
Six Democratic Scandals the Networks Are Burying This Election Year

October 16th, 2018 9:00 AM
As the midterms fast approach, there are a bunch of Democrats who find themselves embroiled in scandals and controversies. But if you only got your news from the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks, you’ve probably never heard about them. From Texas Senate Democratic challenger Beto O’Rourke lying about his DUI arrest to DNC chair Keith Ellison being accused of domestic violence, the following is…

NYT Page One Warns: Defending Kavanaugh Could 'Haunt the GOP'

September 24th, 2018 5:30 PM
Monday’s front page showed the New York Times will play every conceivable angle to push the Democrats over the top in the November elections. The latest line of attack: the Brett Kavanaugh nomination, and especially the long-delayed sexual assault accusation leveled against him. Reporter Jonathan Martin’s “G.O.P., Aiding Pick for Court, Risks Backlash -- Boon Becomes Possible Liability in…

Morning Joe Plays Softball With Senator McCaskill

June 8th, 2018 9:21 PM
In yet another blatant display of liberal media bias, we humbly submit for your consideration interview questions for Missouri Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill from Thursday's on Morning Joe. Interviewing a member of the prestigious Senate Armed Services Committee should be a real chance to dig for details about the chance for peace in Korea or perhaps they even ask her about the collapse of…

MSNBC Compares Budget Cuts To Terrorism

May 23rd, 2017 5:52 PM
In the midst of a terror attack and President Trump’s travels abroad, the fun-filled cast of MSNBC’s Morning Joe still found the time to bash the President’s new budget on Tuesday.  Meeting with Senator McCaskill of Missouri they discussed at length the horror that would ensue were the budget to be brought into existence. Scarborough lamented the ‘savage’ cuts to different government programs…

CBS Hails Liberal Protesters as ‘Voice of America’; Downplay GOPers

April 14th, 2017 8:21 PM
Congress is in recess, so the liberal media were bound to do their best to continue to promote disruptive, far-left attendees of Republican town halls. On Friday, CBS Evening News gave those activists a boost, touting them as the “Voice of America.” Worse yet, the two-minute-and-14-second segment only allowed 15 seconds for one conservative calmly raising concerns with an elected Democrat.

NBC's Mitchell to McCaskill: 'We're Fine' For 'Taking Back the Senate'

November 8th, 2016 1:02 PM
Shortly after noon on Monday, in three publicly visible tweets to Missouri Democratic Party Senator Claire McCaskill, Mitchell referred to how "we're going to be fine in terms of taking back the Senate," whined about how FBI Director James Comey had "muddled this race," and wondered why "he sent that letter" — presumably referring to his letter to Congress in late October concerning the Hillary…

Chris Matthews: 'Gutsy' of McCaskill to Back Iran Deal

August 20th, 2015 8:59 PM
Teasing his softball interview with Sen. Claire McCaskill, MSNBC Hardball host Chris Matthews hailed as "gutsy" the Missouri Democrat's coming out today to endorse President Obama's nuclear deal with Iran. Missouri's nickname is the "Show-Me State," yet nowhere in his interview did Matthews ask McCaskill about the logic of jumping on board a nuclear deal by which, as NBC's own Andrea Mitchell…

NBC on Ferguson Protesters: Shot Cops Won't 'Slow Their Movement'

March 13th, 2015 12:37 PM
During a report on Friday's NBC Today about the manhunt for suspects in the shooting of two police officers in Ferguson, Missouri, correspondent Craig Melvin touted protesters in the community being undeterred by the violence: "One of the protest organizers, Rasheen Aldridge, says he hopes for the officers' recovery, but is determined not to let the shootings slow their movement."

Chris Matthews: GOP Wants to 'Roll Back History'

January 20th, 2015 11:23 PM
The push to repeal ObamaCare is part of a Republican effort to "roll back history," thundered Chris Matthews at various points on Tuesday night during MSNBC coverage. The Hardball host first tried out the line on Republican pundit and former RNC chairman Michael Steele during the evening's edition of Hardball.

'Morning Joe' Pundits Fear Media 'Clinton Exhaustion' Already Underway

July 3rd, 2014 10:00 PM
It's only July of 2014, but two panelists on the Morning Joe program expressed concern during Thursday's edition that people within the media are already suffering from “Clinton Exhaustion” even though the former secretary of state has yet to announce whether she will be a candidate in the 2016 presidential election. If that's the case, then one of the worst offenders is the staff of that…

NBC Boosts Liberal Slams of Cruz for Using 'Green Eggs and Ham' Joke i

September 26th, 2013 11:22 AM followed the lead of Politico on Wednesday in hyping left-leaning attacks of Senator Ted Cruz for reading Dr. Seuss' "Green Eggs and Ham" during his marathon floor speech against ObamaCare. Kasie Hunt and Carrie Dann spotlighted the critiques of Cruz from overt liberals, including former Obama campaign adviser David Plouffe; and Senators Chuck Schumer and Claire McCaskill. The…

MSNBC's Brzezinski, Halperin Gush over Potential Clinton Run: Hillary

June 20th, 2013 4:38 PM
Mika Brzezinski and the Morning Joe crew continued their obsession with Hillary Clinton’s non-existent presidential campaign on Wednesday. Brzezinski gushed that the former secretary of state “transcends” the Bush-Clinton dynasty concerns raised by Barbara Bush, while guest Mark Halperin claimed Hillary was “head and shoulders above” the rest of the field. The MSNBC panel invited Sen. Claire…

NYTimes Hypes Sen. McCaskill's Endorsement of Hillary Clinton

June 19th, 2013 7:06 PM
It turns out MSNBC isn't the only liberal news outlet giddy about Missouri Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill's early endorsement of Hillary Clinton for a 2016 presidential bid. This morning, the New York Times's Jonathan Weisman treated readers to a puffy 16-paragraph story headlined, "A Pro-Clinton PAC Receives the Support of a Key Obama Backer." Apparently when one thinks Democratic power…

'Morning Joe' Panel Hypes 'Very, Very, Very Big News' of McCaskill's H

June 18th, 2013 1:56 PM
According to James Carville, all Democrats want to do is “get behind” Hillary Clinton for the 2016 elections. It’s definitely easier for them to do so when the media is throwing their full weight behind the former secretary of state. The liberal panelists on Tuesday’s Morning Joe hyped the “very, very, very big news” that Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) is endorsing former Secretary Clinton…