Donald Trump

WATCH: CNBC’s Kernen Wrecks Scaramucci for Anti-Trump Grift
Anthony "The Mooch" Scaramucci, the founder and managing partner of investment management firm Skybridge, had to eat a huge serving of humble pie while on CNBC.

CNN's Acosta Frets Trump 'Radical Ultranationalist Agenda'
On Friday morning, CNN host Jim Acosta opened the show with a segment fretting over President-elect Donald Trump planning a "radical ultranationalist agenda" as he was joined by Democrat Congressman Brendan Boyle of Pennsylvania.

Election 2024: The Revenge of the ‘Fascist’
How will the media and Democratic pundits explain Vice President Kamala Harris’ stunning defeat? How will the media and Democratic pundits explain former President Donald Trump’s incredible recapture of the White House, the most improbable comeback since heavyweight champion George Foreman regained the title at age 45 having lost it 20 years earlier?

MSNBC Is Still Unable to Cope With Trump’s Gains Among Latinos
The brain worms at Regime propaganda outlet MSNBC are real and spectacular in the wake of Donald Trump’s decisive election victory. The multi-racial coalition that swept Trump back into power has left MSNBC seething, and unable to cope: particularly at the Latino shift.

CNN Reboots Old Trump-Era Classic: MUH NORMS
The shock of the scope and magnitude of President Elect Donald Trump’s victory have not yet worn off among the Regime Media. They’ve not yet completed their transition back to Resistance Media. But there are indeed signs that the transition is underway.

BITTER CROW: ABC’s Jon Karl Slogs Through Post-Election Editorial
As the dust settles on the 2024 election, the Regime Media is beginning to take inventory of the massive loss that it took. There may be reflection, but no introspection, as Jon Karl proves on ABC This Week.

Pre-Election Meltdown: 'Morning Joe' Frets Trump Will End Free Speech
Appearing as a guest on the Election Day edition of Morning Joe, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough joined contributor Michael Beschloss in fretting that a Donald Trump win would result in less freedom of speech. He also falsely asserted that Trump "said he was going to execute Liz Cheney," and put down MAGA Republicans, declaring that they "apparently didn't go to civics class."

FLASHBACK: Media (Wrongly!) Claimed GA Law Would ‘Restrict’ Voting
Three years ago, the liberal media trumpeted how a new Georgia law would “make it harder to vote,” “restrict voting rights” or amounted to “voter suppression.” This week’s record turnout showed those claims were utterly wrong.

The Liberal Media Re-Elect Trump
They couldn’t abide him. And they made no secret of it. The “they” here is the so-called “mainstream” media - aka in reality the liberal media.

Maher Downplays Inflation Concerns: 'Can We Shut Up About Bacon?'
According to The Dispatch’s Sarah Isgur, it is not so much that Republicans won on Tuesday as much as it is that Democrats lost as a result of liberal culture warring and economic incompetence. HBO Real Time host Bill Maher might have been willing to concede the first point, but not the second as he addressed inflation by asking, “Can we shut up about bacon?”

Capehart Attributes Trump Win To 'Racism and Sexism'
The passage of a few days to allow for more mature reflection after Election Day has not affected Washington Post associate editor Jonathan Capehart. On Friday’s PBS News Hour, Capehart attributed Donald Trump’s victory to “racism and sexism” and a list of other horribles that the country refuses to acknowledge.

Jim Jordan Roots Out ‘Digital Brownshirts,’ Government Collusion
The chickens are coming home to roost for the “digital brownshirts” at the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH).

Scott Jennings Completely BREAKS CNN Panel, Multiple Meltdowns Ensue
The left is still early into the multiple stages of grief resulting from the election of Donald Trump as the 47th President of the United States. The most recent panel discussion on CNN’s NewsNight with Abby Phillips put that post-electoral Trump derangement for the whole world to see.

Brent Bozell Endorses Free Speech Champion Brendan Carr for FCC Chair
MRC Founder Brent Bozell endorses Brendan Carr as the next FCC Chairman, urging President Trump to appoint him. Bozell praises Carr's commitment to free speech and his opposition to FCC actions under the Biden administration that he claims were aimed at censorship and corporate consolidation. Bozell believes Carr can restore public trust and enhance telecommunications access, advocating for…