Alex Conant

CNN Economic Analyst: Need 'Government Involvement in Health Care'
March 7th, 2017 5:10 PM
The panel on CNN's At This Hour With Kate Bolduan, besides former Rubio presidential campaign communications director Alex Conant, bashed the Republican proposal to replace Obamacare. One of the panelists called for government intervention in healthcare, unaware the law which the GOP seeks to repeal and replace already does so.
Rubio Comms Director Unloads on CNN After Post on Rubio Quitting Race
March 7th, 2016 10:19 PM
Less than an hour after CNN published an article by special correspondent Jamie Gangel alleging that top Marco Rubio advisers are pushing for him to drop out before the March 15 Florida primary, Rubio communications director Alex Conant took to CNN’s The Situation Room to excoriate the outlet for its “utter nonsense” and “fiction” that didn’t even seek public comment from the campaign.
Henry Waxman Questions the GOP's Patriotism; Will the Media Question H
July 1st, 2009 4:09 PM
The Democrats spent years complaining that Republicans were questioning their patriotism, so now that they are in power, they certainly won’t question the Republicans’ patriotism just because their views differ on political issue? Yes, that was a rhetorical question. After cap-and-trade passed with just eight Republican votes, Henry Waxman, author of the bill, accused Republicans of “rooting…