No Evidence of Collusion, No Surprise

March 26th, 2019 10:46 PM
The saga that is the Mueller Report is a consequence of what happens when you begin with a conclusion and then desperately seek evidence you hope will confirm it. The conclusion: Donald Trump was illegitimately elected and that he and/or his campaign conspired with the Russians to undermine Hillary Clinton's presidential candidacy. A summary of the report delivered to Congress Sunday by Attorney…

Crazy Train: ‘Hardball’ Panel Offers Conspiracies on Mueller Report

March 26th, 2019 10:27 PM

Tuesday’s Hardball saw an opening panel led by host Chris Matthews that showed the desperation of the liberal media following Attorney General Bill Barr’s Sunday letter on the main conclusions of the Mueller report. In roughly 15 minutes, they peddling conspiracy theories that this rollout was conceived of sometime ago, that Barr was picked solely to save Trump, and that America’s now a “crazy…

NY Times Unhappy With 'Weird' Mueller Result, Hits Barr: 'Impartial?'

March 26th, 2019 9:44 PM
Days after the Mueller report dropped with a thud, disappointing the vengeful left, the New York Times is hurriedly changing the subject and burying the lead, moving on from “collusion” to unsubstantiated hints that Trump could still be guilty of something. Tuesday’s front-page story found reporters desperately spinning the subject to “obstruction of justice” while smearing Attorney General Bob…

NBC's Dilanian: Mueller Gave 'Complete Vindication of the President'

March 25th, 2019 10:59 PM
While many of his colleagues have spread conspiracy theories about the Mueller report and even called it racist, MSNBC’s Ken Dilanian seemed open to self-reflection; declaring that “those of us and members of the public who placed stock in the idea that this was a criminal case…we have to acknowledge today that what Robert Mueller found on collusion and conspiracy was a complete vindication of…

WashPost's E.J. Dionne Furiously Spins Mueller Report Conclusions

March 25th, 2019 9:50 PM
Spin, Spin, Spin! The famous Benny Goodman tune was "Sing, Sing, Sing" but one could be forgiven if the Spin tune title comes to mind along with the tune while reading Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne's furious and often laughable spin on what is obviously for him a very disappointing Mueller Report. His highly entertaining spin control took place on Sunday in "Six takeaways from Barr’s…

New Mantra: CNN Chants Report 'Does Not Exonerate' 120 Times in a Day

March 25th, 2019 6:21 PM
Attorney General William Barr's inclusion of the phrase “does not exonerate” in his summary of the Mueller report has become a much-needed security blanket for liberal journalists. For the past 24 hours, CNN analysts, commentators, correspondents, and hosts have clung to the phrase, repeating it ad nauseam in a vain attempt to reassure themselves that maybe — just maybe — President Trump might…

‘The Russians Have Clearly Won’; MSNBC's Nance Melts Down After Letter

March 25th, 2019 5:19 PM
As NewsBusters illustrated all day on Sunday, MSNBC’s nonsense was shooting out into the ether like water from a fire hose During the 6:00 p.m. Eastern hour, so-called experts offered hot takes such as “the Russians have clearly won” and “Mueller basically seem to abdicate or punt on” the obstruction portion of the investigation.

NY Times Sourly Shifts to Trump Obstruction of Justice, Slimes AG Barr

March 25th, 2019 2:32 PM
Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russia interference in the 2016 elections is over, after finding no Trump-Russia conspiracy and issuing no indictments against Americans. With “collusion” a dead letter, the liberal press is investing hope in the other charge, “obstruction of justice.” A story by the New York Times focused on that other avenue in “Barr Goes Beyond Mueller in Clearing Trump on…

'View' Hosts In Denial Over Collusion: ‘We Don’t Know Anything!'

March 25th, 2019 1:33 PM
Even as many in the media admitted defeat, after the Special Counsel report revealed no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia in the 2016 election, the hosts of ABC’s The View refused to concede this whole charade over collusion was over. Co-host Sunny Hostin expressed the table’s sentiment the best, gushing, “We don’t know anything [yet]!”

NBC Asks if Barr ‘On the Level,’ Fears Mueller ‘Cop Out’

March 25th, 2019 10:41 AM
During her hostile interview with White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Monday’s Today show, co-host Savannah Guthrie worried if Attorney General William Barr was “on the level” when he made the decision not to pursue obstruction of justice charges against President Trump after Special Counsel Robert Mueller found no conclusive evidence to warrant such charges. In a later segment…

CNN's Attack on Mueller Begins: No Ruling on Obstruction 'Atrocious'

March 25th, 2019 9:29 AM
You knew this was coming. For two years, Robert Mueller was a secular saint of the liberal media. But now that he has issued a report not to the MSM's liking, Mueller's halo is tarnished, and overnight he's become fair game for criticism. An opening salvo of the MSM attack on Mueller was launched on CNN's New Day this morning. CNN legal analyst Laura Coates said she was "completely unsatisfied"…

Watch These SHOCKING ABC Reactions to Mueller; ‘All Out Win for’ Trump

March 25th, 2019 12:14 AM
Between their two Special Reports and World News Tonight, ABC personalities reacted to the Mueller report findings by repeatedly playing up the unambiguous nature of the day, calling it “an all out win for the President” and that Sunday will go down as an important “moment in our history” that “cemented the trust that millions of Americans have for President Trump.”

LOL! Even Al Sharpton Says Dems ‘Have to Move On’ from Trump-Russia

March 24th, 2019 10:47 PM
To paraphrase tweets from great Stephen Miller (no, not Stephen Miller from the White House), leave it to Al Sharpton to be the voice of sanity amidst MSNBC’s network-wide meltdown. Reacting on Sunday’s PoliticsNation to AG Bill Barr’s letter concerning the Mueller probe’s findings, he admitted that “the Democrats also now have to move on and really deal with hard issues.” No, that is not a…

MSNBC PANICS Over Letter: There’s No Complete Sentences from Mueller!

March 24th, 2019 7:11 PM
Whether you’re a liberal analyst, anchor, commentator, host, or something in between, Sunday wasn’t exactly the day you hoped with Attorney General Bill Barr’s letter to Congress that revealed the Mueller team didn’t find Trump-Russian collusion and the latter determined that the President did not obstruct justice. For the so-called legal analysts on MSNBC, they were not satisfied, offering hot…