Ivanka Trump and Goya

Go Figure: Mika Knocks Trump Kids But Upset with Attacks on Hunter

July 16th, 2020 12:31 AM

Apparently, the liberal media have a short memory this week and one so short that they contradicted themselves in real time Wednesday and hypocritically engage in behaviors that they chide President Trump for doing. Co-host Mika Brzezinski did this on Morning Joe, tut tutting President Trump for his remark about 50-year-old Hunter Biden: 


Panicky MSNBC: Conservative Win in Court Could Endanger Women's Lives!

July 8th, 2020 9:50 PM

The Supreme Court on Wednesday released a court ruling expanding exemptions for religious employers and insurance providers to not provide contraceptive coverage. MSNBC had to blow the decision up to massive proportions however, painting it as an attack against all women. MSNBC's idea of diversity to discuss this? A former head of Planned Parenthood, an ex-Democratic staffer and a former…


McCaskill Claims There's 'No HINT of Corruption' in Obama-Biden Days

May 20th, 2020 9:23 PM
Pam Key at Breitbart noted that MSNBC contributor Claire McCaskill toed the usual line of the Media-Democrat Complex on Wednesday’s Morning Joe, claiming that Barack Obama’s administration did not have even “a hint of corruption during eight years.”

MSNBC Post-Debate: Biden Was ‘Pitch Perfect,’ ‘Nailed It’ on Virus

March 16th, 2020 12:29 AM
Like clockwork, MSNBC made clear Sunday night for viewers that, based on the debate performance (and their strong liberal biases), Americans should feel much better about the coronavirus coming under control if former Vice President Joe Biden takes the Oval Office. In the first hour, guests hailed Biden for having “nailed it” with his “pitch perfect” arguments (which consisted of him talking…

MSNBC: ‘Carter-Like’ Trump Could Trigger 'Crisis of Governance'

March 11th, 2020 7:35 AM
MSNBC juggled two priorities during its Super Tuesday 2 coverage with the first being continuing to boost and rehabilitate the image of Joe Biden as he stands to be the 2020 Democratic nominee. But the other and, for the focus of purposes here, was continuing to paint the Trump administration’s response to coronavirus as disastrous and rendering Trump the 21st century incarnation of Jimmy Carter…

MSNBC Spends Three Hours Gushing Over ‘Kinetic,’ ‘Soft Tone’ Biden

March 11th, 2020 1:53 AM
Super Tuesday 2 marked a further coronation of Joe Biden by the liberal media and a pivot away from any and all critical coverage of the gaffe-ridden candidate. MSNBC did its part, marveling at Biden putting “not just the South in play, but the Sun Belt” as well thanks to his “fascinating kinetic moment.” And then after Biden’s victory speech, one MSNBC pundit was there to swoon over his “very…

Morning Joe Laments to Klobuchar: 'Was Last Night Good for the Party?'

February 20th, 2020 3:45 PM
The media are perspiring as a result of all the fire at Wednesday night's Democratic debate. Chief among those quaking in their anchor chairs are the leftist crew of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, who hosted one of the candidates, Senator Amy Klobuchar, on Thursday morning’s program.

Guthrie Frets Over ‘Circular Firing Squad’ at Dem Debate

February 20th, 2020 11:34 AM
While discussing Wednesday night’s contentious Democratic debate, on Thursday morning, NBC’s Today show co-host Savannah Guthrie worried that the “non-Sanders” candidates were in a “circular firing squad” and wondered if the “moderate lane” would start to consolidate in the coming weeks.

MSNBC: Candidates ‘Savaged Each Other’ Like Boxers at the Coliseum

February 20th, 2020 12:30 AM
MSNBC wasn’t sure whether to react with approval or horror Wednesday night after the 2020 Democratic presidential debate. In the first 15 minutes, MSNBC analysts, hosts, and pundits offered debate descriptions ranging from “a presidential version of Survivor” to “the most expensive night in Vegas” to an event at “the Roman Coliseum” to “boxing in the 1950s.”

Nasty Claire McCaskill Paints GOP Sen. Perdue as Pathetic Trump Lackey

January 31st, 2020 6:39 PM

Having lost her Senate seat, has Claire McCaskill become embittered toward Senate Republicans? Now an MSNBC analyst, she took an ugly shot at Sen. David Perdue (R-GA), painting him as a pathetic Trump lackey, during a discussion on the impeachment proceedings Friday afternoon.


MSNBC Aims Massive Fire Hose of Venom at GOP Amid Celebrating Leak

January 31st, 2020 3:54 PM
Before Friday’s session of the Senate impeachment trial, MSNBC’s hatred was in full display for those who wouldn’t be voting and thinking the way they’ve demanded, lobbing one firebomb after another while simultaneously decrying the lack of bipartisanship and civility.

MSNBC FREAKS Over ‘Jim Crow’ GOP Engaging in Ukraine ‘Cover Up’

January 31st, 2020 1:11 AM

In the moments after Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) announced late Thursday that he would not support witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial, MSNBC rhetorically curled up in the fetal position over the “Jim Crow” and “submissive” GOP engaging in a “cover up” and “an extraordinary act of self-abasement” that’s left America in “a very scary moment.”


Wallace: Not Voting for Witnesses Amidst ‘Volcanic’ News Is ‘Suicide’

January 28th, 2020 9:33 PM
Dispensing more of her supposed invaluable expertise, MSNBC’s Deadline: White House host and Republican-turned-lefty Nicolle Wallace boasted Tuesday about the barrage of anti-Trump breaking news developments (like those about John Bolton) being akin to “volcanic eruptions” and voting against witnesses would be “political suicide.”

MSNBC Unmoved by Trump Team's Supposed Lack of Substance, ‘Weak Tea’

January 25th, 2020 5:19 PM
Just like with CNN, MSNBC spent Saturday afternoon doing their best to refrain from using positive descriptors when talking about day one of President Trump’s legal team, instead calling their brief presentation as having included “a little false flag,” not substantive, and “weak tea.”