This Week

Bozell & Graham Column: Claiming Trump’s Rhetoric Inspires Mass Murder

Karl Calls Trump's Rhetoric 'Just Dangerous' Following Mass Shootings

Haberman: Trump's Treatment of 'The Squad' Follows 'Pattern' of Racism
For ten minutes, members of the powerhouse roundtable on Sunday’s edition of ABC's This Week did their best to paint President Trump as a racist. The conversation focused on the feud between President Trump and the four progressive Congresswomen known as “the squad.” According to the panel, President Trump’s treatment of the minority women serves as yet another of example of his inherent…

ABC Grills DHS Head on Facebook Page, Skips Rep’s Ties to Anti-Semites

ABC Hails Ocasio-Cortez as Possible ‘Kingmaker’ in 2020 Dem Primary

ABC's Raddatz to Buttigieg: Is Running in 2020 a ‘Sexy Challenge?'

Faux Republican Dowd Uses Memorial Day to Bash President Trump

Gen. Petraeus DESTROYS ABC Fear Mongering, Trump Not for War With Iran

On ABC’s ‘This Week’, Axios’s Jonathan Swan Pops Liberal Bubbles

ABC’s Dowd Claims Trump's Rhetoric Gave ‘Permission’ to Chabad Shooter

Raddatz Fixates on Volume II of Mueller Report, Ignores 'No Collusion'

Moran Rips Dems' 'Obsession' Over Mueller: Collusion 'Hope Is Dead'

Christie Schools Stephanopoulos on Trump Campaign Spying