Bozell & Graham Column: Claiming Trump’s Rhetoric Inspires Mass Murder

August 6th, 2019 11:30 PM
The first question on everyone’s lips was: Why? Why did that El Paso monster murder 20 and injure another 26? What could explain this evil? It didn’t take long to discover that the shooter had a four-page “manifesto” proclaiming “this attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas.” And just like that it was Trump’s fault. The Democrats and their leftist friends in the press are blaming…

Karl Calls Trump's Rhetoric 'Just Dangerous' Following Mass Shootings

August 5th, 2019 4:00 PM
Less than 24 hours after the mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio, fill-in host Jonathan Karl interviewed Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney on Sunday’s edition of ABC’s This Week. During the interview, Karl repeatedly slammed President Trump’s “rhetoric,” implying that it deserved “part of the blame” for the mass shootings that took place over the weekend.

Haberman: Trump's Treatment of 'The Squad' Follows 'Pattern' of Racism

July 22nd, 2019 3:39 PM

For ten minutes, members of the powerhouse roundtable on Sunday’s edition of ABC's This Week did their best to paint President Trump as a racist. The conversation focused on the feud between President Trump and the four progressive Congresswomen known as “the squad.” According to the panel, President Trump’s treatment of the minority women serves as yet another of example of his inherent…


ABC Grills DHS Head on Facebook Page, Skips Rep’s Ties to Anti-Semites

July 7th, 2019 12:31 PM
ABC chief foreign affairs correspondent Martha Raddatz got her chance to question acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan about the group during Sunday’s This Week. But while she grilled McAleenan on that Facebook group, which he was not involved in, she failed to question Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (MN) about her personal involvement in a disturbing anti-Semitic Facebook group called…

ABC Hails Ocasio-Cortez as Possible ‘Kingmaker’ in 2020 Dem Primary

June 16th, 2019 1:21 PM
Freshman New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has become a darling of the liberal media because of her young age and unabashed promotion of socialism. They celebrated her ludicrous Green New Deal while ignoring her many campaign finance violations and ethics questions. Now, during Sunday’s Good Morning America and This Week, ABC chief White House correspondent Jon Karl hailed the…

ABC's Raddatz to Buttigieg: Is Running in 2020 a ‘Sexy Challenge?'

May 28th, 2019 8:31 PM
During the Sunday edition of ABC’s This Week program, co-host and ABC's chief global affairs correspondent Martha Raddatz quickly turned from addressing a few serious topics to a big softball question that South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg might consider his run for the presidency a “sexy challenge.”

Faux Republican Dowd Uses Memorial Day to Bash President Trump

May 26th, 2019 12:14 PM
Memorial Day is a sacred day for all Americans were we honor and remember the soldiers who died defending us and our freedom. But for ABC’s faux Republican Matthew Dowd, the day was just another political cudgel to use against the target of his ire: President Trump.

Gen. Petraeus DESTROYS ABC Fear Mongering, Trump Not for War With Iran

May 19th, 2019 1:33 PM
Despite warnings from the Trump administration about an imminent attack by Iran or its proxies against American allies and forces, and the attack against oil tankers that followed, the liberal media has been claiming the threat from Iran was being overblown by an administration itching for a war. But, during an interview with ABC’s chief global affairs correspondent Martha Raddatz for This Week,…

On ABC’s ‘This Week’, Axios’s Jonathan Swan Pops Liberal Bubbles

May 5th, 2019 1:13 PM
Axios national political reporter Jonathan Swan has the reputation of being the objective person in the room when he’s on panels often dominated by open partisans and media folks pushing left-wing narratives. In an appearance during ABC’s This Week on Sunday, Swan popped a few liberal bubbles when it came to suggestions that President Trump’s tweets about former VP Joe Biden meant he was afraid.…

ABC’s Dowd Claims Trump's Rhetoric Gave ‘Permission’ to Chabad Shooter

April 28th, 2019 11:42 AM
Despite President Trump’s strong condemnation of the recent synagogue shooting at the Chabad of Poway and anti-Semitism as a whole at a rally Saturday night, ABC political analyst Matthew Dowd blamed Trump for the shooting during Sunday’s This Week on ABC. Dowd went so far as to claim Trump’s rhetoric gave the shooter “permission” to act.

Raddatz Fixates on Volume II of Mueller Report, Ignores 'No Collusion'

April 23rd, 2019 9:51 AM
On ABC’s This Week Sunday, guest host Martha Raddatz interviewed Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway; specifically focusing on the conclusions of the Mueller report. Raddatz summarized the President’s reaction to the Mueller report for Conway: “the President says there’s total vindication. Complete exoneration. No collusion. No obstruction.” Not surprisingly, Raddatz wanted to skip right…

Moran Rips Dems' 'Obsession' Over Mueller: Collusion 'Hope Is Dead'

April 22nd, 2019 11:06 AM
On ABC’s This Week With George Stephanopoulos Sunday, Terry Moran doubled down on a surprising admission he made one month ago on the program, that the Mueller report would be a “reckoning” for the media and Democrats, after they spent so much time hyping it. On Easter Sunday, Moran emphasized again how the “obsession” of using it to impeach Trump was going to backfire spectacularly for the left.

Christie Schools Stephanopoulos on Trump Campaign Spying

April 14th, 2019 12:22 PM
Members of the liberal media had epic meltdowns following Attorney General William Barr’s Wednesday admission he was looking into how the Trump campaign was spied on in 2016. Despite the fact former FBI Director James Comey admitted the campaign was surveilled, ABC host George Stephanopoulos insisted that it somehow wasn’t really “spying”, during Sunday’s This Week. But the Clinton lackey was…

Dowd: Freshmen Econ Students 'More Qualified' for Fed Than Cain

April 8th, 2019 3:38 PM
The panel on ABC’s This Week Sunday expressed their reservations about President Trump’s decision to nominate former Presidential candidate Herman Cain and former economic adviser to the Trump campaign Stephen Moore to the Federal Reserve Board; with a particular focus on Cain. No one went further than ABC Political Analyst Matthew Dowd, who suggested that freshmen economics students have higher…