
D.C. Examiner Exposes Liberals Resurrecting Botched Time Piece on Ryan

December 6th, 2016 3:34 PM
The Washington Examiner’s T. Becket Adams exposed on Tuesday morning in a series of tweets the very problem that besets a liberal media obsessed with placing legitimate conservative sites into the sphere of the fake news when a number of journalists chided Speaker of the House Paul Ryan for comments at CPAC 2014 regarding school lunches thanks to a dishonest hatchet job by Time magazine.

CBS Spotlights Trump Effect on PA Senate Race, Omits Democrat's Past

October 25th, 2016 8:34 PM
As part of its ongoing look at various U.S. Senate races, Tuesday’s CBS Evening News examined the Pennsylvania match-up between Republican Senator Pat Toomey and Democratic challenger Katie McGinty and framed the race as Donald Trump possibly dragging down Toomey while ignoring McGinty’s flaws and past. 

Nets Ignore ‘Very Weak’ GDP In 2 Months Prior to Presidential Debates

September 29th, 2016 5:09 PM
For two months prior to the first presidential debate, the networks’ evening news shows ignored news of "very weak" GDP growth in their broadcasts. The Washington Examiner reported on Sept. 29, that the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) grew at a “relatively weak” 1.4 percent in the second quarter of 2016. CNBC noted on the same day that “The current expansion's pace is the weakest of any since…

New Hume Show Blasts Hillary's Plane Gaggles Instead of Large Pressers

September 6th, 2016 9:49 PM
As many news consumers and political junkies know by now, longtime Fox News Channel (FNC) Greta Van Susteren departed the network on Monday (while CNN’s Brian Stelter suggested she was forced out after a dispute over her desire to leave) and so the classy, steady journalist and former Special Report host Brit Hume was appointed to oversee her On the Record program from Tuesday through Election…

New Federal Study Contradicts the Media Narrative Against Fracking

June 1st, 2016 11:05 AM
Another Obama administration agency has poured cold water on anti-fracking fears so commonly promoted by the liberal media. The Federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement announced May 27, that their recent study of offshore hydraulic fracturing (more commonly called fracking) in California found no long term damage to the environment.

Duke President: False Rape Accusations 'Distracting'

March 12th, 2016 9:48 AM
After Duke University administrators slandered innocent coaches and players, falsely accusing them of being Neanderthal racist rapists and lording their privilege over those that they oppress, there apparently will not be any outpouring of grief and remorse.

NBC Teams Up With Dem Firm for 2016 Campaign Coverage

September 9th, 2015 3:26 PM
As reported by the Washington Examiner’s Eddie Scarry on Wednesday, NBC News has apparently abandoned any pretense of objectivity by partnering with Democratic political research firm TargetSmart for its 2016 campaign coverage. According to Scarry, “The partnership between NBC News and TargetSmart is intended to ‘enhance election coverage and study the voting process in America in depth,’…

Obamacare Penalty Hits Taxpayers, Nets Ignore in 91% of Stories

April 9th, 2015 10:09 AM
Surprise! Millions of uninsured Americans could owe Uncle Sam extra this tax season because of Obamacare. The IRS began penalizing tax filers this year if they failed to purchase insurance in 2014. Obamacare, formally known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), included an insurance mandate. Americans must buy qualified health insurance or face the larger of two tax penalty options when they file…

CBS Cheers Anniversary of ObamaCare; Touts WH Enrollment Stats

March 23rd, 2015 11:23 PM
The CBS Evening News enthusiastically took to promoting ObamaCare in the form of a brief on its Monday night broadcast, hailing the fifth anniversary of President Obama signing the massive legislation into law. Anchor Scott Pelley began by reminding viewers that “[i]t was five years ago today that President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act known as ObamaCare.” Pelley rattled off a few…

ABC-NBC-Telemundo-Univison Ignore Recovery of 30K Lost Lerner Emails

November 24th, 2014 8:25 PM
On Friday afternoon, it became known that as many as 30,000 emails belonging to former IRS official Lois Lerner that were thought to be lost had been recovered. When it came to reporting this story, however, English-language networks ABC and NBC plus Spanish-language networks Telemundo and Univision have punted on this story and offered no coverage through their Monday evening newscasts. The…

Woman Called Liar By Democrat Over Anti-ObamaCare Ad

February 23rd, 2014 9:58 AM
Congressman Gary Peters (D-M.I.) seems to have some really thin skin as he recently threatened several Michigan TV stations for airing political ads targeting his support for ObamaCare. In a piece in the Washington Examiner, reporter Charles Hoskinson revealed how the Michigan Democrat, who is running for Senate to replace the retiring Carl Levin, is upset over an ad produced by Americans for…

Omission Watch: IRS Agent Testifies The Agency's Still Targeting Tea P

August 10th, 2013 7:22 AM
Would the media feel compelled to cover the IRS Tea Party-targeting scandal if investigators found that targeting was ongoing in the Obama administration? Apparently not. It didn't come up at Obama's press conference. Paul Bedard of The Washington Examiner reported Friday that the House Ways and Means Committee was told "the agency is still targeting Tea Party groups, three months after the…

Poll Shows Democrats Skeptical of ObamaCare; Media Mostly Silent

March 22nd, 2013 4:03 PM
On March 20, the Washington Examiner’s Philip Klein reported that it seems Obamacare’s true costs are starting to sink in with its most ardent supporters: Democrats.  Despite years of the liberal media reporting that this new trillion dollar health care entitlement will save money over the next decade, that outcome is, to be generous, highly dubious, especially with the possibility of eleven…

Entire Media Skips Team Obama's Neat Idea in Court: Avoid Individual M

June 5th, 2011 7:20 PM

On Thursday, Philip Klein at the Washington Examiner publicized a whopper from Obama’s solicitor general Neal Katyal defending ObamaCare (and Mark Levin teed it up and whacked it to the fairway on the radio). But it was blacked out by all the networks – and all the major newspapers and wire services. Get a load of this: "President Obama's solicitor general, defending the national health care…