World News Tonight
OFF THE RAILS: Network Newscasts OMIT Biden’s Baltimore Bridge Gaffe
Once again, President Joe Biden has committed a major gaffe while addressing the media. And once again the media, always in Protect the Precious mode, pretend that it never even happened.
REGIME MEDIA: ABC Whirled News Tonight Gushes Over Record Dow Close
They are what we thought they were. The regime media, in their zeal to act as Biden propagandists, maximize every opportunity to tout some sliver of positive economic news that might offset years of suck in the view of the American electorate. Such is the case with ABC’s irrationally exuberant coverage of the recent spate of record stock market highs.
ABC's WNT, NBC NN Punt on Covering Border Overrun at El Paso
We have often chronicled the national corporate media’s aversion to coverage of any story that would reflect poorly on the Biden administration; hence our occasional moniker “Regime Media”. One such story is today’s incident at the southern border in El Paso, Texas. National Guardsmen were overrun as hundreds of illegal migrants ripped the razor wire fence open and rushed through.
Nets Play Shameless Tools for Biden on Microchips Visit, Student Loans
The “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC used their flagship newscasts on Wednesday night and Thursday morning to giddily promote the hundreds of millions far-left New York has ordered former President Trump to pay in multiple partisan prosecutions. In contrast, they eagerly played groupies for the Biden regime with puff pieces on Biden’s microchips visit to Arizona and a new tranche of student…
ABC, CBS AVOID Covering Hunter Biden’s No-Show To Impeachment Inquiry
This is how you know we have a Biden regime media: two of the three major networks avoided providing any evening newscast coverage to the House Oversight Committee’s hearing in furtherance of its impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. And the one that did cover the hearing did its level best to make sure viewers heard nothing substantial- a smother job.
Lead CBS, NBC Shows Skip Hearing on Biden’s Deadly Afghanistan Exit
On Tuesday afternoon, the House Foreign Affairs Committee held a hearing with retired Generals Mark Milley and Frank McKenzie on the Biden administration’s deadly and disastrous 2021 withdrawal from Afghanistan, which included the murders of 13 American soldiers by Islamic terrorists at the Kabul airport. In a cowardly move, CBS and NBC saw no reason to tell viewers about this push for…
The Media Are Planting Narrative Ahead Of SCOTUS Abortion Pill Hearing
There will soon be another high-stakes Supreme Court hearing on abortion and the media have already chosen the narrative terrain on which they wish to engage the matter, framing the argument as over access to abortion pills.
The Networks Still Pushing The Bloodbath Hoax, Now Wrapped Around J6
With The Bloodbath Hoax having been so swiftly and thoroughly debunked, the evening network newscasts had to scramble to find ways to keep this narrative alive. It appears that they’ve settled on wrapping this latest hoax around the Capitol Riot of January 6th, thus magically eliminating the need for context.
SEIZENFREUDE: Nets Cheer Trump Cash Crunch Ahead Of Appeal Deadline
The network evening newscasts engaged in a feeding frenzy over breaking news that former President Donald Trump faces difficulties in putting together the monetary bond required in order to appeal his New York civil judgment. All three major networks giddily opened their newscasts with this story, bumping the Bloodbath Hoax off of the top spot.
ABC, CBS Bury Bombshell on Suspected Terrorist Found at the Border
Published Sunday online and on the front page of Monday’s print edition, our friend Jennie Taer at the New York Post dropped a bombshell that an illegal immigrant recently detained at the border told Customs and Border Protection officials only is he a member of the Lebanon-based, Iranian-linked Islamic terrorist group Hezbollah, but he wanted to travel New York to carry out a terror…
REGIME MEDIA: ABC World News Tonight Advances The Bloodbath Hoax
Despite clear, documented context to the contrary, ABC continues to push the discredited piece of Biden campaign propaganda known as the Bloodbath Hoax, and ties it to the Capitol Riot. Additionally, ABC promoted a 2024 version of an immigration narrative that was trotted out both in 2015 and 2019.
REWIND: Riding to Obama’s Rescue, After Wright’s Radicalism Exposed
Sixteen years ago this weekend, Illinois Senator Barack Obama’s presidential campaign was in real trouble, after ABC exposed the radicalism of Obama’s longtime pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Liberal journalists, however, adored Obama, so over the next several days the media elite became the candidate’s personal rapid-response team.
ABC Aids And Abets Chuck Schumer’s Interference In Israeli Elections
In fairness, each of the network evening newscasts covered Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s unprecedented and repulsive foray into foreign election interference. But, as usual, it is ABC Whirled News Tonight that consistently prove themselves most willing to carry that Biden water.
REGIME MEDIA: All But NBC Tout VP Harris' Planned Parenthood Visit
With the notable exception of NBC Nightly News, the evening network newscasts fell over themselves to promote the historic nature of Vice President Kamala Harris’ visit to a Minnesota Planned Parenthood clinic- the first of its kind by a sitting president or vice president. The exuberance at the executive cosigning of the continued slaughter of the unborn was quite palpable.