
ABC, CBS Decry Barr, Trump Blasting FBI for Their Probe Misconduct

December 10th, 2019 10:53 PM

The Department of Justice Inspector General’s report clearly spelled out gross abuses by the FBI when applying to spy on members of the Trump campaign. Despite those facts, ABC’s World News Tonight and CBS Evening News were clutching their pearls Tuesday while reporting on how President Trump and Attorney General William Barr were slamming the law enforcement organization for lying and…


Barr: ‘Bogus’ Russia Investigation ‘Hyped By an Irresponsible Press'

December 10th, 2019 2:40 PM

During an exclusive interview with NBC justice correspondent Pete Williams aired on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports on Tuesday, Attorney General William Barr reacted to the Justice Department’s inspector general report detailing the FBI’s mishandling of the Russia investigation and also blamed the media for constantly hyping the faulty inquiry.

NY Times Scared of ‘Authoritarian’ Barr Pandering to ‘Far Right' GOP

December 9th, 2019 10:50 PM
New York Times reporters Jeremy Peters and Katie Benner caught up to a weeks-old story, keyed to a speech by Attorney General William Barr to The Federalist conservative legal society that frightened the left. On Monday’s front page, they tried to transform Barr into a “far-right...authoritarian” bogeyman: “Right Rejoices As Barr Assails Liberal Culture -- No-Apologies Style Fits the Party of…

The Disproportionate Trickle-Down of Bad Social Politics

December 4th, 2019 7:11 PM
This week, Paul Krugman of The New York Times posited a theory: Red states cause depression and suicide. In a column titled “America's Red State Death Trip,” Krugman wrote: “In 1990, today's red and blue states had almost the same life expectancy. Since then, however, life expectancy in Clinton states has risen more or less in line with other advanced countries, compared with almost no gain in…

The Bell Is About to Toll

October 31st, 2019 8:09 PM

WASHINGTON — It has taken a long time, but finally the Justice Department is training its guns on what heretofore was unthinkable, unless you're a career civil libertarian. For years, the civil libertarians have been warning us that the Intelligence Community posed a threat to democracy as we know it in the United States.

NY Times, MSNBC Race to Slime Barr and Durham

October 26th, 2019 4:00 PM

The New York Times broke the story late Thursday night with this headline: “Justice Dept. Is Said to Open Criminal Inquiry Into Its Own Russia Investigation.” Then came the front page sub-headline: “The move is likely to raise alarms that President Trump is using the Justice Department to go after his perceived enemies.” 


Nets Trash Investigation of Russia Probe as ‘Political Revenge'

October 25th, 2019 12:55 PM

On Friday, all three network morning shows rushed to dismiss the newly revealed criminal investigation into the origins of the Russia probe as nothing more than “political revenge” against President Trump’s “enemies.” Hosts and correspondents dutifully stuck to Democratic Party talking points trashing the inquiry, coming just shy of labeling it a “witch hunt.”


MSNBC Panel Frets Over Investigation Into Origin of Russia Probe

October 22nd, 2019 2:52 PM

It is a common refrain on MSNBC in the age of Trump that nobody is above law and to raise questions about investigations into high ranking officials is damaging to our institutions, unless of course that investigations is looking into alleged misconduct during the Obama years, then it is the investigation that is the threat to institutions. Such, was the argument that Andrea Mitchell made on…

The Times and Post Push Spygate Cover-Up With Barr Attacks

October 5th, 2019 4:00 PM
Once upon a time — in a galaxy far, far away — The New York Times and The Washington Post were the go-to papers when it came to uncovering political scandals. Both papers made a point of running the Pentagon Papers, an internal and secret U.S. government history of  various presidents and their relevant Cabinet secretaries decision-making on American involvement in the Vietnam War. The Post, of…

Joy Reid Strategy: Flip Trump Aides by Panicking with Possible Prison

October 5th, 2019 12:48 PM
The screencap in the chyron—Could Impeachment Inquiry Land Trump Associates in Jail?—made Joy Reid's strategy this morning very clear. To get Trump associates to flip against the President, try to panic them with the possibility of prison.

Conspiracies to Mea Culpas: Here's Five Kooky Takes on ‘Hardball’

October 1st, 2019 11:00 PM
It’s been awhile since our last slideshow, NewsBusters readers. Thankfully, Tuesday’s Hardball on MSNBC came up clutch with reams of liberal nonsense from not just host Chris Matthews, but a cast of characters serving as yes men and women for this pro-impeachment pep rally. From leveling conspiracy theories to engaging in conspiracy theories, it was another case study in Trump Derangement…

Not The Onion: Baldwin Brings on McCabe to Bash ‘Trump Conspiracies’

October 1st, 2019 5:20 PM
To be blunt, weekday afternoon CNN Newsroom host Brooke Baldwin is the daytime version of Don Lemon. While she’s promoted as a journalist, she’s no more than a pro-impeachment and pro-Resistance partisan who accepts most everything liberal guests tell her. Such was the case on Tuesday when she lectured viewers about how raising questions about the Biden family or the whistleblower was tantamount…

Fox News Panel Deflates Lib Media Panic Over Barr and Australia

September 30th, 2019 11:49 PM
The New York Times spun the crank on the liberal media outrage machine one more time, on Monday, when they published a story panicking over Attorney General William Barr speaking to Australia during the course of his investigation into the origins of the Russia probe. And while ABC, CBS, and NBC were up in arms that same evening, the panel on Fox News Channel’s Special Report put the brakes on…

ABC Up in Arms Over AG Barr Paying for Family Party at Trump Hotel

August 27th, 2019 8:28 PM
Despite admitting that career ethics officials for the Justice Department approved the location of Attorney General William Barr’s family holiday party, ABC’s World News Tonight was still up in arms on Tuesday after they learned he was having it at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C.