Morning Joe Mocks Olbermann's Special Comment Rants

January 13th, 2009 8:47 AM
Far be it from me to sow discord in MSNBC ranks, to stir up old animosities between colleagues there.  But if Joe Scarborough is going to do a mocking imitation of Keith Olbermann in full Special Comment rant, well then, blogging ethics compel me to report it.The jumping-off point on Morning Joe today was Eugene Robinson's current WaPo column. After claiming that he didn't want to kick the…

Fineman Justifies Link Between Obama and Lincoln, Disproves It, Restat

October 6th, 2008 9:33 PM
In a rapid fire display of flip-flopping that would make even the staunchest of liberals proud, Newsweek's Howard Fineman manages to change his opinion on the justification of an Obama-Lincoln connection three times in just under 900 words. The random logic is hard to see through all the gooeyness behind the concept of such a ridiculous comparison in the first place, but once you wipe the screen…

CNN’s David Gergen: Gore’s Speech Worth Reading, Compares Obama to

August 29th, 2008 2:57 AM
CNN senior political analyst David Gergen gushed over Al Gore’s speech at Invesco Field on Thursday evening during the network’s coverage of the Democratic convention as he urged viewers to go back and read the text: I think the Gore speech, he -- while it was way too rushed in delivery, had an awful lot to offer, and was one of the first times anybody in this campaign has spoken seriously to the…

NY Times: Obama’s Speech Raises Discussion to Higher Plane

March 18th, 2008 11:09 PM