
Navarro Disses Welker for Trump Chat: ‘Interviewing an Insane Person!’

September 18th, 2023 1:37 PM

One of The View’s faux conservatives, Ana Navarro was less than pleased with NBC’s Kristen Welker on Monday following her first outing as the new host of NBC’s Meet the Press the previous day. But instead of noting how Welker lied to cover up the extreme position Democrats have on abortion and other topics, Navarro’s primary gripe was that Welker interviewed former President…


The View Decries Hunter Gun Charges: All Addicts 'Lie,’ 'Commit Crime'

September 15th, 2023 2:54 PM

One would think the liberal ladies of ABC’s The View would support the felony charges against Hunter Biden since gun laws were finally being enforced on someone who allegedly committed a felony by lying on his background check form. But since they were backing his daddy for president, they needed to treat him like the victim. Their defenses ranged from calling the charges a “political…


The View Insanely Claims Dems Never Backed Their Incumbent Before Joe

September 11th, 2023 4:03 PM

On Monday, ABC’s The View kicked off their second week of season 27 in an absolute panic over President Joe Biden’s abysmal poll numbers, including a Wall Street Journal poll that found 73 percent think he’s too old and only 37 percent approve of his handling of the economy. Their purported political diversity was nowhere to be seen as they joined in a chorus calling for the…


The View Demands Illegals in NYC Be ‘Resettled Elsewhere’ in America

September 8th, 2023 4:55 PM

Not in my backyard (NIMBY) was the attitude the liberal ladies of The View had on Friday as they spouted off on the border crisis and how swarms of illegal immigrants were harming New York City. While they largely ignored that the city brought this crisis on itself by becoming a sanctuary city, they took to demanding that all the people they invited be shipped off and “resettled…


The View’s Navarro: DeSantis Getting a 'Beating' Like a Slave in Polls

July 31st, 2023 1:06 PM

A week ago, ABC’s The View pushed Vice President Kamala Harris’s BIG LIE that Florida schools were going to teach students that slavery was a good thing. On Monday, Disney’s attack dogs on the show took things to a disgusting and hypocritical low as faux-conservative Ana Navarro minimized the brutality of slavery when she suggested Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) was getting a “beating”…


Navarro Tars DeSantis: 'Vindictive, Thin-Skinned, Awkward Bobblehead'

July 19th, 2023 1:52 PM

When not co-hosting The View on ABC, Ana Navarro doubles as a political commentator for CNN and on Tuesday’s CNN Tonight, she responded to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s interview with Jake Tapper by dismissing him as a “vindictive, thin-skinned, awkward, bobblehead of a bad candidate.”


The View PANICS Over Third Party Push that Could Harm Biden Reelection

July 17th, 2023 2:42 PM

Over the weekend, Senator Joe Manchin (WV) sparked fear in Democrats after he was announced as the headline speaker for a New Hampshire event put on by the No Labels Party, a group looking to launch a third-party run for the White House. ABC’s The View was in full-blown panic on Monday (the day of the event), as they lashed out at the No Labels Party for threatening President Biden’s…


The View Claims Republicans ‘Planted’ the Cocaine in the White House

July 14th, 2023 1:42 PM

Those stealthy Republican ninjas were at it again! Earlier this year, the Cackling Coven of ABC’s The View claimed Republicans were “behind” the classified documents found in President Biden’s Delaware garage. Now, on Friday, they were claimed Republicans infiltrated the White House and “planted” cocaine in the West Wing in order to “advance the Hunter Biden narrative.” At least that’…


The View Defends Biden Shunning Young Grandkid, DEMANDS You Ignore It

July 10th, 2023 4:40 PM

While ignoring the cocaine found in the White House last week and the new Axios report exposing President Biden as someone who verbally abuses his staff, the cackling coven of ABC’s The View defended the President for “following” his son’s “cue” and shunning the 4-year-old granddaughter his son Hunter fathered with a stripper. Together, the cast attacked the mother and demanded that…


Torching Words: The View Worries About ‘Paper Genocide’ Against Books

June 16th, 2023 3:06 PM

Recently, the loony left has taken to calling any sort of opposition to their agenda some form of “genocide.” Take their hysterical and false accusation of a “genocide” against transgenders, for example. Well, during Friday’s episode of ABC’s The View, racist co-host Sunny Hostin added a new one to the list when she described the supposed banning of books as “paper genocide.” This…


Whoopi: Pro-Lifers Against Trans Surgeries Are ‘Killing Our Children'

June 9th, 2023 3:37 PM

Fortunately, Friday’s edition of ABC’s The View was pre-recorded and thus spared America their hot takes on the second indictment of former President Trump. But in its place, the cast collectively launched into unhinged screeds defending drag shows, proclaiming the virtues of so-called “gender-affirming” care, and smearing pro-lifers by suggesting their refusal to placate to a mental…


Sen. Tim Scott Goes on The View and CONFRONTS Their Racism

June 5th, 2023 3:31 PM

As NewsBusters has documented multiple times this year, South Carolina Republican Senator Tim Scott has been the target of racist attacks from the cast of ABC’s The View because of his positive and optimistic take on race relations in America. Well, on Monday’s edition of the show, he appeared as a guest and confronted them on their racist attacks and defended the tremendous progress…


Navarro: Blacks/Hispanics Not 'Immune' from Being ‘White Supremacist'

May 8th, 2023 5:27 PM

As a follow-up to their earlier conversation where they denied that mental illness played a key role in mass shootings, even proclaiming that the mentally ill were immune from committing mass shootings, the radical cast of ABC’s The View dove to a new level of lunacy as faux-conservative co-host Ana Navarro proclaimed that blacks and Hispanics were not “immune” from “being a white…


The View: Mental Health of Mass Shooters Doesn’t Matter, Denies Crisis

May 8th, 2023 2:27 PM

Following yet another mass shooting where the shooter showed warning signs of struggling with his mental health, the ladies of ABC’s The View denied that there was a mental health crisis in America as they turned their nose up at efforts in Texas to address it. They even went so far as to suggest mass shooters weren’t mentally ill and wildly assert that “war weapons” and murders only…