Fox Spotlights Planned Parenthood Scandal; Other Sunday Shows Ignore
August 24th, 2015 2:28 PM
ABC, CBS, and CNN's Sunday morning news shows all ignored the ongoing controversy over Planned Parenthood's harvesting of aborted babies' organs, as exposed in a series of recent undercover videos by the Center for Medical Progress. George Stephanopoulos featured Democratic presidential candidate Martin O'Malley on ABC's This Week, but failed to ask him a question about the scandal. NBC's Meet…
Flashback: 15 Times the Media Politicized Hurricane Katrina
August 24th, 2015 1:23 PM
Ten years ago this week, Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans and it wasn’t long after the devastation that liberal reporters, hosts and columnists politicized the tragedy - from the left. Everything from George W. Bush’s “big oil” buddies to America’s racism to even tax cuts were blamed for the high human toll.
ABC Reports That Hillary's Server Was 'Likely' Backed Up; Press Yawns
August 17th, 2015 12:01 AM
Today on ABC's This Week, Jonathan Karl reported that "Platte River Networks, the Colorado company which set up (Hillary) Clinton's servers, told ABC News that it's highly likely that a full backup of the server was made, meaning those thousands of emails she deleted may still exist."
This from all appearances huge development has only drawn the interest of several center-right blogs and outlets…
Hugh Hewitt: Hillary’s E-Mail Scandal an ‘Indictment’ of Her
August 16th, 2015 11:40 AM
Appearing on Sunday’s This Week, conservative radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt maintained that the ongoing issues surrounding Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server were “more than a problem, it’s an indictment” of her.
Cokie Roberts: Hillary ‘Brilliant’ for Playing Grandmother Card
August 2nd, 2015 11:23 AM
On Sunday’s This Week, political commentator Cokie Roberts continued to praise Hillary Clinton for playing the grandmother card throughout her presidential campaign. During a discussion about Joe Biden’s potential White House bid, Roberts cheered Clinton for going after the GOP on “climate change for instance when she says everybody says I'm not a scientist. She says I'm not a scientist either, I…
ABC Complains Hillary E-Mail Controversy ‘Just Won’t Go Away’
July 26th, 2015 2:15 PM
On Sunday, reporters on ABC’s Good Morning America and This Week repeatedly complained that the controversy surrounding Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail while at the State Department “won’t go away.” On GMA, Cecilia Vega whined the story “just won’t go away.” On This Week, George Stephanopoulos asked Democratic Congressman Keith Ellison: “These questions about the e-mails don't go away.…
ABC's Raddatz Changes Subject As Kristol Notes Left's 'Netroots' Chaos
July 20th, 2015 11:45 AM
In Phoenix this weekend, "Black Lives Matter" disruptors crashed the "Netroots" convention, an event the Associated Press described as a gathering of "some of the party's most influential liberal activists."
On ABC's This Week yesterday Bill Kristol had the temerity to mention some of the details of the chaos. Show host Martha Raddatz changed the subject faster than you can say "deeply divided…
ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN Sunday Shows Ignore Planned Parenthood Scandal
July 19th, 2015 2:29 PM
Last week, the Center for Medical Progress released a damning undercover video in which a senior official at Planned Parenthood discussed the organization’s practice of manipulating an abortion to salvage baby parts to be sold for medical research, but ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN all ignored the story during their Sunday morning political talk shows. Fox News Sunday was the only one to cover Planned…
Cokie Roberts: Hillary Will Use ‘Grandmother Theme’ to Counter Age
July 12th, 2015 11:45 AM
On Sunday’s This Week, Cokie Roberts argued that Hillary Clinton will actively use her role has grandmother to sell herself to voters heading into the 2016 election. Roberts relayed how “she said, what voters care about is who will be there when they need them,” contending that “somewhat plays into the grandmother theme. Because, you know, your grandmother is there when you need her. And I think…
Stephanopoulos: Clinton Campaign Sees Press as ‘Major Opponent’
July 6th, 2015 2:45 PM
In the wake of Hillary Clinton’s campaign roping off members of the press at a 4th of July parade in New Hampshire, ABC’s This Week host George Stephanopoulos appeared on Sunday’s Good Morning America to proclaim: “...right now I think the Clinton campaign sees the press, in some ways, as their major opponent. They think that’s where a lot of the trouble is gonna come from.”
Jabbing Jindal: The Media’s Worst Attacks on the Louisiana Governor
June 24th, 2015 10:06 AM
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal’s expected jump into the 2016 GOP presidential nomination race is bound to be met by skepticism, if not an outright dismissal, by the liberal media if their reaction to his 2009 State of the Union response and his advocacy of fiscally and conservative views is any guide. Some in the media have even stooped to make an issue of his Indian-American heritage.
Lefty Robert Reich: Disclosure A ‘Key Vulnerability’ for Hillary
June 7th, 2015 12:27 PM
On Sunday’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos, Robert Reich, former Labor Secretary for Bill Clinton, surprisingly criticized Hillary Clinton over her foundations’s donation issues and insisted “full disclosure is a key vulnerability” for her candidacy.
LZ Granderson Joins ABC News As Newest Contributor
June 4th, 2015 12:09 PM
Liberal ESPN and CNN commentator LZ Granderson is getting a new gig, and will join ABC News as a contributor to provide, in the words of ABC News president James Goldston, “his perspective on politics, sports and pop culture across all of our shows and platforms.” Granderson is no stranger to controversy and has made numerous statements attacking conservatives as bigots.
MSNBC’s Dyson Compares Rand Paul to Segregationist George Wallace
May 31st, 2015 11:22 AM
On Sunday’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos, Michael Eric Dyson, regular fill-in host on MSNBC’s The Ed Show, took a swipe at Republican Presidential candidate Senator Rand Paul when he accused him of sounding like “George Wallace in one beat and like Noam Chomsky on the other.”