Olbermann Links McCain to Anti-Gay Extremists, Guest Claims Gays-in-Mi

May 28th, 2010 1:51 PM
On Thursday’s Countdown show on MSNBC, host Keith Olbermann tried to link John McCain and other opponents of allowing gays to serve openly in the military to anti-gay extremists like the American Family Associations Bryan Fischer, who has claimed that Adolf Hitler and other Nazis were homosexuals. Olbermann: "Why is this former presidential candidate siding with opponents of repealing Don't-Ask-…

Behar Panel Blames Gender for Air America Failure; Says Liberals Too S

January 26th, 2010 9:20 PM
Bad content? Bad business model?  No, those reasons aren't why Air America is no longer with us. Air America, a radio network advertised as the next talk radio juggernaut in 2004, was supposed to revolutionize the format and provide a "counterweight" for those left-of-center politically. But there's another reason according to HLN host and "The View" panelist Joy Behar. In the usual fashion of…

Secularism's Drones 'Sting' Brit Hume

January 5th, 2010 10:30 PM
Editor's Note: The following is republished from a January 5 entry at Big Hollywood.On "Fox News Sunday", panelist Brit Hume offered a hopeful New Year’s message for the fallen Tiger Woods:  “Tiger Woods will recover as a golfer. Whether he can recover as a person, I think, is a very open question… the extent to which he can recover, it seems to me, depends on his faith. He’s said to be a…

Olbermann Derides 'Hume's Holy War,' Compares to 'Islamic Extremists

January 4th, 2010 10:30 PM
On Monday's Countdown show, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann slammed FNC's Brit Hume for advising Tiger Woods to convert to Christianity while appearing on yesterday's Fox News Sunday panel, where Hume has regularly appeared for years and contributed his opinions to the discussion in a way that differs from his manner of moderating discussions in a more neutral way when he used to host Special Report with…

Newsweek Recruits Porn Star to Mock Wives of Straying Politicians, Hei

November 23rd, 2009 3:47 PM

Olbermann Guest Dan Savage: Beck, Bachmann 'Actively' Trying to 'Get t

September 2nd, 2009 12:05 AM
Only on MSNBC, the network that prides itself as the "place for politics" could you see this type of anti-religion, anti-conservative vitriol. On MSNBC's Sept. 1 "Countdown with Keith Olbermann," host Keith Olbermann entertained the musings of Dan Savage, a syndicated sex columnist, author and gay-rights advocate about religious conservatives and their participation in public policy debate. "…

HBO's Potential New Star Reveled in Plan to Sicken GOP Hopeful Gary Ba

August 25th, 2009 2:19 PM
The first reaction to a story like this is get wrapped ’round the axle of HBO’s hypocrisy, so let’s get that out of the way: Of course no Republican who had behaved in the same manner as ”sex columnist” Dan Savage would get a shot at an HBO show. But there’s really no hypocrisy when you realize that Bill Maher’s network is waging ideological war. Through that prism of clarity, the network’s …

MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Portrays Sex Columnist as Expert on Catholic C

May 13th, 2009 5:42 PM
Anchor Andrew Mitchell presented radical homosexual activist Dan Savage, most famous for licking doorknobs in the campaign office of Republican Gary Bauer in an attempt to infect him with the flu, as an expert on the Catholic Church and Catholic issues during her MSNBC program on Wednesday afternoon. She introduced Savage, who writes a graphic sex-advice column called “Savage Love,” as the “…

Seattle Paper Publishers Pictures and Addresses of Homes With McCain S

November 1st, 2008 3:16 PM
**Update** 4PM 11/01/08 Like Obama, the folks that run The Stranger "newspaper" in Seattle are all about tolerance... as long as you believe the same things they believe. If you don't, well, then you deserve intimidation and a good "outing." just as Obama has tried to intimidate radio talk show hosts, just like he has tried to use the office of the Attorney General to quash political free speech…