David Tyree

Media’s New NFL ‘Anti-Gay’ Target After Dungy: David Tyree
July 23rd, 2014 3:50 PM
It’s open season. Since the media attacked former NFL coach and NBC sports analyst Tony Dungy for saying he wouldn’t have picked openly gay player Michael Sam during the draft, the sports media now has its pitchforks and torches out for anyone in the NFL guilty of thought crimes. ESPN and CBS are going after David Tyree, a former New York Giants wide receiver (who’s miraculous “helmet catch”…

Media Lions Roar at Christian Athletes
September 6th, 2012 3:39 PM
During the first centuries of Christianity, Christians were thrown to lions in arenas to be jeered by mocking crowds. Today, Christian athletes face the taunts of a media strongly opposed to their faith.
No Christian athlete draws more media catcalls than New York Jets quarterback Tim Tebow. CBSChicago.com writer Dan Bernstein dismissed Tebow as “little more than an affable simpleton” and…

New York Sportswriter Attacked Black NFL Star as Brainless for Opposin
June 26th, 2011 7:30 PM
How far would a New York sportswriter get in his career if he mocked a black liberal football player for sounding like he was playing without a helmet (brain-damaged)? New York Daily News columnist Mike Lupica certainly feels safe trashing former NFL wide receiver David Tyree for opposing gay marriage:
On the sports pages we get the ex-Giant, David Tyree, who once made the greatest catch in…

Yahoo! Sports Blogger Tags Natl. Organization for Marriage As 'Anti-Ga
June 17th, 2011 12:50 PM
Updated with video of Tyree interview (see below page break)
Former pro football player David Tyree has dared come out publicly with his view that New York State should not grant same-sex marriage licenses.
For that view, disclosed in an interview with the "anti-gay group" the National Organization for Marriage, Tyree's "put his foot in his mouth" according to Yahoo! Sports blogger Doug…