracy Dies in Darkness.” Its counterpart, suggests David Roberts, might be “Conservatism Lives in Darkness.” “Secrecy,” wrote Roberts on Monday, “is the standard approach of today’s GOP…It is, in fact, the only approach possible to advance an agenda that is unpopular and intellectually indefensible.”

Vox Links Trump to Hugo Chavez: ‘A Threat to Democracy’

June 22nd, 2017 5:21 PM
On Thursday, Vox’s Carlos Meza released a Video on its YouTube channel comparing President Trump to Latin American dictator Hugo Chavez. This in addition to flatly calling the President a “Threat to democracy” in the same video.

Vox Writer: Special Elections Result Mean 'Republicans Are in Trouble'

June 22nd, 2017 9:56 AM

HOORAY! We lost again!!! A reliable source of humor after Democrats lose elections is Vox writer Matthew Yglesias. A month ago Matthews was celebrating the loss of the democrat in the Montana special congressional election by declaring his loss to really mean a win for democrats. Yglesias continued mining this political comedy vein by declaring that the loss of Jon Ossoff in the George 6th…

Ezra Klein: ObamaCare Repeal Might Lead to a Single-Payer System

June 19th, 2017 5:20 PM
In the long run, Republicans’ health-care-reform efforts are going to backfire, suggested Vox editor-in-chief Klein last Thursday. He argued that if Congress junks the Affordable Care Act, “Medicare for all” will become a rallying cry for Democrats, and once Dems return to power, “they’ll pass what many of them wanted to pass” instead of the ACA: “A heavily subsidized buy-in program for Medicare…

People Are Getting Sick and Vox Blames Trump

June 8th, 2017 11:34 AM
Following the trend of blaming Trump for literally everything bad that’s happening in the U.S. and beyond, Vox contributor Julia Belluz has come up with yet another reason Trump is evil: the POTUS is giving the public “a tense political moment that might actually sicken people.” Belluz  interviewed David Williams, a professor from Harvard who co-authored a study on why anxiety and stress are “on…

Participation Trophy: Vox Hails Montana Dem Loss as ‘Great’

May 26th, 2017 11:08 AM
HOORAY! We lost!!! That is becoming the laughable mainstream media theme about many special elections since President Donald Trump's victory last November. We saw this happen in early March when Politico hailed Democrat performances in special elections despite the fact that there was no net change. The latest iteration of celebrating participation trophies, and likely to be repeated by…

Vox Uses NYC Death as Attack on Alcohol, Turns Out Driver Was on Drugs

May 24th, 2017 9:15 AM
When it’s left-wing Vox, every incident is about agenda -- sometimes with hilarious results. Soon after an impaired driver killed an 18-year-old-girl in Times Square May 18, Vox writer German Lopez wrote a think piece condemning drunken driving and criticizing the media for disproportionately covering terrorism. Lopez has a long history of being pro-marijuana, so attacking alcohol fit his pattern…

'Shattered': Book Mocks Hillary's Kickoff Speech that Author Praised

April 18th, 2017 1:54 PM
Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton's Doomed Campaign could just as accurately been titled, Shattered: How a Pair of MSM Journalists Inadvertently Destroyed Their Credibility. The reason is that while authors Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes are now somewhat frank in revealing the faults of Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign, back when they were reporting on it they acted as cheerleaders…