Adam Lanza
NYDN Doubles Down; Compares ‘Terrorist’ NRA, LaPierre to Farook, Roof
December 4th, 2015 2:27 AM
Further displaying their ability to have no shame, the far-left, anti-religious New York Daily News emerged late Thursday to unveil the cover of its Friday paper that compares alleged San Bernardino gunman Syed Farook to the “terrorist” National Rifle Association (NRA) and long-time executive Wayne LaPierre plus four other perpetrators of mass killings over the past three years.

Piers Morgan Now Claims Obama 'Worse' Than George W. Bush
June 7th, 2013 8:12 PM
During Thursday night's edition of CNN's “Piers Morgan Tonight,” the liberal host harshly criticized President Barack Obama and his administration for allowing the National Security Agency to secretly obtain the telephone records of millions of Americans.
While interviewing Senator Bernie Sanders, Morgan asked the socialist from Vermont if he believed Obama's actions on surveillance are “…

Michael Moore Claims He Didn't Ask for Pictures of Sandy Hook Victims
June 3rd, 2013 9:50 PM
As NewsBusters reported Monday, in direct response to schlockumentary filmmaker Michael Moore's request that the pictures of the slaughtered Newtown, Connecticut, kids be released, family members of the victims have filed a petition for a law to be passed in their state to prevent this from happening.
Feeling the heat, Moore told The Hollywood Reporter hours ago, "I’m not calling for the…

Sandy Hook Parents Strike Back at Michael Moore: Keep Photos of Our Sl
June 3rd, 2013 6:12 PM
UPDATE AT END OF POST: Moore responds.
As NewsBusters reported in March, schlockumentary filmmaker Michael Moore has called for the release of the pictures of the slaughtered students at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.
The families of many of the victims as well as concerned fellow citizens have launched a petition to urge the Connecticut legislature to pass a law that…

Bill Maher Compares Senator Mitch McConnell to Newtown Mass Murderer A
April 6th, 2013 12:23 PM
There clearly is no floor to how low Bill Maher will go to attack conservatives.
On HBO’s Real Time Friday, the host actually compared Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to Newtown, Connecticut, mass murderer Adam Lanza (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

Politico's Glueck Spends Four Paragraphs Smearing the NRA Before Notin
March 30th, 2013 7:35 PM
Politico's "About" page consists of two rotating graphics: One says: "More reporters. Better coverage." The other: "A distinctive brand of journalism driving the conversation."
It's hard to make a case that Politico's coverage is "better" (than what -- the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press? That would be setting the bar pretty low). And while it is distinctive, the web site…

Bozell Column: 'Dialogue' Required for Violent Video Games
February 23rd, 2013 8:08 AM
The Obama administration's assault on the Second Amendment in reaction to Newtown is not a serious solution. It's a Band-Aid on cancer. The NRA's call for armed guards in every school also misses the point. When is anyone going to get serious? The problem is violence, a violence of monstrous and horrific proportions that has infected America's popular culture.
The Hartford Courant reported on…
Police Found Thousands of Dollars of Graphically Violent Video Games a
February 18th, 2013 9:41 AM
America's media are always quick to discount the impact violence in movies, television, and video games has on society.
It therefore will be interesting to see what the response will be to a Hartford Courant report Sunday that police found thousands of dollars of graphically violent video games in the home of Newtown shooter Adam Lanza:

MSNBC’s Toure: If Newtown Shooter Killed Black Kids We Probably Woul
February 16th, 2013 11:59 AM
MSNBC's Toure Neblett made an extremely controversial statement on Friday's The Cycle.
"If Adam Lanza had walked into a black public school in this mythical South Brooklyn or in the Southside of Chicago, we would probably not be having a sustained national conversation about guns" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Obama: Keeping Secret Service 'With Guns Around At All Times' to Prote
December 27th, 2012 7:59 AM
The anti-gun Obama isn't so anti-gun when it comes to protecting his own family.
During a predictably gooey interview with Barbara Walters on ABC's Nightline Wednesday, the President joked about his daughter Malia dating boys saying, "I always talk about how one of the main incentives for running again was continuing secret service protection so there are men with guns around at all times" (…

White House Petition Created To Deport Piers Morgan For Attacking Seco
December 23rd, 2012 8:34 AM
As NewsBusters has been reporting, CNN's Piers Morgan has been on a gun control tirade since the recent massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.
On Friday, a man in Austin, Texas, created a petition at the White House website calling for Morgan's deportation as a result of his attacks on the Second Amendment:

Lawrence O'Donnell: NRA's LaPierre Is 'The Lobbyist For Mass Murderers
December 22nd, 2012 8:22 AM
The hatred the media have for Wayne LaPierre knows no bounds.
Hours after the executive vice president of the National Rifle Association presented a strategy to protect America's students from the kind of massacre that happened in Newtown, Connecticut, a week ago, MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell opened his program Friday by accusing the gun advocate of being "the lobbyist for mass murderers" (…
Scarborough Has Hissy Fit, Asks GOP Rep 'You Dare Come On My Show and
December 21st, 2012 10:26 AM
Joe Scarborough had quite a hissy fit on the MSNBC program bearing his name Friday.
In the middle of a discussion with Congressman Tim Huelskamp (R-Ks.) about the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, Scarborough barked at his guest, "Do you dare come on my show and say I am using the slaughter of 20 little 6 and 7-year-old children, I'm using that for political purposes?" (video follows with…
Piers Morgan Calls Pro-Gun Advocate 'Unbelievably Stupid,' 'Dangerous
December 19th, 2012 8:42 AM
CNN's Piers Morgan has been on a rabid anti-gun rant since July's Aurora, Colorado, shootings that has gotten even more venomous after Friday's massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut.
On Tuesday, he rudely and disgracefully tore into guest Larry Pratt, the Executive Director of Gun Owners of America, calling him "an unbelievably stupid man" who's "dangerous," concluding the…