Paying a Price For Bias? MSNBC Drops to Fourth Place in Crucial Rating

July 30th, 2014 10:46 PM
Oh, how the pathetic progs have fallen. Earlier today, the Hollywood Reporter told readers that MSNBC had a horrible July rating period. For the four weeks ended July 27, the self-described "lean forward" network saw "its total day average among the news demo of adults 25-54" drop by "33 percent from July 2013," causing it come in "below HLN by 16,000 viewers for No. 4 status":

Sens. Rand Paul, Cory Booker Hit Back at Race Card-Playing MSNBC Host

July 30th, 2014 6:08 PM
This afternoon on MSNBC's The Cycle co-host Ari Melber conducted a live interview with liberal Democratic Sen. Cory Booker (N.J.) and libertarian-conservative Republican Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.) about their bipartisan Redeem Act proposal -- Redeem standing for Record Expungement Designed to ENhance EMployment. Unfortunately for viewers, Melber insisted on playing the Lean Forward's favorite hand…

Same WashPost That Praised Cory Booker, Despite His Phony Stories, Sla

May 8th, 2014 7:59 AM
There are two black U.S. Senators, Democrat Cory Booker of New Jersey and Republican Tim Scott of South Carolina. The Washington Post demonstrated a blatant partisan tilt toward the former by cooing over Booker’s brilliance and national profile last year. The Post omitted Booker flat-out making things up, inventing a drug-dealer called “T-Bone” to tell inner-city stories. But on Thursday,…

Math-Challenged Cory Booker Wrong on 'Half of All Students Live in Pov

January 15th, 2014 12:58 PM
Before anyone seeks to level a criticism for picking on someone's mistake, let's imagine what the press, which is so desperate to pin anything on Ted Cruz that one of its members recently tried to hold him responsible for others' comments on his Facebook page, would do to him if he made the error recently elected New Jersey Senator Cory Booker made two days ago on Twitter — and has yet to…

New York Times Gushes: Cory Booker 'Finally Rising to Office' That Mat

October 17th, 2013 11:00 PM
The New York Times is always selling its favorite Democrats, like this gooey introduction from Kate Zernike on Thursday’s front page: “Mayor Cory A. Booker of Newark easily won New Jersey’s special Senate election on Wednesday, finally rising to an office that measures up to his national profile.“ Who is it, precisely, who has built this expansive national profile? The politician, surely,…

In New Jersey Senate Race, Media Put Democrat Cory Booker Over the Top

October 16th, 2013 5:27 PM
Electoral politics is frequently more a contest of biographies than it is of the issues, particularly if there is no incumbent involved. Of course, having an inspiring biography is only worth as much as the media allow it to be. Not only is Republican Senate candidate Steve Lonegan at a disadvantage in this regard—the press very rarely tells of his inspiring story of overcoming blindness and…

WINS Radio Ignores Own Viral Video of Newark Woman Slamming Cory Booke

September 7th, 2013 8:20 PM
Imagine a radio station that does an interview and a video of it goes viral on the Web. Of course, you would expect such a station to feature that video on its website, probably its front page. Well, radio station 1010 WINS in New York City had such a video but instead of featuring it, they completely ignored it despite the fact that the video was highlighted on such websites as the Drudge…

WashPost Hails Democrat Cory Booker as 'Perfect Senator' Who's 'Made f

August 28th, 2013 11:37 AM
The national media’s love affair with New Jersey’s Cory Booker continued in The Washington Post on Tuesday. On the front of the Style section was the headline “A perfect senator for ‘This Town’? Newark’s Cory Booker isn’t lacking in ideas, energy or self-promotion.”” Who needs self-promotion when you’ve got national media valentine-writers? This Jason Horowitz profile continued on the back…

MSNBC’s Witt Taunts Cory Booker’s GOP Opponent, Insisting He's a L

August 20th, 2013 2:46 PM
On MSNBC’s Weekends with Alex Witt on Sunday, Ms. Witt brought on New Jersey Republican Steve Lonegan, the businessman and former small town mayor who is running against Democrat Cory Booker for the open U.S. Senate seat in the Garden State. The liberal media consensus around the country is that Booker is practically a shoo-in to win the election, and Witt was more than happy to beat Lonegan…

NYT Fawns over 'Charismatic,' 'Media-Savvy Star' Booker, Ignores Mayor

August 14th, 2013 3:44 PM
The New York Times’s Raymond Hernandez delivered New Jersey primary election results with a spin Tuesday night, offering a mushy profile of Newark Mayor Cory Booker, the state’s landslide winner in the Democratic primary for United States Senate. The report’s lead lauded Booker as a “charismatic and media-savvy star in the Democratic Party,” noting the mayor’s efforts to “remake a notoriously…

Mayor Booker: 'Legal Gun Buyers Aren't Causing Murders in Newark and C

February 2nd, 2013 9:06 AM
Newark Mayor Cory Booker made a statement on HBO's Real Time Friday that should please gun rights advocates across the fruited plain. Despite being for stronger gun laws, Booker said, "Legal gun buyers are not causing murders in Newark and Chicago and other places" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

In Cory Booker Coverage, AP Continues Half-Decade Media Tradition of F

December 17th, 2012 11:55 PM
Katie Zezima at the Associated Press is the latest in a long line of reporters sucked into the fundamental dishonesty of the "Food Stamp Challenges" which have been taking place around the country for more than five years. Zezima's misdirection came at the direction of Newark, New Jersey's Democratic mayor Cory Booker, who challenged one of his Twitter followers several weeks ago to, in…

CNN Lauds Cory Booker's 'Pretty Extraordinary' 'Food Stamp Challenge

December 10th, 2012 6:45 PM
In the face of possible cuts to food stamp programs, CNN let Democratic Newark Mayor Cory Booker rail against the House cuts and publicize his own attempt to live off of food stamps for a week. On Friday night host Piers Morgan lauded Booker, calling his food stamp challenge "something really pretty extraordinary" and "a life-changing experience for him." In addition, Morgan cast Republicans…

Not News: Food Stamp Participation Jumped by Over 600,000 in September

December 7th, 2012 11:57 PM
The U.S. Department of Agriculture released its latest report on food stamp program participation through September today. I received the email alerting me to the release at 5:17 p.m., so it seems reasonable to believe that USDA and the Barack Obama administration wanted the new data to get as little attention as possible (as will be seen later, it's currently getting none). If so, they have…