Mika Brzezinski Joe Scarborough MSNBC Morning Joe 11-6-24

SO SAD: 'Mourning' Mika, Near-Tears McCaskill, Sharpton Blames 'Bias'

November 6th, 2024 11:09 AM

The morning after the election, "Mourning" Mika is dressed all in black. Claire McCaskill is near tears, saying Trump understood the electorate better than the Democrats, that "anger and fear" work, and that America's "better angels" have fled. Al Sharpton blames racial and gender bias, and says there's a lot of "misogyny" among black and Hispanic men.


Dickerson: Trump Won Due To a 'Nostalgia For a Past That Didn't Exist'

November 6th, 2024 9:53 AM

CBS chief political news correspondent John Dickerson was tasked on Wednesday’s CBS Mornings with explaining how Donald Trump pulled off his Grover Cleveland impression the previous night. As Dickerson tells it, the country had a “nostalgia for a past that didn't exist” and wondered if sexism had anything to do with it.


'F*** All': Daily Show Struggles To Cope With Trump Winning

November 6th, 2024 8:15 AM

It was not official that Donald Trump would win the presidential election during The Daily Show’s live taping on Tuesday night on Comedy Central, but the writing was on the wall as the assembled cast struggled to deal with the news as the guy with the bleep button got a workout.

Column: The Media Are Egotistical Exaggerators and Liars

November 6th, 2024 5:58 AM

The 2024 presidential campaign is ending pretty much where it began: loathing the never-ending presence of Donald Trump. On the day before the election, The New York Times front page displayed a gaudy editorial (disguised as “News Analysis”) under the title “Torrent of Lies Redefines Political Norms.” Doesn’t that sound like a hard-charging rerun of 2016?


PBS’s Capehart Wonders if America Has ‘Given Up on Democracy’

November 6th, 2024 5:23 AM

The Regime Media’s caterwauling over the election results began in earnest once it became evident that Vice President Kamala Harris would not prevail. In this case, Harris’s defeat is enough to suggest the end of democracy itself.   


MSNBC Hosts Blame White Women, 'Misinformation' for Kamala’s Defeat

November 6th, 2024 3:54 AM

One could detect a very real and very palpable vibe shift, if you will, at MSNBC once it became clear that Vice President Kamala Harris was not going to win the 2024 presidential election.


‘Could Not Out Run the Biden Economy’: CNN Seems Resigned to Trump Win

November 6th, 2024 1:02 AM

The writing was seemingly on the wall shortly before midnight on Election Day when CNN all but called the race for former President Trump. The so-called journalists were somber as they basically resigned themselves to a second Trump presidency; laughably admitting that Vice President Harris “could not out run the Biden economy” the media had been telling Americans they were too stupid to…


CBS MELTDOWN: Sad About Abortion Losing, Predicts MAGA ‘Violence’

November 5th, 2024 10:56 PM

Through the first three hours of CBS’s election night coverage, things were looking promising for Republicans and former President Trump, based solely on the reactions of the assembled liberal journalists, who seethed over Donald Trump as a “dark” figure spewing “lies about criminal migrants” and it being “factually untrue” they’re “pouring through our border” and ready to stir up “violence in…


CNN Is at a ‘Loss’ to Explain Georgia Independents Swinging to Trump

November 5th, 2024 8:35 PM

Multiple CNN journalists proved to the world that they were living in a liberal political silo Tuesday night, as they could not give a reason to explain why Georgia independent voters would swing 20 points from 2020 to now back former President Trump.


CNN Panel Erupts When Republican Notes Kamala Underwater in Exit Poll

November 5th, 2024 7:13 PM

For all intents and purposes Vice President Harris was the incumbent in 2024’s presidential election. So when CNN’s Tuesday night exit polling showed 72 percent of voters thought the country was on the wrong track, it wasn’t a good sign. And when Republican commentator David Urban pointed out that fact to the largely anti-Trump panel, they erupted in outrage and jumped down this throat.

Google Picking & Choosing Who Gets ‘Go Vote’ Reminders, Data Revealed

November 5th, 2024 6:45 PM

New data just revealed Google ratcheting up its election interference efforts using its “Go Vote” reminders in seven pivotal swing states.


The View Cheers Fake GOPer Voting for Kamala, Whoopi Wants Booth Toots

November 5th, 2024 3:44 PM

With it being Election Day, the liberal ladies of ABC’s The View turned Tuesday’s show into a collective therapy session as they tried to cope with the unknown results. They had to resort to celebrating the little victories; all of them cheering and clapping when faux conservative Alyssa Farah Griffin admitted she had voted for Vice President Harris. Then there was moderator Whoopi…

WashPost Columnist Stupidly Claims Voters Better Off Than 4 Years Ago

November 5th, 2024 2:56 PM

Americans struggling to pay bills? Record credit card debt? High grocery prices? Higher cost of living? No problem! A Washington Post columnist is idiotically claiming Americans are better off economically than they were four years ago. 


Google Makes Its Preference Clear, Rigs Search Results on Election Day

November 5th, 2024 2:44 PM

It is election day, and Google is still unrepentantly pushing leftist and legacy media on voters searching for the presidential race.