Michael Steele Schools Joan Walsh on Romney-Rosen Dustup: Stay-at-Home

April 12th, 2012 6:38 PM
In the wake of the Ann Romney-Hilary Rosen stay-at-home mom dustup, Salon's Joan Walsh on Thursday predictably made the totally false claim "being able to stay home with your children [is] a choice for the wealthy only." Fortunately, former RNC chairman Michael Steele was also on MSNBC's Hardball to set the record straight saying, "This isn’t about just rich women. There are a lot of middle…

Wolf Blitzer Puts Hilary Rosen Through the Wringer, Forces Her to Apol

April 12th, 2012 5:50 PM
After saying Ann Romney had never worked a day in her life, Democratic activist Hilary Rosen was trying to spin her way out of the firestorm over her comments. CNN's Wolf Blitzer would have none of it on Thursday's The Situation Room as he reprimanded her, forced her to apologize, and asked her how it felt to be thrown "under the bus" by Democratic allies. Blitzer grilled Rosen for upwards…

War on Conservative Women: Twitchy Notes Angry Leftists Denouncing Ann

April 12th, 2012 5:14 PM
While most everyone in political circles has condemned Hilary Rosen's slam of Ann Romney, rank-and-file liberals on Twitter apparently haven't read the memo. Twitchy has an excellent post documenting all the bile, complete with requisite leftist slams of Mrs. Romney as a c*nt, b*tch, and whore. As Michelle Malkin, no stranger to left-wing hate, tweeted, "Some are baptized by fire. On Twitter…

NBC, CBS Spike Dem Adviser's Nasty Comment That Mom Ann Romney Has 'Ne

April 12th, 2012 11:33 AM
The NBC and CBS morning shows on Thursday completely skipped any mention of a nasty attack on Ann Romney by Democratic National Committee adviser (and frequent White House visitor) Hilary Rosen. Today and CBS This Morning both ignored Rosen's insult that Mrs. Romney "has actually never worked a day in her life." Rosen's remarks were made on Wednesday's Anderson Cooper. Today did highlight…

Time Editor Asks Nikki Haley if She'd Give a Bigger Tip to a Sikh Taxi

April 6th, 2012 9:45 AM
It's tough to believe this actually happened in the year 2012. During an interview with South Carolina's Republican Governor Nikki Haley, Time magazine's editor-at-large Belinda Luscombe disgracefully said, "In New York City, which you're visiting for a couple of days, a lot of our taxi drivers are Sikhs. If you get one, are you going to give him a slightly bigger tip?"

Crude ABC: Ann Romney Zipper Comment Is 'Begging to Be Taken Out of Co

April 3rd, 2012 11:38 AM
Good Morning America's John Berman on Tuesday again proved his ability to be crude, adding a zipper sound effect to a quote by Ann Romney. Sounding like a fifth grade boy, Berman derided the wife of the presidential candidate, insisting that "unexpected comments from Ann Romney...just begged to be taken out of context." Berman played a clip of Mrs. Romney on a radio show in which she…

Robert De Niro: 'Do You Really Think Our Country Is Ready for a White

March 20th, 2012 11:17 AM
Can you imagine the outrage if in 2008 someone asked the crowd at a McCain-Palin campaign event, "Do you really think our country is ready for a black first lady?" According to Politico, on Monday, with Michelle Obama present at a New York fundraiser for her husband, actor Robert De Niro asked attendees, "Do you really think our country is ready for a white first lady?"