
Struggleboating: Psaki Treads Water After ABC’s Karl Asks About Cuomo

February 22nd, 2021 6:09 PM

Along with struggling to answer basic questions during White House press briefings, Press Secretary Jen Psaki found herself paddling the struggleboat on Sunday on ABC’s This Week as chief Washington correspondent Jonathan Karl inquired about then-candidate Joe Biden’s affection for scandal-ridden Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY).


ABC Refuses to Admit Biden Is Beholden to Uncaring Teachers’ Unions

February 21st, 2021 11:18 AM

Between Sunday’s Good Morning America and This Week, ABC News and chief Washington correspondent Jon Karl tried to frame the Biden’s administration’s aversion to the science-driven reopening of schools as just a problem with messaging, and avoided the fact Biden was beholden to uncaring teachers’ unions. Karl even got into an argument with Republican Congressman Steve Scalise…


ABC Praises Biden’s 'More Aggressive Use of Executive Action'

February 7th, 2021 11:19 AM

For four years, the liberal media were acting like President Trump was a dictator for relying on executive orders to push his policy agenda. But during Sunday’s This Week, George Stephanopoulos and ABC chief Washington correspondent Jon Karl gushed and praised President Biden for his “speed” and “more aggressive use of executive action” than former-President Trump, whose executive…


ABC Edits Out Chuck Schumer’s Embarrassing ‘Insurrection’ Blunder

January 25th, 2021 10:13 AM

We’re used to the networks editing out and refusing to own up to their own fake news, but you’ll never guess the lengths the media goes to protect Democrats as well from their own embarrassment. 


ABC: U.S. Like Post-War Germany, Antifa and BLM Violence Is Moral

January 24th, 2021 1:56 PM

Aside from ABC chief anchor George Stephanopoulos’s fiery exchange with Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), Sunday’s This Week was awash with ridiculous and repugnant pronouncements from their mostly liberal cast. Between suggesting America was getting over something akin to Nazism and proclaiming the extremist violence from the left was morally justified, ABC was out to normalize dangerous…


Raddatz Seeks Reassurance from Stacey Abrams Dems Will Win Georgia

January 3rd, 2021 10:51 AM

With ABC working very hard to hide the disgustingness (Ties to China, domestic violence accusations, child abuse, sexually violent rapper) of the Democratic Senate candidates in Georgia from their viewers, co-host Martha Raddatz spent part of Sunday’s This Week seeking reassurance from Georgia conspiracy theorist and failed Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams that the…


Bye, 2020: Here’s the Top Ten Most-Read NewsBusters Items of the Year

December 29th, 2020 5:38 PM

In a year unlike any other, NewsBusters was a constant in providing readers with around-the-clock blogs, columns, and studies about the latest liberal media bias and Big Tech censorship. Between attempts to further cripple an already-spooked country over the coronavirus, CNN’s latest antics, impeachment coverage, and the liberal media stealing the election through their rampant bias by…


ABC Hacks: GOP Is Party of 'Autocracy,' Hunter Did Nothing Wrong

December 13th, 2020 1:20 PM

ABC’s This Week was on a roll Sunday during their so-called “Powerhouse Roundtable” as they showed off just how much of a propaganda outlet for the Democratic Party they are. Between news analyst Matthew Dowd suggesting the Republican Party was “team autocracy” and fill-in host Martha Raddatz claiming there was no evidence of wrongdoing from Hunter Biden, the panel discussion was…


ABC Presses Biden Chief of Staff for Investigations of Trump, Admin

November 22nd, 2020 4:26 PM

After the liberal media spent years accusing the Department of Justice under President Trump of just being a tool for a corrupt president to investigate and prosecute political enemies (which it never was), ABC chief anchor George Stephanopoulos was demanding such of the incoming Biden administration. During a Sunday interview with Biden Chief of Staff Ron Klain on This Week, the…


Nate Silver Blames Midwest Republicans for Polling Industry Failures

November 22nd, 2020 1:11 PM

One of the big takeaways from the 2020 election cycle was that the polling industry had no idea what it was doing and was gaslighting the American people with lies about a massive groundswell for Democrats at all levels. And few in the polling industry has the ears of more liberal prognosticators that Nate Silver, the founder of analytical firm FiveThirtyEight. In his Sunday appearance on ABC’…


Stephanopoulos Gets Frustrated as Republican Gov. Fights Back

November 9th, 2020 12:37 PM

South Dakota’s Republican Governor Kristi Noem firmly held her ground against a hostile George Stephanopoulos on Sunday morning’s This Week, November 8, as he grilled her over the presidential election results and coronavirus cases in her state. 


ABC Shocked By Trump’s Energy to Campaign, ‘We Love You’ Rally Chants

November 1st, 2020 10:51 AM

With just two days to go until Election Day, ABC chief White House correspondent Jon Karl literally marveled at President Trump’s energy to hold 14 rallies in just three days, especially since the President had recently fought off coronavirus. In his election update during Sunday’s This Week, Karl also seemed shocked by the chants of “we love you” from Trump supporters that broke out…


STILL HIDIN’ HUNTER: Nets Spend 21 Minutes Out of 113 Hours on Biden

October 27th, 2020 1:05 PM

On the debate stage last Thursday, President Donald Trump pressed Joe Biden on his son’s shady business dealings, even going so far as to invite Hunter’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski (who confirmed the legitimacy of Hunter’s e-mails involving a Chinese deal) to the event. However, the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) refused to care, as the name Tony Bobulinski has yet to be uttered on…


BLACKOUT: ABC Refuses to Report on Latest Hunter Biden Scandals

October 22nd, 2020 10:53 AM

Despite confirmation of the legitimacy of Hunter Biden’s e-mails by the Department of Justice and new allegations of a Biden family scheme to partner with a Chinese Communist firm, ABC has REFUSED to report on all the New York Post bombshells about alleged corruption by Hunter Biden