
Cuomo Called Himself ‘Fredo’ in Conversation Comparing Family to Mob

August 13th, 2019 5:15 PM
CNN host Chris Cuomo made an absolute fool out of himself in a viral video released Monday night where he’s seen threatening to throw a man down a flight of stairs. The man insulted Cuomo by using the Godfather-based insult “Fredo” (the dumb older brother of the main character and mob boss Michael Corleone), which the CNN host ludicrously claimed was an “ethnic slur” equivalent to using the “N-…

Hostin to De Blasio: Every City Should Copy NYC's 'Terrific' Policies

August 2nd, 2019 2:31 PM
2020 candidate and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio was guest on Friday’s The View where he received ample praise from the liberal co-hosts but was called out by hosts Meghan McCain and Ana Navarro. Co-host Sunny Hostin admitted that she didn’t understand why de Blasio’s approval ratings were low in New York, considering all of his “terrific accomplishments.” She gushed that his policies should…

'View' Demands Schiff Impeach: Russia ‘Wants Republicans in Power!'

July 25th, 2019 2:11 PM
On Thursday’s The View, the co-hosts held a Skype interview with Democrat Adam Schiff about the Mueller hearing and what Democrats would do going forward. Co-hosts Ana Navarro and Whoopi Goldberg badgered Schiff that his party needed to impeach Trump now, while Joy Behar ranted Republicans were treasonous and being “helped” by Russia.

Behar: Trump's Like 'Ebola', 'Oozing' Fascism 'All Over the Place'

July 19th, 2019 1:54 PM
‘View’ co-hosts Joy Behar and Ana Navarro laid blame for protests over Puerto Rico's Democrat leadership squarely on President Trump on Friday’s show. Behar even claimed Trump was responsible for fascism spreading across the globe, comparing him to a deadly virus. Navarro also made excuses for the media's habit of ignoring Democrat scandals, saying that was a result of the “Trump effect.”

'View' Hosts Go Nuts Attacking Chris Christie: 'Kids Are Dead!'

June 28th, 2019 1:33 PM
Former Republican Governor of New Jersey and ABC News contributor Chris Christie appeared on The View Friday to analyze last night’s Democratic debate. However, the liberal hosts were more interested in attacking him for working for the Trump administration. The segment ended in a total meltdown from each of the hosts, ranting and raving over how awful the president is.

Hostin Presses 2020 Dem from Left: Warren Policies ‘Sound Good To Me'

June 13th, 2019 2:39 PM
Former Maryland Congressman John Delaney was on The View Thursday, joining the crowd of Democrat presidential candidates who have come on the show. Despite espousing many typical liberal, big government policies, he framed himself as a centrist Democrat, noting areas where his party was being extreme, fiscally. While Sunny Hostin pressed the Democrat from the left at every turn, even Joy Behar…

'View' Defends Biden 'Evolving' 'Learning Facts' on Hyde Amendment

June 10th, 2019 2:55 PM
The hosts of ABC’s The View struggled on Monday’s show, between praising Joe Biden for flip-flopping on the Hyde Amendment last week, to expressing frustration that he wasn’t with the radical left to begin with. After pressure from the left, the former Vice President and current 2020 candidate came out this past week to say he now was against the amendment, which bans federal funding for abortion…

Whoopi Bashes Nikki Haley Over Abortion: ‘Get Out of My Coochie!'

June 4th, 2019 1:56 PM
Abortion was the topic at The View’s hot topics table Tuesday, and this time it was Whoopi Goldberg’s turn to get worked up over recent state bans. Just two weeks ago, Joy Behar whined that Republican men should get forcibly sterilized for passing these bans. On today’s show Whoopi raged at former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley for daring to speak out against abortion at a pro-life gala, calling it…

Joy Behar Can't Take It When McCain Grills Klobuchar on Abortion

May 17th, 2019 1:52 PM
2020 Democratic candidate Amy Klobuchar appeared on The View Friday and was largely handled with kid gloves. Only co-host Meghan McCain grilled the Democrat on her party’s radical support for abortion. But she was immediately saved from answering any hard questions on the matter from McCain’s liberal co-hosts.

CNN’s Ana Navarro Gets Worked Up Over Lindsey Graham Siding With Trump

May 13th, 2019 11:57 PM
Appearing to be on the verge of a breakdown of some sort during Monday’s Cuomo Prime Time, CNN political commentator and Never Trumper Ana Navarro got all worked up talking about Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and how he’s sided with President Trump more and more.

Behar Melts Down Over Pro-Life Law: 'Why Don't They Regulate Guns?'

May 13th, 2019 1:17 PM
Monday at The View, the hosts opened by fretting about access to abortion, after Georgia was the latest state to pass a bill which bans abortions after a woman is six weeks pregnant and a fetal heartbeat can be detected.  

Ana Navarro Rages ‘Devious’ Barr Is ‘Disloyal to the Constitution!’

April 18th, 2019 2:58 PM
CNN’s Ana Navarro, on Thursday, lost her mind after William Barr’s press conference. The CNN contributor and ABC’s The View co-host unloaded on the AG in a Twitter rant: “William Barr is a political hack in attorney general’s clothing. It’s simply disgusting.” 

CNN Defends Omar Against Trump Comments ‘Putting Her in Danger’

April 15th, 2019 6:05 PM
Hours before the Notre Dame Cathedral fire with cable news channels moving into rolling coverage from Paris, Monday morning’s New Day featured numerous analysts, commentators, hosts, and journalists defending Minnesota Democratic Representative Ilhan Omar’s comments downplaying the September 11, 2001 attacks and blasting the President for “taking [her] words out of context” and causing her to…

'Textbook Ignorance': Trans Soldiers Slam Military Ban On ‘The View’

April 10th, 2019 3:29 PM
The View hosted two trans women military members on Wednesday in order to get their personal accounts on President Trump’s impending trans military “ban.” The segment obviously was sympathetic to the pair, felt the U.S. armed forces cater to their gender reassignment needs, but like most View segments, it turned into another attack on the president’s shocking “textbook definition of ignorance,”…