NPR Talk Show Voices Disgust With Archaic, Oppressive 'Objectivity'
Is the notion of objectivity in journalism dead? The answer is yes, if you're listening to NPR. On Tuesday, their morning talk show 1A had a discussion where all three guests were leftists who thought of objectivity as a dirty word, even a racist concept.

On NPR, NY Times Team LOL at View They Help Dems with Slavery Project
On Thursday's edition of the NPR morning talk show 1A, host Joshua Johnson devoted the first hour to promoting the "1619 Project" at The New York Times, which seeks to "reframe" American history as dominated to this very day by slavery. In a town hall meeting transcript that leaked, Times executive editor Dean Baquet explicitly announced that the project was meant to help the public…

Taxpayer-Funded NPR Talk Show Devotes Hour to Pro-Abortion Viewpoint

NPR Host: Instill Fear, Say Climate Change Will Cause Human Extinction

D.C. NPR Station Hounds Virginia Pol About Using Illegal Minors As a