25 Times Big Tech Claimed They Censored Conservatives by Mistake

December 21st, 2020 11:31 AM

Big Tech has eviscerated free speech on social media. There have been at least 25 famous, well-documented examples of when Big Tech companies censored conservatives, allegedly by mistake since August 7. 2018.

Knockout Punch: Byron York DESTROYS Paul Krugman’s Hypocrisy on Trump

December 3rd, 2020 10:14 AM

New York Times blowhard economist Paul Krugman continues to brazenly contradict himself with impunity. The Washington Examiner’s chief political correspondent Byron York has finally had enough.

Hell Freezes Over: NYT Fact-Checks ‘False’ Biden Claims on Econ, Trade

September 30th, 2020 1:09 PM

Last night’s presidential brawl of a debate was definitely an eye-opener. On the media side, nothing was more eye-opening than The New York Times actually taking the time to fact-check false claims Democratic President Joe Biden made on trade and the economy. The Times economics reporter Jim Tankersley blew up a major talking point Biden tried to sell during the debate: “‘[W]…

Not a Joke: Lefty Group Cites 2nd Amendment in Virus Suit Against FNC

May 14th, 2020 7:20 PM
Back on April 10, NewsBusters wrote about a bizarre move by the far-left group WASHLITE to have a judge removed from their farcical lawsuit trying to destroy Fox News for its supposedly dangerous, deadly, and inept coronavirus coverage. Earlier this week, the case took an even more baffling turn when, as part of a new filing, WASHLITE cited the Second Amendment in a case pertaining to the First…

NBC News Links Trump to Death from Coronavirus Cocktail … Again

April 21st, 2020 10:09 AM
As part of a never-ending campaign to bring down President Trump, NBC News attempted to blame the Republican for the death of a person who took hydroxychloroquine after her doctor prescribed that coronavirus-related medicine. Not surprisingly, this isn’t the first time that network has accused the GOP official of promoting the substance that researchers are examining as a possible treatment for…

Poisonous Lies: NYT Blames Fox News for Man’s Death from Coronavirus

April 20th, 2020 6:11 PM

In the repugnant, never-ending liberal media crusade to not only annihilate but mortally wound Fox News (thus putting thousands out of work), New York Times columnist Ginia Bellafante took the not only false but grotesque plunge in her April 18 column blaming FNC for the April 9 death of 74-year0old Brooklyn bar owner Joe Joyce from the coronavirus.

Google Allegedly Censors Church for Violating Coronavirus Guidelines

April 17th, 2020 12:35 PM
An Idaho evangelical church might have had its app pulled from the Google Playstore for having references about the coronavirus within the app. Christ Church, a church in Moscow, Idaho, alleged that its app was suspended on Good Friday, April 10.

The Liberal Media Cover Up on Joe Biden’s Sex Abuse Claims

April 11th, 2020 4:00 PM
I know the late summer and fall of 2018 seems a world away in today’s virusland. But recall the headlines of the period. Headlines like these: The Washington Post: “California professor, writer of confidential Brett Kavanaugh letter, speaks out about her allegation of sexual assault.” NPR: “Who Is Christine Blasey Ford, The Woman Accusing Brett Kavanaugh Of Sexual Assault?”

Greg Gutfeld Unleashes on ‘A**holes’ in Media Attacking MyPillow CEO

April 1st, 2020 12:51 PM
Liberal media talking heads on Twitter continue to spew garbage at MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell for being invited by President Donald Trump to speak at a coronavirus task force briefing. Conservative Fox News host Greg Gutfeld went nuclear and unleashed on the liberal media on Twitter. “[W]hen people do great things to help others, the media mocks their religion,” Gutfeld tweeted March 30. “[I]…

ABC News to Air Documentary on Epstein Without Spiked Robach Interview

December 21st, 2019 6:05 PM
Thanks to Project Veritas, ABC News was linked to Jeffrey Epstein and his alleged long history sexually exploiting underage girls after Project Veritas's November 5 airing of Amy Robach admitting on a hot mic that the network intentionally quashed her interview with Virginia Roberts Giuffre, one of the exploited women. Giuffre has alleged she was repeatedly raped by Prince Andrew. According to…

Wikipedia Founder Launches Social Media Site to Fight ‘Fake News’

November 14th, 2019 1:33 PM
The founder of the liberal crowdsourced information platform Wikipedia, which received $2 million from liberal billionaire George Soros, is launching a social media site to rival Facebook and Twitter.  Jimmy Wales said in a tweet that WT:Social is a response to the “fake news and low quality content” that can be found on Facebook and Twitter.

CNN Boasts Trump Jr. Was Heckled by ‘Conservatives’ (They’re Not)

November 12th, 2019 6:05 PM
On Monday, CNN spent nine minutes and 49 seconds reveling in Donald Trump Jr. being heckled by a rabid, shouting crew from the alt-right and fans of Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes during a Turning Point USA event promoting his book Triggered. Therefore, CNN have spent nine minutes and 49 seconds more on people protesting Trump Jr. than calling out ABC for their decision to spike reporting about…

Nets Punt on News CIA Whistleblower Worked with Joe Biden

October 11th, 2019 8:05 PM

Thursday night, Washington Examiner’s Rob Crilly, Steven Nelson, and David Drucker reported that alleged CIA whistleblower at the center of the congressional inquiry seeking to impeach and remove President Donald Trump “had a ‘professional’ tie” to “Joe Biden, according to intelligence officers and former White House officials.” But on the Friday morning and evening flagship broadcast network…

President Trump Blasts Big Tech at UN Speech

September 24th, 2019 2:37 PM
President Donald Trump described Big Tech censorship as one of the “new challenges to liberty” and declared that “a free society cannot allow social media giants to silence the voices of the people.” President Trump blasted social media during his speech at the UN, and covered its problems ranging from blacklisting to censorship.