
NBC’s Jimmy Fallon Mocks Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton Over WH Chances

March 6th, 2015 4:41 PM
During his opening monologue on Thursday’s Tonight Show, host Jimmy Fallon made a few jests toward Vice President Joe Biden and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and each of their chances of winning the 2016 presidential election. Fallon began the gag by playing a clip of Clinton speaking to the abortion group EMILY’s List on Tuesday night and asking if they “someday want to see a woman…

Mark Shields: Walker's Idea of Foreign Policy Is 'Beat Ohio State'

February 21st, 2015 9:58 AM
Anyone who thinks the PBS NewsHour is a calm, rather nonpartisan forum on politics where no one does any trash-talking hasn’t seen Mark Shields on Fridays. On Friday, Shields trashed Jeb Bush as a bumbler, and then just insulted governors Scott Walker and Chris Christie as “total novices” on foreign policy, like he’s a standup comedian. But eight years ago, Shields said only "serious candidates…

WashPost's Bump Lamely Denies Kitzhaber-Christie Double Standard

February 14th, 2015 2:05 AM
Late Friday afternoon, roughly two hours ("shortly after noon" Pacific Time) after the press release announcing Oregon Democratic Governor John Kitzhaber's resignation effective next Wednesday, Philip Bump at the Washington Post's "The Fix" blog tried to explain away the national press's nearly complete failure to cover Kitzhaber's mounting ethical and now potentially criminal problems for nearly…

Least-Known, Scandal-Plagued Governor in U.S.: Oregon Dem Kitzhaber

February 12th, 2015 1:27 PM
The establishment press has obsessed over Republican Governor Chris Christie's non-scandals in New Jersey for 18 months. Anything appearing to be problematic during the past four years for Wisconsin GOP Governor Scott Walker, including a "John Doe" fishing expedition driven by a power-abusing Democratic prosecutor, has been national news. Meanwhile, the press appears to have lost interest in…

Chris Matthews Calls Christie 'The Fat Guy From New Jersey'

February 11th, 2015 8:21 PM
Imagine a Fox News host making an unflattering remark about some aspect of Hillary Clinton's appearance. Now imagine the MSM going into 24/7 outrage mode. But on tonight's Hardball, Chris Matthews casually referred to Chris Christie as "the fat guy from New Jersey." And in walking back the crack, Matthews actually compounded his mistake.  Rather than acknowledging that it's simply wrong to…

CNN's Cuomo to Carson: GOP is 'Always Pushing Back Against Science'

February 4th, 2015 5:46 PM
CNN's Chris Cuomo forwarded the latest liberal attack on conservatives/Republicans on Wednesday's New Day as he interviewed potential GOP presidential candidate, Dr. Ben Carson. Cuomo hounded the neurosurgeon on the ongoing measles outbreak, and asserted that "this has been politicized now. You see a couple of your potential opponents coming out – and it seems as though the Republican Party has a…

NY Times Hits Christie (Not Hillary) on 'Fondness for Luxe Benefits'

February 4th, 2015 12:16 PM
The New York Times demonstrated their ardor to take Chris Christie down a peg again in the Tuesday front page story headlined “In Christie’s Career, Fondness for Luxe Benefits.” Reporters Kate Zernike and Michael Barbaro did a “deep dive” into Christie’s fondness for private planes and luxury hotels. So try a Nexis search over the last year for “Hillary Clinton” and “private planes” or “private…

Chris Matthews's Anti-Vaxxer Hypocrisy; HINT: It Involves 2008 Obama

February 2nd, 2015 9:22 PM
MSNBC host Chris Matthews took Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Gov. Chris Christie (R-N.J.) to task on his February 2 Hardball program for statements which he argued gave succor to so-called anti-vaxxers, parents who refuse to vaccinate their children out of unfounded or overblown safety concerns, often related to the development of autism. Matthews suggested both politicians were cynically angling…

Daily Kos: Conservatives Have a Persecution Complex

January 31st, 2015 3:42 PM
Hunter contends that right-wingers feel that the left is “out to get” them, and that they “consider…breaking the law itself to be a noble thing, when done in service to conservatism, which is why the various Fox News talking heads spoke of armed standoffs at the Bundy Ranch in approving tones and with references to the Founding Fathers.”

VandeHei's Sixth Sense: Chris Christie Doesn't Realize He's Dead

January 22nd, 2015 9:12 AM
Jim VandeHei sees dead people. On today's Morning Joe, the Politico honcho agreed with Joe Scarborough's suggestion that Chris Christie is like Bruce Willis in The Sixth Sense: [politically] dead but doesn't know it. Ironically, Scarborough distanced himself from his own suggestion, twice saying that he didn't believe it. But when he asked his guest if the characterization was fair, Vandehei…

ABC, NBC Eagerly Promote Governor Christie’s ‘Football Controversy’

January 11th, 2015 10:10 AM
On Sunday, Governor Chris Christie (R-N.J.) will attend the Green Bay Packers/Dallas Cowboys playoff game with Cowboys owner Jerry Jones. Christie’s decision has drawn the ire of many football fans in New Jersey for not supporting either the Philadelphia Eagles or New York Giants, both of which have large fan bases in New Jersey. During their Sunday morning broadcasts, ABC’s Good Morning America…

Nets Skip Gruber, ObamaCare, Hong Kong During Year in Review Roundups

December 31st, 2014 11:33 AM
Each of the network morning shows devoted some time on Wednesday to looking back at the biggest news stories of year and, while they certainly could not have included every story in the allotted time, they all failed to spend even a few seconds on topics such as Jonathan Gruber, pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, President Obama’s unpopularity, and the Hobby Lobby case to name a few. In…

Nets Obsessed Over Christie Charges, Allow 48 Seconds to Clearing

December 9th, 2014 12:08 PM
Last Friday, a Democrat-led investigation failed to find evidence linking Chris Christie to the 2013 traffic jam on the George Washington Bridge. After initially ignoring the report, ABC allowed 16 seconds on Friday's World News. Anchor David Muir briefly deemed this "welcome news" for the New Jersey Governor and 2016 contender. 

CNN Spends Scant 26 Seconds on Bridgegate Report Clearing Christie

December 5th, 2014 5:35 PM
Back in January, when the Bridgegate scandal surfaced, CNN offered wall-to-wall coverage totaling just over eight hours and 35 minutes of coverage on its first full day and featured the Republican Governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie, at the center of it all.  So, when news surfaced on early Friday morning that a Democrat-led investigation cleared Christie of any wrongdoing, CNN chose to adopt…