Chris Hughes

Leftist-Funded, Liberal-Run Tech Project to Tackle Antitrust: WashPost
January 18th, 2022 3:18 PM
The new Tech Oversight Project reportedly aims to pressure lawmakers to pass competition regulation for tech companies. The project is funded by liberal billionaire Pierre Omidyar and Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes, however, and headed by a “veteran of Democratic politics,” Sacha Haworth.

NYT, Facebook Co-Founder Bash Capitalism: ‘Inequality
February 25th, 2018 1:56 PM
Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes, a guilt-ridden rich liberal who had an ill-fated run as owner of the liberal magazine The New Republic, was graced on Saturday with a front-page Business Day profile in the New York Times whose very headline mocks the idea of individual achievement: “Inequality: A Secret To His Success.” The subhead: “The Facebook co-founder’s rise was meteoric. He argues that…

Daily Beast: MSM Fawned Over New Republic Owner Before Turning on Him
December 9th, 2014 2:28 PM
The mainstream media has now begun attacking The New Republic owner Chris Hughes for supposedly destroying it. However, before they attacked him, the MSM lavished praise upon Hughes as chronicled by James Kirchick in the Daily Beast.
Exploiters and Hypocrites Exposed: 'Progressive' Media Outlets Paying
December 2nd, 2013 9:10 PM
Charles Davis at has written an eye-opening expose of “Exploited Laborers of the Liberal Media” – unpaid or poorly paid interns at liberal magazines, websites, and radio networks that claim to speak out for the poorly paid working stiffs.
Davis notes Harper’s magazine wants interns to “work on a full-time, unpaid basis for three to five months” and The Washington Monthly is offering…
Peretz on New New Republic: 'I Don't Recognize Magazine I Used to Own
February 14th, 2013 4:16 PM
Martin Peretz, the former owner and editor of the New Republic, has come down strongly on the new iteration of the magazine he first purchased in 1974.
So shocked by the content since Facebook's Chris Hughes took over is Peretz that he published a piece at the Wall Street Journal Thursday titled "The New New Republic: I don't recognize the magazine I used to own. We were liberal but not…
Yes, Obama Really Does Believe Media Are Too Nice to Republicans
January 28th, 2013 5:25 PM
Those who doubt the idea that modern liberalism is essentially about denying reality need to hear the latest laughable bit of media analysis from President Barack Obama.
According to the former junior senator from Illinois, the American media elite, the same group of people who have described themselves as "swooning" for him, is actually too nice to Republicans. This same group of people has…

Andrea Mitchell Claims Obama Said Only Guests Shot Skeet—But Even Ne
January 28th, 2013 3:14 PM
How big of an Obama lapdog is Andrea Mitchell? Even bigger than ardent Obama fan Chris Hughes. The Facebook co-founder, who bought the New Republic last year, recently scored an interview with President Obama that has been criticized for its generally soft questioning. But during an appearance on Mitchell's MSNBC show today, even Hughes was more candid about the prez than Mitchell.
When it…

Obama: I'd Get More Done If GOP Wasn't Punished By Fox and Limbaugh fo
January 27th, 2013 3:22 PM
"If a Republican member of Congress is not punished on Fox News or by Rush Limbaugh for working with a Democrat on a bill of common interest, then you'll see more of them doing it."
So said Barack Obama in an interview just published by The New Republic:

George Will Schools Donna Brazile: America's 'Going To Be an Assisted
January 27th, 2013 12:29 PM
ABC and CNN contributor Donna Brazile - posing as one of Barack Obama's trusted defenders in the media like she always does! - got a much-needed education Sunday about the President's profligate spending.
Countering Brazile's propaganda on ABC's This Week, George Will said, "A dollar spent on A cannot be spent on B...This is our future. We're going to be an assisted living home with an Army.…