
Day Two: ABC, NBC Silent on McCabe, Clintons; CBS Allows 92 Seconds

March 15th, 2018 12:16 PM
On Thursday, NBC’s Today stayed silent on the potential firing of Andrew McCabe and the allegations that he misled investigators delving into Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandal. ABC’s Good Morning America also ignored the story. This is despite a combined six hours of air time.   

NBC Ignores Report McCabe Misled Investigators, ABC Frets for Pension

March 14th, 2018 11:18 PM
On Wednesday, word leaked out that the FBI’s Inspector General’s office was recommending former deputy director Andrew McCabe be fired for misleading their investigators who were looking into the handling of the Clinton e-mail investigation. The report hasn’t been made public yet but it comes as the Trump administration was experiencing numerous firings. While ABC, CBS, and NBC had previously…

McCabe Departure Coverage at NY Times Ignores 'Insurance Policy'

January 30th, 2018 4:05 PM
At the New York Times, Wednesday's print edition version of Adam Goldman's and Matt Apuzzo's story on Deputy Director Andrew McCabe's departure from the FBI claims he "abruptly stepped down ... after months of withering criticism from President Trump ... (and) pressure from the head of the bureau ..." That isn't where the Times started when news of McCabe's departure first broke Tuesday. None of…

NBC’s Guthrie Blames Trump for Media Russia Obsession

January 30th, 2018 3:39 PM
If only President Trump would stop responding to allegations that he colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election, the liberal media would stop covering the topic. That was the assertion made by NBC’s Today show co-host Savannah Guthrie during an interview with White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Tuesday’s morning show. 

Nets Downplay IG Report in McCabe Resignation, 6x More Trump Blame

January 29th, 2018 10:02 PM

The FBI was caught off guard Monday when Deputy Director Andrew McCabe decided to kick off his retirement early and resigned his post with little fanfare. Speculation swirled over why he chose that day to call it quits but the liberal networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) decided only one person was really to blame: President Trump and his desire to obstruct justice. That despite the fact that other…

Navarro Compares Comey, McCabe to Holocaust Victims, Trump to Nazis

January 29th, 2018 5:17 PM
On Monday afternoon, CNN political commentator and liberal Republican Ana Navarro ghoulishly paraphrased a quote by World War II-era pastor Martin Niemöller to equate embattled current and former Justice Department officials to those murdered by Adolf Hitler and the Nazis (aka President Trump) during the Holocaust.

Montana Editor Calls Out and Corrects AP, Reporter Darlene Superville

January 3rd, 2018 8:06 PM
On Saturday, Frank Miele, the managing editor of the Daily Inter Lake in Kalispell, Montana, recounted what he called an "unexpected chance to put my finger in the dike holding back the flood of fake news caused by those afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome." Miele acted on an "unfounded" story about one of President Donald Trump's tweets by the Associated Press's Darlene Superville, who "…

Ex-FBI Asst. Director on Fox Biz: Strzok 'Belongs in Leavenworth'

December 15th, 2017 1:44 PM
As of Wednesday evening, as Nicholas Fondacaro at NewsBusters observed, the Big Three broadcasting networks were not reporting the content of the most damning text messages exchanged between now-former Robert Mueller investigative team members Peter Strzok and his mistress Lisa Page. Meanwhile, coverage seen Wednesday evening at the Associated Press predictably treated the matter as a Republicans…

Major Newspapers Avoid Strzok's Damning 'Insurance Policy' Text

December 14th, 2017 4:19 PM
Hey boys and girls! Are you ready to play a fun new game called "Detect Liberal Bias?" Here's how it works... Just go online to any newspaper or magazine. In their seach engines, enter the term "Strzok." Do you see any search results? If so, then add "insurance" for "Strzok insurance." If you see no search results, congratulations! You have just detected strong liberal bias in the periodical you…

CNNers Baffled at Guest Pointing Out Comey's Temp Replacement Is Dem

May 17th, 2017 4:54 PM
On Tuesday's CNN Tonight, during a discussion of President Donald Trump firing FBI director James Comey, three CNN regular CNN panel members were befuddled and reacted with confusion after right-leaning historian Doug Wead pointed out that Comey's temporary replacement -- assistant director Andrew McCabe -- is himself a Democrat and therefore not someone who is likely to impede any investigation…

Late-Night Comedians Only Use McCabe's Testimony to Mock Trump 'BS'

May 12th, 2017 8:37 PM
Some network newscasts, like NBC Nightly News, almost completely avoided the testimony of acting FBI director Andrew McCabe, skipping over how he put a severe crimp in anti-Trump narratives -- insisting the FBI's Russia probe was "adequately resourced" and that it hasn't been suppressed or impeded in any way. The late-night comedians were also allergic to those clips, but Trevor Noah was the most…