
Liberal Media Distort JD Vance, Push Gun Control After Georgia Attack

September 15th, 2024 6:57 PM

In the aftermath of the school shooting near Winder, Georgia, the first week of September, CNN and MSNBC not only promoted more gun control without considering the evidence that arming teachers would make schools safer, but they also helped Democrats smear the GOP presidential ticket by taking out of context running mate J.D. Vance's comments about the attack.


CNN Promotes 'White Dudes for Harris' Video Call with David Hogg

July 30th, 2024 10:10 PM

On Monday's CNN Newsroom with Jim Acosta, fill-in host Pamela Brown devoted a segment to a liberal group called White Dudes for Harris, allowing one of CNN's favorite liberal guests, anti-gun activist David Hogg, to promote his involvement in the group.

Jonathan Capehart  David Hogg MSNBC The Sunday Show 7-10-22

Hogg Insists MSNBC Highland Park Shooter's a Racist, Not Mentally Ill

July 10th, 2022 3:52 PM

On Jonathan Capehart's MSNBC show, David Hogg suggests that the Highland Park shooting suspect was a white nationalist, although the law enforcement spokesman has said there is no evidence to that effect. Hogg and Capehart condemn Mitch McConnell for saying that mental health was the issue in the shootings. Hogg also blames redlining for the insufficient availability in minority communities of…


MSNBC Warns of More Shootings, Dead Children After SCOTUS Ruling

June 23rd, 2022 12:39 PM

After an initially tame reaction the Supreme Court’s ruling that said states cannot prohibit citizens from obtaining a concealed carry permit for self-defense provided they pass all the other criteria, MSNBC went off the rails in the 11:00 hour by warning of more shootings and dead children.


Andrea Mitchell Hails David Hogg for 'Really Effective Protests'

October 21st, 2021 9:54 AM

On Wednesday, in the wake of Parkland mass shooter Nikolas Cruz pleading guilty in court, MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell brought on Parkland gun-control activist David Hogg and praised him for increasing public support for more gun control. Like the older leftists, Hogg railed against the filibuster that has hindered Democrats from passing their agenda on gun control and other issues.


'NEWS'? CNN Invites David Hogg to Condemn Gun Owners as Racist Bigots

May 25th, 2021 9:56 AM

CNN Newsroom host Alisyn Camerota welcomed Parkland activist David Hogg on to the Monday show to discuss not only the need for gun control in response to gun violence over the weekend, but also gun purchases since the beginning of the year. For Hogg, people purchase guns because they are bigoted individuals who fear those who are different.

David Hogg Ditches Pillow Company Despite Media Hype

April 11th, 2021 5:56 PM

In February, David Hogg launched his new pillow company to media acclaim. In April Hogg announced he was leaving the company that pretty much died at birth.


‘Goosebumps’! CNN's Baldwin, Camerota Cheer Hogg Family, Push Gun Bans

May 14th, 2019 4:42 PM
At CNN, the once-proud network has ceased becoming a true news organization with a distinct line between anchors/hosts vs. analysts vs. commentators vs. reporters, but instead a place in which all groups provide up hot takes and snide remarks. And that was on display during Tuesday afternoons’s CNN Newsroom as host Brooke Baldwin and New Day’s Alisyn Camerota cheered the far-left activism of the…

Camerota Cites Debunked Poll on Universal Background Checks

January 9th, 2019 6:14 AM
On Tuesday's New Day show, CNN host Alisyn Camerota gave Parkland gun control activists David Hogg and Jaclyn Corin a forum to promote their agenda as she also repeated discredited polling which claims 97 percent of Americans want a "universal background check" law that would be applied to all gun purchases.

Behold the 10 Nuttiest Chris Matthews Utterances from an Unhinged 2018

December 25th, 2018 11:15 AM

It’s that time of the year as seemingly every news organization offers reflections on the top stories of 2018. But no year-in-review compilation would be sufficient for a site like this one without a post dedicated to the buffoonery offered to the masses by MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews. Following previous wrap-ups at the end of 2016 and 2017, 2018 offered dozens of possible nominees…

PolitiFact Hails Harsh Parkland Teen Leftists on 'Lie of the Year'

December 12th, 2018 8:01 AM
The "independent fact checkers" at PolitiFact displayed their liberal stripes again this week by hailing the liberal student activists of Parkland High School as their victimized heroes of their 2018 "Lie of the Year." The "online smear machine" that tired to "take down Parkland students" was singled out as the very worst. 

Michael Moore Takes David Hogg to Canada to Make a Fool of Himself

September 9th, 2018 10:40 AM
Beth Baumann at Townhall reported leftist filmmaker Michael Moore brought along David Hogg and other Parkland High liberal activists to the premiere of his new anti-Trump documentary Fahrenheit 11/9 at the Toronto International Film Festival. The film, designed to mobilize the Left to vote in the midterms, comes out on September 21. Hogg told the Canadian crowd they needed to get out and vote --…

New York Mag Goes Hogg Wild for Vulgar, NRA-Reviling Student Activist

August 21st, 2018 5:13 PM
Lisa Miller wrote an embarrassingly obsequious profile of the incredibly vulgar and aggressive anti-gun student activist David Hogg for the August 20 New York Magazine, as Hogg's 15 minutes of fame continues after the deadly school shooting in Parkland, Fla.: "Like so many young men in so many foxholes before him, Hogg discovered in himself a powerful drive not to leave this Earth without making…

NYT Does PR for Teens on Anti-Gun Tour Pushing Left-Wing Laundry List

August 16th, 2018 6:02 PM
Under the pretense of journalism, reporter Maggie Astor provided some public relations with the valuable New York Times-imprimatur for the children’s crusade for gun control (and a laundry list of made-up left-wing issues like “systems of oppression”) in Thursday’s lead National story, “Speakers, Students, Activists, Survivors – On the road with teenagers from the March for Our Lives.”