
Saltz: WH Image Represents 'That Kind of Old, Very White Male America'

October 17th, 2018 4:47 PM
During Monday’s CNN Tonight, host Don Lemon discussed a portrait of President Trump alongside previous Republican Presidents with  New York Magazine art critic Jerry Saltz.  According to Lemon, the image has received “a whole lot of attention” after Lesley Stahl conducted an interview with President Trump for CBS’s 60 Minutes in the private residence at the White House, where the painting was…

His Critics Have Not Blamed Him for the California Fires Yet

August 2nd, 2018 5:14 PM
WASHINGTON — It has been a pretty good week for Donald Trump. The economy is growing faster than anyone on the left or in the middle or among the Never-Trumpers believed possible. Inflation is low, and employment is at a record high. Moreover, the president and the European Union reached an understanding on trade last week that signals the likely end of a trade war, at least with Europe.

CNN Howler: Abraham Lincoln Was Pro-Science Back in... 1963?

September 19th, 2017 5:46 PM
Celebrity scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson appeared on CNN, Sunday, to lecture those he deemed too stupid to accept the linkage of climate change to Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Proving he should stick to science on TV, deGrasse pompously botched history: “Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican president, signed into law in 1963 —  a year when he had important things to be thinking about — the…

CNN Panelists Laugh at Gergen Claiming Trump's 100 Days Worst Ever

March 25th, 2017 9:53 PM
CNN political analyst David Gergen's recent hyperbolic claim that Donald Trump may have had the worst first 100 days of any President in history was so over the top that even his CNN colleagues are still laughing at him the day after.  On Saturday's CNN Newsroom, after right-leaning actor and former Gergen subordinate Ben Stein jabbed his former boss by recalling how bad Abraham Lincoln's first…

Pro-Obama Author: Trump May Repeal Legacy of ‘Every President'

January 11th, 2017 5:22 PM
Next Tuesday, three days before the current POTUS becomes an ex-POTUS, Jonathan Chait’s Audacity: How Barack Obama Defied His Critics and Created a Legacy That Will Prevail will be published. On Tuesday, New York magazine, where Chait is the chief political pundit, ran an excerpt from the book in which he claimed, “The truth is that Obama enacted careful, deep, and mostly popular solutions to a…

Joy Reid: 'Not True' GOP Passed Civil Rights Laws Democrats Opposed

October 17th, 2016 5:24 PM
During Saturday's edition of MSNBC's AM Joy program, host Joy Reid disagreed with the chairman of the Black Republican Caucus of Florida, Sean P. Jackson, when he said that if it was not for Republicans, African-Americans would still be enslaved. “Sean, Abraham Lincoln is long dead. Let’s talk about the current Republican nominee,” Reid said. “I think the reason African-Americans have civil…

Blogger: Limbaugh Has Left a ‘Sick Stain’ and a ‘Loathsome Legacy’

July 24th, 2016 5:36 PM
Paul Krugman claimed recently that the Republican party “went over the edge…when supply-side economics became [its] official doctrine.” The Washington Monthly’s D.R. Tucker reveres Krugman, but he has a different choice for “the moment when the GOP truly lost it”: August 1, 1988, when Rush Limbaugh’s radio show went national. Tucker argued that Limbaugh has "removed all traces of logic, reason,…

Alter Likens Obama’s Executive Actions on Gun Control to Emancipation

January 5th, 2016 2:16 AM
On the Monday night edition of MSNBC’s All In, longtime liberal columnist Jonathan Alter reacted to President Obama’s executive actions on gun control by remarking how heartbreaking it was for Obama to have met with the families of Sandy Hook victims and “see those six-year-olds stacked up like cord wood.” Then: "After that, he was going to do everything in his power and if people don't like it,…

Scarborough Suggests Hugh Hewitt Has 'Tingle Up the Leg' for Rubio

October 16th, 2015 8:37 AM
Joe Scarborough swung a double-edged sword on today's Morning Joe, swiping simultaneously at his MSNBC colleague Chris Matthews and at radio host and debate panelist Hugh Hewitt. The subject was Marco Rubio, with Hewitt calling him "the most dynamic speaker the Republican party has seen ever, since Lincoln."  "Since Lincoln," asked Scarborough incredulously—"do you have a tingle going up your leg…

Matthews Uses Lincoln Assassination Anniversary to Slam GOP As Racist

April 14th, 2015 9:23 PM
There was no way that Chris Matthews was going to let the 150th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's assassination pass without using it as an occasion to slander the GOP as a "Jim Crow"-loving racist party unworthy of the label Party of Lincoln.

Lincoln's Shooting: Ideal Occasion to Push President Michelle Obama?

April 14th, 2015 1:15 PM
Daily Beast contributor Michael Daly, once a columnist for the New York Daily News, marked the anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's assassination by telling the story of Nancy Bushrod, the wife of a slave-turned-soldier who met Lincoln on his last day. But by the story's end, Daly had turned it into a promotion for President Hillary Clinton, and even President Michelle Obama.

President's Latest Desperate Attempt to Boost ObamaCare: Appear on ESP

March 20th, 2014 8:03 PM
With the March 31 deadline looming ever closer for people -- especially young adults -- to sign up for coverage through the "Affordable Care Act," the president has used several different and unusual venues to get his message out, ranging from a fake web-based interview with Between Two Ferns host and comedian Zach Galifianakis to a “push for ObamaCare” on Thursday's edition of CBS This Morning…

Bob Schieffer on JFK Assassination: ‘Nothing Like This Had Ever Happ

October 27th, 2013 1:57 PM
As we approach the 50th anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, it seems a metaphysical certitude there are going to be some really absurd statements made by the liberal media concerning this tragedy. I suggest none will be as preposterous as CBS Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer actually claiming Sunday, “Nothing like this had ever happened” (video follows with transcript and…

CBS’s Bob Schieffer Compares Democrats to Conciliatory Abe Lincoln

October 18th, 2013 5:03 PM
Well, the federal government has been reopened and the debt ceiling has been raised, but to hear CBS’s Bob Schieffer tell it, you would think the United States just made it through another civil war. On Friday’s CBS This Morning, Schieffer compared the recent shutdown haggle to America’s bloodiest war. The chief Washington correspondent was on the program to discuss the aftermath of the…