Christie: Obama’s ‘Charm Offensive Should Have Started January

June 18th, 2013 1:50 PM
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie took some shots at Barack Obama Tuesday. Appearing on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Christie said the President’s charm offensive on Congress "should have started in January of 2009…it’s a little bit late in the dating game to start to get to know somebody.”

ABC: Clinton and Christie 'Bromance' Is Like 'Clooney and Pitt,' 'Han

June 17th, 2013 5:51 PM
 ABC on Saturday fawned over the growing "bromance" between Bill Clinton and Chris Christie, hyping the relationship as like "Clooney and Pitt" and, oddly, "Han Solo and Chewbacca." Good Morning America reporter Reena Ninan touted the New Jersey Governor's appearance last week at the Clinton Global Initiative, enthusing, "There was Clooney and Pitt. Han Solo and Chewbacca." (Ninan didn't…

Chris Matthews Ignorantly Proclaims ‘We Don’t Have Any’ Black Se

June 7th, 2013 4:24 PM
During the Wednesday edition of his show Hardball, MSNBC host Chris Matthews, who once called former GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin “profoundly stupid,” appeared not to know that there are two current U.S. senators who are of African descent. “We don’t have any African Americans in the United States Senate, which I think is a disgrace,” Matthews said before being corrected by a…

NBC: Open Lautenberg Seat a 'Political Hot Potato' for Christie, Sugge

June 4th, 2013 12:16 PM
Following the death of New Jersey Democratic Senator Frank Lautenberg on Monday, Tuesday's NBC Today immediately began speculating on his replacement and the potential fallout for Chris Christie, with co-host Matt Lauer announcing it to be a "dilemma" and "political hot potato" for the Republican governor. The headline on screen read: "Lautenberg Seat Poses Political Problem." [Watch the video…

Dennis Miller: Obama and Christie 'So Cute Together - Like Danny Zuko

May 29th, 2013 9:19 PM
Dennis Miller, as would be expected, had a humorous take on Tuesday's reunion of President Obama and Governor Chris Christie (R-N.J.) at the Jersey Shore. Appearing on Fox News's O'Reilly Factor Wednesday, Miller said, "They're cute together. It's like Danny Zuko and Sandy in 'Grease.'”

CNN Hypes Christie-Obama 'Bromance' as President Tries to Divert Atten

May 28th, 2013 6:03 PM
As CBS and NBC both touted President Obama's Tuesday visit to New Jersey, so too did CNN hype Obama's "bromance" with Governor Chris Christie as the President tried to step away from Washington and his administration's scandals. White House correspondent Jessica Yellin said it would be a "good chance" for Obama to trumpet the effectiveness of his government as FEMA's performance after…

Christie Dismisses Climate Change Question from NBC's Lauer as 'Distra

May 24th, 2013 4:19 PM
In an interview with Chris Christie on Friday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer grilled the New Jersey Governor on his skepticism that man-made climate change caused Superstorm Sandy: "You said you don't think there's been any proof thus far that Sandy was caused by climate change. Several experts I've heard from say the destruction, though, from Sandy, was probably more severe because of…

Letterman: Christie Got His Stomach Stapled, Limbaugh Should Get His M

May 10th, 2013 11:00 AM
Is it possible for David Letterman to get more partisanly petty? On the CBS Late Show Thursday, the host said, “So Chris Christie had his stomach stapled, and now if we can get Rush Limbaugh to have his mouth stapled” (video follows with transcript and commentary):

ABC Again Hits Christie With Weight Jokes: He 'Devours His Critics' Wi

May 8th, 2013 11:54 AM
Covering New Jersey Governor Chris Christie's secret weight loss surgery, Good Morning America's Paula Faris couldn't help but make fat jokes. The reporter on Wednesday began her segment by wryly asserting, "Chris Christie is wasting no time devouring his critics." She continued, "The no-holds-barred New Jersey Governor known for his healthy appetite...sounded off" at reporters. [See video below…

In NYT's Cornucopia of Stories on 2016 Prospects, It's Hillary 1, GOP

April 9th, 2013 3:08 PM
Campaign 2016 has already started, and the New York Times weighed in on the presidential hopefuls in three stories Tuesday. So far, it's a hail for Hillary, a ho-hum greeting for Joe Biden, and hostility toward Republican governors Chris Christie and Bobby Jindal. David Halbfinger's Tuesday front-page story was loaded with hostility toward New Jersey's governor: "Brash Christie Plays Rutgers…

Cal Thomas Column: Yes, Chris Christie Is Conservative Enough for CPAC

March 5th, 2013 2:32 PM
It's a safe bet that most conservative Republicans would rush to support a political leader with the following record, especially in a traditionally Democratic state: -- Reversed a $2.2 billion deficit and brought it into balance without raising taxes, largely by reduced spending and eliminating wasteful and unaffordable programs, allowing for a projected fiscal 2014 budget surplus of $300…

NBC: Christie in 'Battle' With 'Right Wing' After CPAC 'Snub,' Won't

February 27th, 2013 11:20 AM
Reacting to Chris Christie not being invited to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), on Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer melodramatically announced: "...another battle for New Jersey Governor Chris Christie today. But this time, he's at odds with the right wing of his own party." The headline on screen throughout the segment read: "Cold Shoulder for Christie;…

Joe Scarborough: Conservative Gathering CPAC Just About Anger and Hate

February 26th, 2013 12:31 PM
In what has become a recurring theme on MSNBC, Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough railed against the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) for failing to invite Governor Chris Christie (R-N.J) to the event.  On the February 26 edition of the program the self-described “true conservative” Scarborough slammed CPAC as not being about winning elections, but instead being an echo-chamber…

Unbleeped Mort Zuckerman: 'No Bull****' About Chris Christie

February 21st, 2013 8:05 AM
Mika Brzezinski immediately asked her producer if the seven-second delay had worked.  It hadn't.  On today's Morning Joe, praising the "authenticity" of the New Jersey governor, an unbleeped Mort Zuckerman said there's "no bull****" about Chris Christie. Joe Scarborough sought to slough off the incident, saying no seven-second delay was necessary: "you got a lot of farmers saying that in…