PBS’s Washington Week Showers Hunter, Presidential Pop With Sympathy

June 27th, 2023 5:41 PM

The PBS weekly political roundtable Washington Week on Friday used Hunter Biden’s surprise appearance at a White House state dinner held for India’s prime minister to actually linger over the Hunter Biden controversy, who attended the dinner just days after news of his plea agreement with the Department of Justice. But the panelists didn’t express shock at the appearance of…


PBS: NPR Legal Scribe Claims Hunter Plea 'Somewhat Harsher' Than Usual

June 24th, 2023 8:58 PM

Hunter Biden, the controversial son of the president, pled guilty to two federal charges of tax fraud and a felony charge of gun possession on Tuesday, and that evening’s taxpayer-funded PBS News Hour proved itself eager to move along, dismissing Republican accusations of a cushy plea deal from his father’s Department of Justice, appealing to emotion by painting President Joe Biden as…


Silent as the Grave: ABC Ignores Hunter Implicating Joe in China Deal

June 23rd, 2023 3:07 PM

On Friday morning, ABC was the only broadcast network left that didn’t disclose to viewers that an IRS whistleblower had come forward with WhatsApp messages where Hunter Biden directly implicated President Biden in a business deal with a Chinese associate. It was CBS Morning that join NBC’s Today in highlighting the messages as bad news for Joe, who has long claimed he does…


CNN Is Annoyed About Republicans’ Reaction to Hunter Plea Deal

June 22nd, 2023 10:38 AM

Wednesday morning’s CNN News Central featured a slew of guests to complain about the Republican response to the specifics of the Hunter Biden plea deal, and to present their own opinions on the deal as well. Anchors Kate Bolduan and Sara Sidner brought on CNN senior legal affairs correspondent Paula Reid, “It’s Complicated” podcast host Renato Mariotti, former federal prosecutor Shan…


Nets Spend ZERO Seconds on Biden Burisma Bribery

June 22nd, 2023 10:20 AM

On June 8, a bombshell landed as Fox News reported that President Joe Biden had allegedly received $5 million dollars from an executive of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, the same company in which his son Hunter was involved. So how much time did the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC)…


IRONY: Avlon Fails Research, Accuses Fox Of Being Obsessed With Hunter

June 21st, 2023 12:23 PM

Senior political analyst John Avlon killed all irony on Tuesday’s CNN Tonight as he used some sketchy research to accuse Fox News of being obsessed with Hunter Biden. At the same time, Avlon sought to fact-check Republican claims that a legal double standard exists, but didn’t actually address the main point of the GOP’s allegations.


Networks Ignore FBI Refusing to Hand Over Biden Bribery Docs to Comer

June 5th, 2023 8:54 PM

On Monday, FBI Director Christopher Wray attempted to have it both ways when it comes to House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer’s (R-TX) subpoena by letting the committee see a document alleging then Vice President Biden was involved in a bribery scheme, while at the same time not handing it over. That didn’t fly with Comer who announced Monday that he will still seek to hold Wray in…

11 Nuevos escándalos de la familia Biden que las cadenas están CENSUR

May 15th, 2023 5:13 PM

A continuación se presentan 11 nuevos escándalos de la familia Biden que las cadenas de televisión están censurando:

1. La familia Biden recibió más de $1 millón de un oligarca rumano corrupto.
2. La CIA aceleró una carta falsamente afirmando que el portátil de Hunter Biden era parte de una operación rusa.
3. El senador Ron Johnson afirma tener pruebas de que Hunter pagó a…


11 Brand New Biden Family Scandals the Networks Are CENSORING

May 11th, 2023 11:12 AM

The following are 11 brand new developments in the Biden family corruption scandal the networks have censored.

WashPost Relays Democrat Groups Aiming to Trash Biden Buckraking Probe

December 11th, 2022 7:52 PM

The Page One story at top left of the Sunday Washington Post was headlined "Hunter Biden allies set to battle accusers." They report on a mostly anonymous pile of Democrats debating how to take down the Republican probes into Hunter's global buckraking off his father's name.


China or U.S.? Grassley Slams Twitter’s 2020 Election Interference

December 8th, 2022 3:15 PM

“Simply put, what they did is expected of communist China not the United States of America.” Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) slammed Twitter’s censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, revealed in the “Twitter Files,” as election interference.


​Prensa hispana rehúye informar de posibles cargos contra Hunter Biden

October 12th, 2022 5:05 PM

Los medios noticiosos en español por fin mencionaron al hijo del presidente Biden, Hunter, ello solo después de que The Washington Post compartiera la noticia de que los fiscales federales habrían reunido suficiente evidencia para acusarlo de mentir en una solicitud de compra de armas y por presunta evasión de impuestos.


Latino Media Reluctant to Report Potential Hunter Biden Charges

October 7th, 2022 5:44 PM

The nation´s Spanish-speaking media finally spoke about President Biden's son Hunter, mind you, but only after The Washington Post broke the news of federal prosecutors reportedly having gathered enough evidence to charge him for lying on a gun purchase application and for alleged tax evasion.


ABC Relents! Finally Notices Feds Poised to Charge Hunter Biden

October 7th, 2022 12:23 PM

ABC relented on Friday morning and covered the breaking news that Joe Biden’s son Hunter may be on the verge of federal criminal charges. After ignoring the latest on Thursday night, Good Morning America allowed 172 seconds. George Stephanopoulos warned at the top of the show: “Under pressure. The new report on the investigation into Hunter Biden on possible tax and other charges. It’s nearing…