Maher: Romney Should Pick George Zimmerman VP for 'The Black Guy’s U

June 30th, 2012 11:24 AM
Bill Maher on Friday made another in a long line of disgusting remarks about Mitt Romney and Republicans being racist. In the concluding segment of HBO's Real Time, the host encouraged Romney to choose Trayvon Martin's assailant George Zimmerman as his vice presidential candidate to "personify [his] campaign theme of 'I Think The Black Guy’s Up To No Good'" (video follows with transcript and…

How Original: Behar Makes Fat Joke About Christie

May 1st, 2012 11:29 AM
On the April 30 edition of ABC’s The View, co-host Barbara Walters started a discussion about the preceding Saturday's White House Correspondent’s Association (WHCA) dinner. However, as usual, liberal comedian Joy Behar had to throw in a few cheap shots at a Republican. During their discussion, most of the panel discussed the night's memorable jokes, including one made by comedian Jimmy…

Stephen King Publishes Vulgar Attack on Conservatives: 'Tax Me, for F

May 1st, 2012 1:35 AM
He's baaaaaack! Bestselling fiction author Stephen King took to the liberal publication the Daily Beast Monday to hurl some classically left-wing attacks, filled with some classically left-wing vulgarity, at fiscally minded conservatives such as New Jersey Governor Chris Christie in a piece aptly titled "Tax Me, for F@%&’s Sake!" (serious vulgarity warning):

NPR's Totenberg: If GOP Picked New Contender at the Convention, 'Elite

March 16th, 2012 9:53 PM
On Friday's Inside Washington on selected PBS stations, Charles Krauthammer floated his curiosity about what would happen if the Republicans chose a new candidate for the fall election if Romney or Santorum couldn't get to the magic delegate number. Mark Shields joked about how it would be unfair to pick to someone who hasn't slogged across the country and then made a fat joke: "Chris Christie…

ABC Finds Chris Christie 'May Have Met His Match' in Navy SEAL Heckler

March 11th, 2012 4:19 AM
On Saturday's World News, as he ended a report on New Jersey Governor Chris Christie's dustup with a Rutgers University student who heckled him at a town hall forum, ABC correspondent Mark Greenblatt forwarded Rutgers Law student and former Navy SEAL Wiliam Brown's criticisms of Christie without noting Brown's  history of activism in the Democratic party, specifically that he ran unsuccessfully…

For Schieffer, GOP ‘Too Far to the Right’ and Too Obsessed with Bi

February 26th, 2012 6:15 PM
CBS’s Bob Schieffer, on Sunday morning’s Face the Nation, pressed Republican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie over how Republicans have moved “too far to the right” to win before cuing up Maryland’s Democratic Governor, Martin O’Malley, to agree while fretting “we’ve spent the last couple of weeks here talking about running against birth control for goodness sake” – as if the media have…

Chris Christie Smacks Down WaPo's Capehart: 'I’m Not Going to be Cro

February 23rd, 2012 10:21 AM
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and the Washington Post's Jonathan Capehart got into quite a heated debate about same sex marriage on MSNBC's Morning Joe Thursday. When Capehart aggressively tried to grill Christie, the Governor scolded, “I used to be a prosecutor. I don’t know if you did too, but I’m not going to be cross-examined by you this morning” (video follows with transcribed…

WashPost Mag Editor Compares Chris Christie to Tony Soprano

February 22nd, 2012 6:06 PM
Cathy Areu, of the Washington Post Magazine, compared Sarah Palin to unsophistocated redneck Larry the Cable Guy back in 2010. She was back to her old self Thursday morning on CNN's Starting Point, railing against Gov. Chris Christie (R-N.J.) as "a Tony Soprano" character. CNN host Soledad O'Brien also had some fun with Christie's weight, chuckling at Piers Morgan's compliment that governor…

Chris Christie Confronts Piers Morgan for Demagoguing Shareholders' Pr

February 22nd, 2012 1:45 PM
When CNN's Piers Morgan preached that corporations should consider actions in the national interest over the wants of their "ever-fattening shareholders," New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R) called him out for "demagoguing" the issue. In an interview that aired Tuesday night, Morgan suggested that companies like Apple should "take a hit" and bring a percentage of their jobs back to America…

George Stephanopoulos's Math Fail: Pushes Christie to Tout Obama 'Come

February 22nd, 2012 1:01 PM
According to Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos, an increase in unemployment from 7.8 percent to 8.3 percent is a recovery. The ABC co-host pressed Chris Christie to agree that, just as the Governor is proclaiming a New Jersey comeback, "...Can President Obama make the same claim about the United States?" According to Stephanopoulos's talking points, "Across the country,…

NBC's Gregory Grills Christie: How Are Republicans 'Culpable' in Washi

January 23rd, 2012 4:02 PM
Worried that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was being too critical of President Obama on Sunday's Meet the Press, moderator David Gregory attempted to steer the discussion toward bashing Republicans: "Where have Republicans been culpable for the paralysis in Washington? You've spoken about the President....what role do Republicans play?" Christie hit back, placing the burden for…

Obama vs. Christie and the Future

January 20th, 2012 3:47 PM
Whose job would you want to have? Would it be President Barack Obama's or Governor Chris Christie's in the great state of New Jersey? Would it be President Obama's, whose budget woes are getting graver, or would it be Governor Christie's, whose budget is at least looking to be survivable? Now Obama is facing the choice in his budgetary decisions. Does he raise taxes only on families making $1…

CBS's Rose Touts NY Times Spin on Romney's Wealth Being 'New Hurdle

January 19th, 2012 6:39 PM
Charlie Rose ripped a new liberal line of attack on Mitt Romney right out of the New York Times on Thursday's CBS This Morning, as he interviewed top Romney backer Chris Christie. Rose played up that Romney "seems to be dancing around the idea of what his wealth is. This is the New York Times today: 'Romney riches are being seen as new hurdle; complex web of assets is difficult to assess.'"…

David Letterman Jokes About Gingrich Abusing Wife, Mocks Gov. Christie

January 18th, 2012 9:30 PM
CBS comedian David Letterman teed off on the Republican presidential field on Monday night while barely batting an eye toward President Obama or the Democrats. The Late Show host joked at the expense of Newt Gingrich's first marriage and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's weight, while comparing former First Lady Pat Nixon to a reptile from Star Trek. In addition, the CBS comedian dismissed the…