Ariel Castro

MSNBC's Harris-Perry Finds Rapist Castro's House Reminds Her of Colleg
August 5th, 2013 2:27 PM
On the Saturday, August 3, Melissa Harris-Perry show on MSNBC, after a discussion of the sentencing of rapist and kidnapper Ariel Castro, host Melissa Harris-Perry made an over the top comparison between the house Castro built to hold his sexual assault victims and institutions like colleges and the military.
As she segued from the Castro case to a discussion of the problem of sexual assault…

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes Proclaims a Little ‘Empathy’ For Rapist-Kidn
August 2nd, 2013 1:58 PM
Sometimes it is astonishing what the hosts at MSNBC will say with such ease that to most Americans comes across as extreme. Chris Hayes once declared on Memorial Day weekend that he felt "uncomfortable" calling our fallen military “heroes.” But on the August 1 All In w/ Chris Hayes, in which Hayes commented on kidnapper and rapist Ariel Castro, “there was a tiny, slight pin prick of empathy in me…
In WaPo Column, Georgetown Prof Equates Defending Tsarnaev, Ariel Cast
July 27th, 2013 3:05 PM
Abbe Smith, who has written an almost 1,500-word column for the Washington Post, is described as "a professor of law and the director of the Criminal Defense & Prisoner Advocacy Clinic at Georgetown University."
The title of her column is "What motivates a lawyer to defend a Tsarnaev, a Castro or a Zimmerman?" -- as if defending an alleged terrorist killer of three and maimer of hundreds…