
ABC’s Chief Regime Sycophant Mary Bruce ‘Interviews’ Kamala Harris

October 31st, 2024 1:10 PM

In America, we'd like to think that we have a news media but, in fact, what we have is captured corporate propagandists passing themselves off to the public as news media. Anyone needing proof of this need look no further than ABC News Chief White Correspondent Mary Bruce’s interview, if we are to call it that, with Vice President Kamala Harris.

Kasie Hunt Donald Trump CNN This Morning 10-31-24

Kasie: Election Denier Trump Trying To Distract With Stunts!

October 31st, 2024 1:08 PM

Down to the last few days before the election, CNN's Kasie Hunt has dropped any pretense of even-handedness, and has let her pro-Kamala persona show. Three days ago, we caught Kasie saying that Trump-hater par excellence David Frum's attacks on Trump were "correct." Today, Hunt was clearly miffed by Trump's entertaining, attention-attracting moves of working in a McDonald's and riding shotgun…


UNBURDENED: CBS’s O’Donnell MAD About Trump’s Garbage Truck ‘Stunt’

October 31st, 2024 12:58 AM

With her tenure as anchor of the CBS Evening News coming to a close, Norah O’Donnell is now unburdened by what is, and is now openly and brazenly editorializing ahead of reporter packages. Former President Donald Trump’s response to President Joe Biden calling Trump supporters ‘garbage” was simply too much for O’Donnell to countenance.

New York Times Revels in Harris Tactic of Labeling Trump a Fascist

October 30th, 2024 10:05 PM

Despite its alleged concern for the decline of civility in politics, the New York Times is actually all in on political slander and name-calling lately -- when it’s in the service of defeating Donald Trump. For the second time in under two weeks, the paper reveled in the party’s new tactic of throwing the dirty word “fascist” at Trump to see if it would stick (not that they didn’t do…


CBS, NBC Admit Biden’s ‘Garbage’ Comment Was Bad News for Kamala

October 30th, 2024 6:57 PM

While ABC’s Good Morning America was off denying reality Wednesday that President Biden’s comment referring to Trump “supporters” as “garbage,” CBS Mornings and NBC’s Today were pained to admit he’s “undermin[ing]” and “drawing attention away from Kamala Harris’s closing message” by “courting controversy” with an “unforced error.”


ABC Pampers Walz, CBS Grills Him on Biden’s ‘Garbage’ Smear, Abortion

October 30th, 2024 4:50 PM

Democratic vice presidential nominee and Governor Tim Walz (D-MN) surfaced Wednesday morning for two different broadcast network news interviews that couldn’t have been any more different between ABC’s Good Morning America and CBS Mornings. While ABC co-host and former George Stephanopoulos kissed up to Walz with a campaign strategy session, CBS held him to account for…


Google Offers Users Firehose of Leftist Media on Election Coverage

October 30th, 2024 4:18 PM

Google continues to go to great lengths to block users from seeing any right-of-center media outlets on 2024 presidential election news. 

Joe Scarborough Jonathan Lemire MSNBC Morning Joe 10-30-24

Scarborough Tries To Laugh Off Biden Calling Trump Supporters GARBAGE

October 30th, 2024 1:57 PM

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough tries to laugh off Joe Biden having called Trump supporters "garbage." Scarborough puts on a big, fake, smile and chuckles in reaction.

MSG Poisoning? PBS Guest Flips Out, Predicts Trump Concentration Camps

October 30th, 2024 1:01 PM

Monday evening’s PBS News Hour devoted its first 11 minutes of news -- two full segments -- to bashing Donald Trump’s long rally at Madison Square Garden in the heart of his hometown of New York City. White House reporter Laura Barron-Lopez actually led with criticism from his Democratic rival Kamala Harris, not news about the rally itself.


Daily Show To Trump-Supporting Latinos: Trump Will Still Deport You

October 30th, 2024 12:45 PM

Voto Latino CEO Maria Teresa Kumar journeyed to Comedy Central and The Daily Show on Tuesday to warn any Latino thinking of voting for Trump that their vote will not save them because Trump and his friends simply want to deport brown people.


Nothing to See! ABC Tries to Downplay Biden Calling Trumpers ‘Garbage’

October 30th, 2024 12:29 PM

More than any broadcast network newscast (aside from its evening counterpart, World News Tonight), ABC’s Good Morning America has circled the wagons on a daily basis for the Biden-Harris regime like their livelihoods depend on it. Wednesday saw them take it to another level by dismissing President Biden’s Tuesday night remarks that Trump “supporters” are “garbage” by lamenting “…


Wallace Claims Voting For Harris 'Feels Like An Emergency'

October 30th, 2024 10:00 AM

MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace traveled to NBC and Late Night with Seth Meyers on Tuesday to brag about not voting for her boss, John McCain, in 2008 while simultaneously claiming the Trump-era party is so irredeemable that Tuesday’s election “is the first nonpartisan” one her lifetime and that voting for Harris constitutes an “emergency.”


No Laughing Matter: 98% of ‘Comedy’ Show Campaign Jokes Target Trump

October 30th, 2024 9:20 AM

During the fall presidential campaign, a Media Research Center study found that hosts of the late-night "comedy" shows told a total of 1,463 jokes about Donald Trump and Kamala Harris -- but 1,428 of them were about Trump, and only 35 were about Harris. That's a whopping 40:1 ratio or almost 98 percent to 2 percent.

Column: The Amusing Kerfuffle Over The Washington Post Non-Endorsement

October 30th, 2024 6:04 AM

It’s deliriously funny that The Washington Post jumped into a cauldron of boiling angst by refusing to endorse Kamala Harris for president. The decision is deeply weird. It’s like McDonald’s declining to advocate for hamburgers.