CNN Boosts Van Jones Talking Point; Hypes Tea Party is Pushing GOP 'So

May 20th, 2014 4:30 PM
CNN's Chris Cuomo forwarded a liberal talking point about the infighting inside the Republican Party on Tuesday's New Day, as he covered the primary elections in several states that day. Cuomo asked Republican strategist Kevin Madden, "Are you worried that these challenges are pushing your mainstream or establishment or traditional candidates farther to the right than they might be may like…

Peggy Noonan on Latest ObamaCare Delay: ‘Is There Still An ObamaCare

March 9th, 2014 3:08 PM
ABC’s This Week w/ George Stephanopoulos was the only Sunday show that bothered to cover the latest ObamaCare delay and with it came some interesting insight from the panel of political experts. Appearing on Sunday’s program, Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan mocked the latest delay and hilariously asked her fellow panelists if “there still a law? Is there still an ObamaCare law? It'…

Daily Beast's Beinart Says Opponents of Same-Sex Marriage 'Deny the Mo

November 19th, 2013 7:10 PM
How's this for intellectual diversity? The panel on Monday's AC360 Later included three NYC liberals and was unanimous in support of same-sex marriage. The topic was the spat between Liz and Mary Cheney. "I don't think you can actually respect somebody to whom you want to deny the most basic rights," declared The Daily Beast's Peter Beinart, who also teaches journalism at the City University…

NBC Ambushes Rep. Steve King With Four People Attacking His Immigratio

August 11th, 2013 7:50 PM
NBC's Meet the Press did something Sunday that should insult people on both sides of the aisle. The show's producers invited Congressman Steve King (R-Ia.) on to have host David Gregory, so-called Republican strategist Ana Navarro, Washington Post columnist David Ignatius, and former New Mexico governor Bill Richardson (D) attack him for his immigration views (videos follow with transcript…

CNN's RINO Voice Hits Pro-Life Group for Criticizing Portman's Gay-Mar

July 11th, 2013 11:21 AM
GOP strategist Ana Navarro is a CNN regular for good reason – she's the type of Republican the liberal media welcomes in their studios. Now she's ripped a pro-life group for being "incomprehensible" in opposing Sen. Rob Portman's (R-Ohio) support of gay marriage. Navarro is so much a "big tent Republican," she lectured opponents of same-sex marriage back in March to "get into the 21st…

Maher Calls Out Supposedly ‘Conservative’ Guest for Being a RINO

June 8th, 2013 12:37 PM
CNN political contributor Ana Navarro is the liberal media’s new darling when they want a supposedly "conservative" guest to bash Republicans and support Obama. So obvious is her charade that Bill Maher on HBO’s Real Time Friday called Navarro out for it (video follows with transcript and commentary):

On NBC, RINO Strategist Insults 'Lean Back With a Mint Julep' Moms Who

June 4th, 2013 8:11 AM
Ana Navarro is a "moderate" Republican strategist that liberal journalists like, one who calls the social conservatives "GEICO cavemen." So it wasn't completely surprising when she gaffed on Sunday's Meet the Press, suggesting that while working moms "lean in" to work, stay-at-home moms "lean back...on a rocking chair with a mint julep." She then added that they are "kept women," which is…

CNN Contributor Knocks Opponents of Same-Sex Marriage; 'Time to Get In

March 27th, 2013 2:01 PM
A CNN contributor and GOP strategist condescendingly lectured opponents of legalized same-sex marriage on Tuesday night's Erin Burnett OutFront, scoffing that they need to "get in to the 21st century" and ditch the "losing political issue." "It should not be a banner issue for the Republican Party," Ana Navarro claimed before insisting that same-sex marriage is "the most rapidly evolving…

CNN Blames GOP Reps for Women Saying Abortion Most Important Issue

October 19th, 2012 3:45 PM
After a Gallup poll showed abortion as the top issue among likely women voters, CNN's Carol Costello suggested Republicans are responsible – and not in a good way. "Why now? Maybe it's because there's been so much controversial language surrounding the issue lately, like Congressman Todd Akin's 'legitimate rape' comments," said Costello, bringing in the Democratic talking points. [Video below…